Chris A. Jackson has quickly become one of my favorite authors. And with this new offering in the Pathfinder Tales line, it’s easy to see why. I can't praise this book enough. Each of Jackson's "Pirate's..." novels thus far have been amazing. Gripping stories, all, from start to finish.
Pirate’s Prophecy is yet another book that underscores the old adage not to judge a book solely by its cover. Sure, there’s all the the charm, wit, swash, and buckle one could expect from nautical fantasy. But into this heady mix Jackson injects a healthy dose of intrigue, suspense, and mystery. You get lots of high adventure on the high seas just as advertised. But also just enough plotting, scheming, and espionage to spice things up.
Pirate’s Prophecy starts up a little after where Pirate’s Promise leaves off, with Torius, Celeste, and Vreva up to their necks in intrigue. Much like the other books in the series, the narrative shifts back and forth between these three to give a more complete picture of the unfolding plot. Each of the characters have come a long way from where they were when we first met them. And it’s been exciting to how that’s affected their decisions throughout this book.
There’s a point in the story (no spoilers - you’ll know it when you get to it) when something just snaps and the story accelerates into overdrive, the stakes get higher, and things get super deadly. And then, just when you think the conflict’s been resolved and the narrative will mellow out, things launch into even more dire circumstances.
All this leads to a climax as epic as any I’ve experienced in any fantasy novel. A scene as memorable as they come. The kind that, if it happened to your gaming group, you’d be talking about for years.
If you’ve enjoyed either of the two of Jackson’s previous Pathfinder Tales books, definitely pick this one up. If you haven’t yet experienced the adventures of Torius, Celeste, and the crew of the Stargazer: do yourself a favor and pick up all three books. I promise you’ll love it.