Loris Raknian

Meleren's page

11 posts. Alias of Phillip Goettsch.



"Safe or not, its all we know." States Meleren flatly.


"It would be advisable for us to await their return, but pressing that panel should cause the door to open." Says Meleren moving to cover the door and Shechera with his crossbow.


Meleren shows Emmett the trinket, but keeps it about his neck. "Sure."

Emmett notes that the trinket is a non-descript amulet of tin.


"Yes, the treasure in the big locked box up there was this simple tin badge. Pretty worthless trinket to send you in for." Says Meleren showing the badge around his neck.

"So any idea how to get us out here?"


Replying to Tetchy, Meleren says; "Harlo found his own fate when he fled from the machine man. You ask me he should have followed us. We had no idea of his fate until you told us."

Kalista continues to explore the newest area, unaware that the bandits did not hear her comments.


"Yes, that's the one." Meleren says without emotion. "You say Harlo died from the hammer trap? He shouldn't have run." He adds looking to the woman.


"Yeah, and that dagger from the puzzle room. Pretty meager loot." Adds Meleren pointing out the tin badge he is wearing about his neck. It has obvious Pathfinder styling.


"You would help us leave this place?" The man asks in a monotone voice.


"I'm not sure your right in the head son. What about them other boots that followed you down the stairs? Show yourselves." He part demands and part requests. His manner is very cold and it makes it near impossible for Braugher to gauge the mans motives.


Is that diplomacy or a confusion spell. You met him first and I do need a diplomacy check here. You may also give me a Sense Motive check if you so desire.

The man lowers the crossbow a fraction, but you can see he might be willing to talk if given the chance. The woman nudges him slightly; to which the man seems to ignore her.

"I'm not real sure what you just said, but your hands are empty. How did you come here?" The man asks sounding tougher than he looks.


Assuming Kynn wants to keep pace with the group, I have placed him in the rear open position.

As Braugher checks around the corner he is met with a grunt and a question; "Who goes there? Do you control these things?"

The voice is gruff and on edge and it's owner has a heavy crossbow aimed your way.