MegaPlasticMan's page

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Artanthos wrote:
Look up the rules for the lich's negative energy touch attack.

It contains the following info...

'A lich can take a full-round action to infuse itself with this energy, healing damage as if it had used its touch attack against itself'

Which to me implies that usually, negative enery attacks cannot be used to heal undead (yes, I know it's not very conclusive, but why bother stating it if the lich could normally just attack itself to heal with a standard action instead of using the full-round action mentioned in the quote?).

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
The 1d6 negative energy from a wraith attack should absolutely be healing other undead.

That was what I originally thought but that would mean that a wraith could heal itself by hitting itself. The lich creation rules specifically mention that a lich can use its own touch to heal itself which would imply an exception to a general rule where this is not the case. I could not find any mention of this with regard to wraiths though.

ShadowcatX wrote:
This exact thing has been hashed out before. I don't recall what exactly was said, but I'm sure you could find it with a quick forum search.

I did try a search but the results I found all seemed to be related to dhampirs and the 'negative energy affinity' ability, so I posted what I thought was a new question.

In the undead creature type rules it says that 'negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures'

Does it mean that all negative energy types heal undead and it's just using the inflict spell as an example of negative energy, or does it mean that only negative energy spells that specifically mention healing undead in the spell description will heal undead?

This questions came up because we're currently playing a game where we had some wraiths on our side and we wondered what would happen if they were used to attack some other undead, as their melee attack mentions negative energy.

We already know that by RAW negative energy doesn't automatically heal undead as an evil cleric can channel negative energy to harm living and undead in the area would not be affected at all, so can I have some opinions or rules that clear this up?


Come on rules fiends - I couldn't decide between fiends and friends :) - where are you when I need you? :)


Just a quicky... Ice golems are healed by cold spells and can gain temporary hit points if they exceed their maximum. I know that this can't be used to pump up their hit points infinitely as the effect from the same source wouldn't stack but, how long would these temporary hit points last if, for example, the spell ice storm, was used to heal it when on maximum?

I can't find anything about the duration of this type of temporary hit points, only spells that are really designed to give temporary hit points seem to include a duration, e.g. vampiric touch.


Thanks for the clarification. I was hoping that there was some way that I'd failed to spot to use it to buff my own character's skills/attacks, but I do understand the usefulness of buffing others as suggested.



The diviner's fortune ability from the divination specialist school says that it's a standard action to use, giving a +1 to attack rolls, skills, etc and lasts for 1 round. I feel like i'm missing something here in that if I cast it using my standard action then I won't be able to use the +1 to attack/use a skill as the duration will expire before my next turn.

I'm assuming that it's meant to be used on the attacks/skills etc on my next turn, not during the one in which i use it.

Can anyone clear this up for me?


Hi all

I understand that when casting a spell that targets a person/creature, the caster needs to be able to see the target, but I'm not sure if this restriction is also true for area effect spells, e.g. can a fireball can be cast from outside a darkness spell right in to the middle of it or can it only be cast up to the edge? Would there be some sort of concealment miss chance in that example?


Forces close on my (very low-end) HTC Desire too.

So it seems that I didn't miss a discription as there isn't one and, because there is nothing written in the rules, there is no visible/aural effect. Thanks all.

Tom Baumbach wrote:
You've spent the movement, even though you didn't make the turn. If you've movement left, proceed how you please.

That's interesting and I quite like it, but it does make me wonder how any character would ever collide with another object (and that is expicitly mentioned in the rules) if they can just sit there spending movement until they succeed in the change direction check.

Maerimydra wrote:
Are you the GM in this game?

I am the GM and I'm happy to make a rule in situations when required, I just wanted to check that I wasn't house-ruling for something that already existed and I had missed.


Just wondering if the burst effect of channel energy healing has any visible effect (other than the cleric etc presenting his holy symbol). Just wondering as the cleric in our game wanted to do this while sneaking in the dark.



On the flying maneuvers table it states that you have to do a check to turn greater than 45° by spending 5 feet of movement. Is this check required only if your the total direction changes are greater than 45°, i.e. you could make many 45° changes without a check, or do you have to do it once you have exceeded 45° in one round?

Also, when you fail the check and have wings you might fall, if you don't have wings do you continue on in a straight line? Can you attempt the turn again once you've moved one square. The rules for trying again at the fly skill state that you can try again the following round so it sounds like once you fail in a round, that is it for turning.

Quite confused, so thanks in advance for any feedback.