
Mellok's page

Organized Play Member. 180 posts (217 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.

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I recently service myself the challenge of building a Medium that was effective, fun to play, and true to the class concept.  To find a single build that will work for all spirits requires limiting the focus of each.  As I dislike both the location requirements and prepared spell casting I have chosen to use the Relic Channeler.  This character should do well as the party face, minor buffer, support damage.


The Build

Halfling 20 point buy Fleet Footed

Str:10 Con:14 Dex:16 Int:13 (14 at 4th) Wis:10 Char:16


1st Weapon Finesse FCB skill point

Skills: Diplomacy 1, Sense Motive 1, Perception 1, Spellcraft 1, Umd 1, Linguistics 1


Medium 0:Prestidigitation, Detect Magic

Arch mage 0: Acid splash, Mending 1:Magic Missle, Magic Weapon

Hierophant 0: Create water, Mending 1: Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Cure light after 6th

Champion EWP Whip, EWP Scorpion Whip

Tricksters edge: Disable Device, Acrobatics, Stealth


2nd FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Arcana 1, Religion 1, Planes, Heal 1, Bluff 1


Medium 0: Guidance


3rd Exotic Weapon Proficiency Scorpion Whip FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Sense Motive 2, Sense Motive 3, Diplomacy 2, Diplomacy 3, Linguistics 2


Medium 0: Stabilize


4th +1 int FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Sense Motive 4, Diplomacy 4, Linguistics 3, Linguistics 4, Perception 2, Perception 3


Medium 1: Long Arm, Silent Image

Arch Mage 2: Scorching Ray, Alter Self

Hierophant 2: Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Cure Moderate


5th TWF FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Diplomacy 5, Sense Motive 5, Linguistics 5, Perception 4, Perception 5, Bluff 2


Medium 0: Fey Aspect 1: Unseen Servent


6th FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Diplomacy 6, Sense Motive 6, Linguistics 6, Perception 6, Bluff 3, Bluff 4


Medium 1: Expetious Retreat


7th Piranha Strike FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Diplomacy 7, Sense Motive 7, Linguistics 7, Perception 7, Bluff 5, Bluff 6


Medium 0: Grave Words 2: Haste, Invisibility

Arch Mage 3: Fireball, Dispelled Magic

Hierophant 3: Stone Shape, ?, Cure Serious


8th +1 dex FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Diplomacy 8, Sense Motive 8, Linguistics 8, Perception 8, Bluff 7, Bluff 8


Medium 2: Mirror Image


9th ITWF FCB 1/3 seance bonus

Skills: Diplomacy 9, Sense Motive 9, Linguistics 9, Perception 9 Bluff 9, UMD 2


Medium 1: ? 2: ?


There are still some holes to fill but using mithril BP and 2 agile Scorpion whips should make for a build with lots of options.  The questions I have are, does arch mage suffer arcane spell failure and does relic Channeler get to pick a different skill for the trickster seance bonus or is that set too?

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My primary question is, "How does Telekinetic blast interact with items that trigger when broken or make contact with something?"

I do not know how to apply the damage of splash weapons. I see it as one of the following

1) If you hit with Telekinetic Blast then the flask also hits the target. (in my opinion this would only work if you did the loose aether throw i.e. 1d6 flask + con physical)

2) If you hit with Telekinetic Blast then the flask is destroyed on the aether but said aether also protects the target from the direct hit but does allow splash damage as normal to it and all adjacent squares. (I think this is how I will run it)

3) If you hit with Telekinetic Blast then the flask is destroyed and is completely contained be aether during the action and the splash is harmlessly contained. (This might be correct but it is boring.)

I think this may be enough for now, I hate to water down my questions.

I am looking at starting up a Dwarven Battle Host Occultist for PFS. My thought is to go 16str 16con 12dex 12wis 15int 5cha and take stone plate as my free MW item. Pair the armor with 12dex and a heavy shield you have 22ac at level 1 within starting budget. My intent is also to use a dwarven waraxe and perhaps have an oversized one to use 2 handed.

The real challenge I am running into is how to manage the super low number of spells known. One implement school to start with and a second at second then not a third till 10th level I will have next to no spells. Transmutation is going to be a given as the initial focus but I want both enlarge person and lead blades but I would also like evocation to add some versatility.

Is there anyway anyone can think of getting additional spells as a dwarf?

I am thinking of different ways to use the Aether Kineticist. I tend to be the power gamer of the group so I am looking for something that has a lot of flexibility but a low power ceiling to make up for my lack of self control.

The Aether Kineticist has a great many tools for battle field control while still having a very interesting damage mechanic. One of the most effective if basic combos I can see is using Telekinetic Haul to move melee fighters within 5ft steps of targets and moving troubled allies out of harms way. So my question is, is there anything to prevent me from using telekinesis modified by telekinetic haul to move willing living allies, which quickly leads to what about unwilling targets.

Your thoughts are appreciated.

I am working on an idea for a monk build and I feel like I'm missing something. I don't know how to finish the build out or what magic items will help this build other than a monks robe and potions of enlarge person. The primary weakness is the obvious one that eventually tripping targets will become nearly impossible and the damage will massively suffer. I am thinking that vital strike may be a good way to wrap up the build for targets that cannot be tripped.

Marid Style Qinggong Maneuver Master of the Four Winds

Race: Human
15 Point
(Don't play monk at 15 pt)
20 Point
Str:18 (16+2) Con:14 Dex:14 Int:9 Wis:14 Cha:7
25 Point
Str:18 (16+2) Con:14 Dex:15 Int:10 Wis:15 Cha:7

LvL 1: +0Bab +2fort +2ref +2wil
Human Feat: Combat Reflexes
Lvl 1 Feat: Vicious Stomp
Monk Bonus Feat: Improved Trip
Elemental Fist: 1d6
Unarmed Strike: 1d6
Flurry of Maneuvers

Lvl 2: +1Bab +3fort +3ref +3wil
Monk Bonus Feat: Improved Bullrush

Lvl 3: +2Bab +3fort +3ref +3wil
LvL 3 Feat: Ki Throw
Maneuver Defense
+10ft enhanced movement

Lvl 4: +3Bab +4fort +4ref +4wil
Unarmed Strike: 1d8
Reliable Maneuver
+1 Wis
Ki Strike Magic
Ki Pool

Lvl 5: +3Bab +4fort +4ref +4wil
Elemental Fist: 2d6
Meditative Maneuver
Lvl 5 Feat: Marid Style
Quiggong Barkskin trade for High Jump

Lvl 6: +4Bab +5fort +5ref +5wil
Monk Bonus Feat: Greater Trip
+20ft enhanced movement

Lvl 7: +5Bab +5fort +5ref +5wil
Lvl 7 Feat: Improved Ki Throw
Wholeness of Body
Ki Strike Silver/Cold Iron

Lvl 8: +6Bab +6fort +6ref +6wil
Unarmed Strike: 1d10
+1 Wis if 20pt or +1 dex if 25pt

Lvl 9: +6Bab +6fort +6ref +6wil
LvL 9 Feat: Vital Strike?
Improved Evasion
+30ft enhanced movement

Lvl 10: +7Bab +7fort +7ref +7wil
Elemental Fist: 3d6
Monk Bonus Feat:
Ki Strike Lawful

Lvl 11: +8Bab +7fort +7ref +7wil
Sweeping Maneuver
Lvl 11 Feat:

Lvl 12: +9Bab +8fort +8ref +8wil
Slow Time
Unarmed Strike 2d6:
+40 enhanced movement
+1 Strength

Lvl 13: +9Bab +8fort +8ref +8wil
Diamond Soul
Lvl 13 Feat:

Lvl 14: +10Bab +9fort +9ref +9wil
Monk Bonus Feat:

Lvl 15: +11Bab +9fort +9ref +9wil
Elemental Fist: 4d6

Lvl 15 feat:
+50 enhanced movement

Lvl 16: +12Bab +10fort +10ref +10wil
Whirlwind Maneuver
Unarmed Strike 2d8:
+1 Strength
Ki Strike Adamantine

Lvl 17: +12Bab +10fort +10ref +10wil
Aspect Master: Monkey or Tiger
Tongue of the sun and moon
Lvl 17 Feat:

Lvl 18: +13Bab +11fort +11ref +11wil
Monk Bonus Feat:
+60 enhanced movement

Lvl 19: +14Bab +11fort +11ref +11wil
Empty Body
Lvl 19 Feat:

Lvl 20: +15Bab +12fort +12ref +12wil
Elemental Fist: 5d6
Unarmed Strike 2d10:
+1 Strength

Looking at the two classes I feel that there will be a real opportunity to combine them to make a sneaky unarmed dex based combatant with a strong skill base.

The key features I see are:
1) dex to hit an damage for unarmed at level 3 rogue
2) pressure points ninja trick for 1 strength or dex damage stacking per hit that gets sneak attack
3) debilitating strike options
4) 2 sneak attack dice
5) New flurry could be stronger than the old flurry
6) Wis to AC
7) Improved Unarmed damage
8) Style Strikes namely flying kick or elbow strike +enforcer+shatter D

Looking at all of this I am not sure the best way to combine it or if it even should be. Assuming starting from level 2 as a PFS character how would you guys build it? Would brawler work better than monk?

I had an idea to see if I could combine Swashbuckler with flurry class to make better use of precise strike. Monk sadly just does not work too well and warpriest sacred fist is 2 levels of monk without the bonus feats. Most importantly though Monk and warpriest flurry does not count as having the TWF chain even when you flurry.

Brawler on the other hand does count as having the twf chain when you flurry and taking the feats increases your iterative attacks. In addition martial flexibility is always useful. For this build I was thinking either power attack or lunge as the most common choices.

Final note is that this build will focus on using shatter defenses and menacing swordplay to get the later iterative attacks to land. Double Chicken Saber is the only 1 hand slashing monk weapon you can have without EWP and it is still 19-20 which is ok if not optimal for a SWB.

Str: 13 Con:14 Dex:20(15+2racial+1lvl4+2enhancement) Int:10 Wis:10 Char:14

Initiative: +7 (5dex+2SWBinit)

AC: 23 (10+5AB+5dex+2shield+1dodge) Touch: 16 (10+5dex+1dodge) Flat: 17 (10+5AB+2shield)

Fort: 8(4base+2con+2en) Ref: 15(8base+5dex+2en) Will: 3(1base+2en)or 5 mind effecting

1: SWB-1: SWB Finesse, WF DCS, SLG DCS
2: Brawler-1: Martial Flexibility (usually Power Attack)
3: Brawler-2: Dazzling Display, CR, Flurry TWF
4: SWB-2:
5: SWB-3: Steadfast Personality, Nimble +1, Menacing Swordplay
6: SWB-4: Shatter Defenses
7: SWB-5: SWB Imp Crit, ITWF with Flurry Only

Acrobatics, Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive

+1 Answering Adamanting Double Chicken Saber: 11012gp
+1 Mithril Chain Shirt: 2100gp
+1 Buckler: 1155gp
+2 Cloak of Resistance: 4000gp
+2 Dex Belt: 4000gp

Single attack:
+12 (7bab+5dex+1WF+1en-2PA)
1d6+15 (5dex+1en+4PA+5PS)

+10 1d6+15 Menacing Swordplay Swift intimidate
+10 1d6+15 Shatter Defenses
+5 1d6+15 vs Flat Footed
+5 1d6+15 vs Flat Footed

+17 (7bab+5dex+1WF+5en-2PA)
1d6+19 (5dex+5en+4PA+5PS)

I am looking at building a character either to run as a helpful NPC in my game or a catch all character in a game of non-optimizers. The basic concept I am going for is a 1 Vanilla Swashbuckler / 12+ Sanctified slayer inquisitor with the feather domain. This build is insanely MAD, like all 6 are important enough to prevent dumping any of them.

This character will have fairly high defenses and saves with parry/repost and dodge from SWB as well as dex to hit, CE with charisma, and martial weapon Prof. Sanctified Slayer will bring SA and studied target as well as opening up ranger weapon styles at level 8/9. Feather domain + Boon Companion + Combat Expertise + Pack Flanking will allow for nearly 100% uptime on SA and Studied Target. 7 skills per level plus every skill other than UMD, DD and Handle Animal as class skills and good supporting stats will open up a lot of skill monkey challenges. All rounded out with a buffer/healer spell list.

Race: Human
Stats (20 point buy) Str:10 Con:14 Dex: 16(18) Int:10 Wis:14 Charisma: 14
Skills: Lots, party specific either perc/surv/stealth/K-Na, Dipl/Bluff/SM/K-loc, or K-A/K-D/K-PL/Kn-R with Handle animal and a lesser mixture of the rest.

Feats and class features:
1st: Lvl1:TWF, Human:CE, SWB1:Weapon Finesse, Martial Weapon Proficiency
2nd: INQ1: Feather Domain, Medium Armor, Light and Heavy Shields
3rd: Lvl3: Imp Shield Bash
4th: INQ3:Precise Strike
5th: LvL5: Boon Companion, Level 5 AC, SS +1d6 SA, Precise Strike changes to Pack Flanking
6th: INQ5: ST to +2 and BANE
7th: LvL7: Double Bane, INQ6: Opportunist
8th: SS 2d6 SA, swift ST
9th: Slayer Talent: LvL 2 Ranger Shield Style: Shield Slam?, Lvl9: Extra Slayer: Lvl 6 Ranger Shield Style Shield Mastery
10th: INQ9: Lookout?
11th: Lvl 11:ITWF, SS 3d6 SA, ST to +3
12th: A gap? Inconceivable
13th: Lvl 13: Extra Slayer: LvL 10 ranger: Bashing Finish, INQ12: Team Awesome, GREATER BANE

Fighting Style: Either Rapier main hand and a spiked light shield offhand, both dex to hit, or Heavy Spiked Shield of Bashing main hand and a short sword offhand. Both heavy and Light spiked shields are 1hand or light piercing weapons so should work with swashbuckler finesse. After getting Shield mastery but before bashing finish the heavy shield combo would be best and even after it still may be the best option.

Issues I can see:
1:Without Agile Maneuvers my shield slam bull rush will only work against wizards and children.
2:I want all the skills but I can’t have them.
3:Encumbrance will need to be watched.
4:With so many overlapping rules layers I’m sure I missed something.
5:Repost/Parry Main hand shield slam free bull rush is a terrible name for an action.

Please lend my your thoughts on how to improve the fit, function and form of this build with quotes from at least 3 suppliers in the standard format powerpoint.

I am looking at joining a new home-brew campaign and I am looking for a for a very versatile character that can fill just about any party roll in a pinch. I know next to nothing about the campaign world or my fellow party members, with the exception that murder-hobos are frowned upon as is over specialization.

The class/archetype combination that caught my eye is the Nature Fang Druid. Full druid casting, full animal companion with slayer talents every even level except 2nd which equate to Ranger Weapon styles. The character will be pretty darn MAD as I wish to have trap finding and disarming, standard druid skills, respectable melee, good AC, ability to cast all my spells, specifically healing, and adequate HP.

My plan is to make this partially work by focusing on Strength, Con and Wis without truly dumping Dex or Int. I will focus on using sword and board ranger style to get Shield Slam and Shield mastery by 6th and pick up the Trap finding slayer talent at either 4th or 5th. This should give me a fully functional character by level 6 which just gets stronger from there.

Human (15 point buy)
Str 15(16 at 4th) dex 10 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 14(16) Char 7

Skills maxed Perc, DD, heal, survival, Kn Na, Spell craft

Human: TBD
1st: Imp Shield Bash
3rd: TBD
4th: Shield Slam or Trap Finding
5th: Extra Slayer Talent: Shield Slam or Trap Finding
6th: Shield Mastery

What I am unsure on is:
1). As a druid do I need to take Martial Weapon proficiency Heavy Spiked Shield to shield bash?
2). Can the spike on a spiked shield be metal or would that trigger druid shenanigans? Metal Weapons are ok but armor is not and the spike is a martial weapon.
3). Can I cleave with a shield bash?
4). What suggestions do you all have for the Human and 3rd level feats.

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