Zokar Elkarid

Medvejonok's page

Organized Play Member. 81 posts (88 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.

When I go to people's profile page, the links to "Send Private Message" and "Add to Address Book" are not there.

I have a few private messages back and forth with other people that those other people have initiated, but there is no way for me to initiate exchange of messages.

My account is many years old, but I have few posts on the forums - is that why? Do I need to post more on the forums to unlock this feature?

Here is a screenshot example of what it looks like when I bring up someone's profile page: link to Sharaya's page


So I have a Discord server set up, and we can use that if you guys prefer.

-you can go back and edit posts more than just an hour or so after posting it.
-you can even delete posts
-can insert pictures right into chat (on paizo forums you can link pictures)
-you can use custom avatars

It’s a sunny New Year’s Day as the Alceste pulls into port - an auspicious day for new ventures, or so tradition holds.

As the captain settles matters with the harbormaster, the crew begin unloading goods they’ve carried over from Seeheath, Veda: Pefield wines, livestock from Ampdale, books from publishers in Rhaley and Ustone, and even a few mercenaries from Beadon.

Many passengers disembark as well. Mostly people from humbler walks of life, looking for a new start in the colonies, but a few well dressed passengers get priority treatment: sailors lay down a sturdy gangway and carry their excessive luggage for them to the end of the docks where porters await to take luggage and passengers up the road that runs first to the East, then switches back to the West, the finally East again as it climbs the steep hill away from the Harbor district up to finer lodgings in Carisport propper.

But of special note on this voyage is a small group of passengers who are arriving here in Carisport for a peculiar new venture. A brave crew of intrepid young scholars, sent by The Blue Lantern Society to dig into Orona’s history. Led by old maps and old knowledge, adventurous explorers have pinpointed the remains of ancient town. The explorers confirmed and sold the claim to the Colonial Explorers’ Guild, who then sold it to The Blue Lantern Society, and now the young scholars, along with their escorts, have arrived to begin the journey by foot to these old ruins to see if they can find enough to inspire the imaginations of readers of The Blue Lantern.

Eevi Greengallow


Eevi has never been in Carisport before, even though it’s not terribly far from Riverhall - about four and a half days. Her upbringing, as is not uncommon for her clan, involved plenty of travelling with various family or clan members between the villages and many farms in the North East parts of the colonies.

The recruiter, a green eyed blond bearded man who visited the Greengallow clan in Riverhall, did not specify when exactly the expedition would arrive in Carisport, so she arrived a couple days ago and has been staying with her cousin’s family. What was that visit like?

Eevi stands at the top of the steep hill overlooking the harbor to the South where she recognizes the flag of the Alceste. Moments ago a runner arrived with a message that the expedition has arrived in port. Her backpack slung over her shoulder, she takes in the scene, takes a deep breath, and readies herself to head down toward a whole new kind of adventure.



in progress...



in progress...

Tura Flamescale


in progress...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Looking for 4 players for a Play By Post game in a homebrew setting.

Players will take on the roles of characters in the young colonies on the continent of Orona, recently settled by the mostly human island nation of Veda. The continent's previous civilizations collapsed nearly a thousand years ago after nature went on a rampage. Brave colonists are attempting to retake the land, unsure of many of the challenges that will face them. Will give special consideration to a good scholar/archaeologist character concept who will then get a say in what other characters are selected.

More information about the setting here: overview of setting.

Be ready to communicate. If I have to put in work hounding you about getting ready for the campaign or posting regularly, I will get grumpy. I will of course be available to answer questions and help people prepare.

We will use Discord to post, chat, and roll.

Character Creation:


  • Any paizo classes, no guns (not for balance, but for story reasons)
  • Core races only, please. If you can present an interesting story why they would be in a mostly human, xenophobic settlement then I might also be open to standard races.
  • 20 point buy
  • Level 1, average starting wealth for your class

Alignment: I don’t demand that every character be a total saint, but this is a campaign about a group of like minded people voluntarily making a group with time to consider whom to trust, so I will expect your characters to lean a little more towards the good and heroic side of things. Anything else would be a character the others couldn’t trust and would have no reason to team up with.

Disruptive players will be replaced - I don’t like putting up with difficult people, and I don’t like making good players put up with difficult people.

Will make final choice of players by the 31st of Dec 2018.

To apply, post link to proposed character here with a concisely written backstory. Extra points to players whose backstory does not involve the tragic loss of their family. Extra extra points to players whose backstory demonstrates they are a 1st level character who does not have heaps of experience fighting their way through the hoards that brought about the above tragic loss of their family.