NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median tags along after the guard that is threatening Margarette. Even though they had gone off by themselves against her advice, she wasn't going to let her best friend get beheaded or something if she could stop it. Now wasn't the time to step in, but perhaps when they were before this queen. If Margarette couldn't talk her way out of it herself of course, which was quite possible, and worth seeing if so. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() That answer seems pretty evasive to me, so I suppose I will have to refrain. Too bad. Unable to trust Pine for a straight answer was disappointing, but not unexpected... and thinking of people that she could trust, she looked around for Margarett. Had she made it, or gotten lost? Median went to a dessert table, chose a pastry that looked like a cherry turnover, tasted a tiny bit of the frosting, and then headed back with her plate towards the entrance to see if she could spot her. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Thank you, I will keep that in mind Median says when advised about the food, and then, when asked about the missing people, she says I have no way of knowing that, because I don't know the boundaries or the method of delineating domains. Perhaps this is something that you can instruct me about when we have more time? Is there a way to find out where they went? I do have the mirror from the tent of one of them... I wonder if that would offer any insight? We can't solve everything in one day though. I'll go check out the party, and be careful when eating. I don't suppose... is there any danger in dancing? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Waiting politely for Lionel and Ranveer to finish, Median then asks Pine Will eating or drinking here have a detrimental effect on any of us? And will you introduce me to the queen, if it is allowed? I am guessing that is who we need to negotiate with in order to find out what happened to our people and possibly get them returned... or would you recommend someone else? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median hadn't guessed that Cassius was a literature lover, but finds that fact makes him less one-dimensional, so when he warns about the food, she responds, dropping to a whisper at the end. Yes, I research fiction as well. There is a lot of truth in what the world sees as myth. Noted, thank you. She looks around at everything, impressed, but also in the back of her mind wondering what 7 "and a half" meant, and if it was going to be something that she would have to sort out soon. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() We were invited by a creature calling himself Pine, and are his guests. Is that sufficient information to gain us entry? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Just realized I used Margarett's actual name in my post, when my character had already determined that she wasn't going to do things like that... darn. Need to be more careful. Although she was responding to Angus who had used it as well, so I guess the damage (if any) was already done. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Distracted from her intention for a moment, Median answers Angus. Will that even work? If her intention is to go as herself, alone, and your intention is to go as a guest, what does proximity have to do with it? Also, going as a guest doesn't make me less myself, so I don't understand the conflict in the first place, really. Nothing we are doing is giving up our own autonomy... if I go to a party as a guest, it only means that I don't have to have my own invitation. It doesn't mean that I have given up my will or my allegiances. We have a native who can introduce us to the rulers of this land. I honestly don't see the issue. Margarett makes her own choice. I just worry what happens when she shows up uninvited... in a place like this. She then returns to her intentional walking. Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Not bothered out of character at all. Just worried in character. We'll see if either of us have to pay for our differing opinions. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median pauses and says Oh, good point. Then she changes her Sleeves of Many Garments to a Ball Gown and continues walking. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median was frustrated. Even Margarett. Everyone trying to play by their own rules rather than being a team or trying to understand the laws of the world around them. Misapplied poetry and creatures who could not lie, but could DEFINITELY deceive. She resented being put in charge of this mission SO much. No one is going to force you to join the group Margarett, but if you go off alone, then you do so against my advice. Okay everyone, we're going to try to go to the ball right now. Get it fixed in your mind. We're headed to the ball, and if this works, we'll get there. See you there, Pine. She waits till everyone looks ready, then she starts off, intending to go to the ball, and expecting no less. If that was the way this place worked, then she intended to get there. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() I agree. I think both ways carry the possibility of danger, but if the rules are different, best to stick together and only deal with only one set of rules for now, especially since some in the group have already stated their intention not to follow the ones that we have been taught. Pine, can you tell us the rules for the Fey as well, so that we know the difference in case one of the group insists on trying to manage alone? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Thank you for the warning, Pine. What would happen were she to be treated as a fey, and not a guest? ... and if you do not guide us to the ball, would we be able to find it on our own? She looks at Margarett, making sure she is staying to hear the answer. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Now that they have a potential deal in the works, Median translates Pine's warnings, and offers to translate for other people who want to talk to Pine, specifically putting Cassius' questions at the front of the queue since she brushed him off previously. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() You could tell us what value kisses and bringing guests to balls is to you or your kind, in case someone else asks us for something similar. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median shares a look with Margarett, understanding fully what she was trying to get across, but not certain that she was up to the challenge. Perhaps old Median had been, but although she has studied hard for all of these tests, but no matter how good she was at improvisation and those intuitive leaps, she would never be able to fully know all the things that her former self had known. In an effort to be more careful, she decided to try not to say anyone's name... titles would have to do. She wondered what power was in a name anyway. Much, in her case... her ability to be the person her body said she was... but it also left a lot out. It definitely wasn't the totality of who she was... the name was more of her parent in a way. She was a clone or a twin. How would that work in a magical spell? Could you target a twin with only the name of the other? Certainly at least in part if you kept to the physical sameness. It was the spiritual where there were differences, and she just didn't know the extent of that similarity, if there was one. A kiss... would someone else volunteer, or would it be her responsibility? A ball... would being there as guests offer them some protection, or would it be a risk of losing everyone before they got any help at all? She shook her head, wondering if she needed to let everyone have a turn now that it was clear the creature could speak Common. At least that would give her time to think. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median notes that the creature can understand Common, since it seemed to get all of Cassius' speech despite there being no translation. Perhaps it was just toying with them. She waits for Cassius to answer, if he chooses to, and for that side commentary to be complete, then resumes her own negotiation. To the fey creature (and the rest who are listening to her in common) she says So, if one of us kisses you on the cheek and we all accompany you to the Lily Queen's ball as your guests, then you agree in turn to teach us the rules and laws of this land and help us learn to navigate it safely? She wants to be super clear about this for everyone's benefit. Agreements here seemed to be more like legal contracts and she didn't have a slippery lawyer to rely on, so she was trying to lay it out to make it difficult for anyone to misunderstand. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() At Cassius' interruption, Median says I'm sorry Cassius, but my device cannot translate for you, nor am I available to assist you yet, as I have not concluded my conversation. (My device doesn't translate for everyone. I understand all Gaelic, and my common is translated only for Pine. Look up Traveler's Translator if you need more details.) Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 (That is the Sense Motive roll for Pine. She doesn't bother rolling one for Cassius, since his motives seem all too clear.) She can tell that Pine longs to take advantage of the situation and she needs to be wary, but this is what she has, and it isn't like everyone around her doesn't long to take advantage as well, so she just adds Pine to the list. She responds to Pine's request: Thank you for returning my name. I can tell already that gifts and names are an important part of the underlying rules of this land. What favors do you ask in return for your assistance? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median has her earring start translating everything she says for "Pine." Note that I can understand all Gaelic, but it will not translate all common for Pine... only the common that I speak, as far as I can tell. (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/traveler-s-transla tor/). (But of course my words are in common even though they are being telepathically translated for Pine, so everyone can still understand me.) It's okay, Angus, I have a device that will convey my meaning now. Feel free to ask your own questions if you like. To Pine, she says Greetings. We are part of a traveling group that has come to visit this land recently, and several of them that arrived before we did have gone missing or become lost. I was wondering if there are rules or laws that we might be violating without knowing them that could be causing these losses. We would like to find our friends, but also to understand the underlying workings of this place in order to understand it better and adapt ourselves to it. Can you offer any assistance in that regard? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() When they switched languages, Median had to adjust her translator accordingly, but she was encouraged that Angus had found something that worked and that there was dialogue happening. She waited a little impatiently until it could catch up with the conversation. Meanwhile, she prompted Angus Can you ask it about the laws of this land? We need to know how things work. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Linguistics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Median activates her translator, waiting for it to adjust. She motions for Lionel to keep talking. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Pleased that someone was thinking about communication rather than conquest, Median responds Go right ahead Lionel. If it doesn't speak our language, try to keep it talking. If I can get enough of a sample, my traveler's translator will kick in, and I'll be able to understand. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Engineering: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 Median tells Margarett about the two different auras, one on the mirror and one literally everywhere. "... I mean, I think it is this whole place. We're breathing it in, every moment. I'll have to look more closely though. As for the mirror, she points to the new lump in her pack. I'll show you when we stop to take readings later." ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Angus Elphinstone wrote: the Gm posted the mirror's image 12" wide x 17" high, 7" diameter base and mirror The reason Angus didn't bring it along with him was due to the three dimensional space. Will it fit in a backpack? I'm saying yes, obviously, or I wouldn't have written it. Even if the mirror is exactly as pictured, usually those outer pieces rotate and make it a little bit less wide, but depending on whatever else is in the pack, and the size of the pack, it should work. I mean, it is in a camp... it has to be portable to some extent to get here however it did. No moving company, just people. If the DM says no, I can rewrite, but I think better to have it with us than in the camp. Cool with you carrying it instead though, if you want it. I mean, if you are asking if it would fit in a little teenager backpack, no. But a military traveling pack, for sure. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median took the extra waterproof bag she always carried in case of water hazards and placed the mirror carefully inside. Wrapping the rest of the bag around it, she then slid it into her pack between her two blankets, so it wouldn't get broken. She'd need to study it later, but divination and it being inactive were at least some clues. She'd have to consult some of her journals... maybe they would go over the possibilities more, but divination definitely sounded like it needed to be kept in a sack for now. Then she went back to the meeting without comment. All these people with egos the size of houses, not wanting to be "left out" of anything. It was exhausting. When she got back she looked at Margarett and said [b]"Did I miss anything? Are we ready to head out, or is there more to cover?"[b] ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() When Median first entered the area with the mirror, she could tell what Angus had been talking about. The area did feel very strange. Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 It wasn't anything that could interfere with her focus though, so she sat down in front of the mirror, making sure to get the spellbook out and to go through the motions of casting from it, and then she concentrated, trying to glean everything she could. She could tell there were two distinct auras, so she started with the stronger one and focused, trying to get a clearer picture of what this part of the magic was designed to do. Knowledge Arcana (Strongest Aura): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
After taking the measure of the stronger aura, she changed her focus to the fainter aura, trying to figure out what that one did, and how the two interacted. Knowledge Arcana (Weaker Aura): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
After focusing for quite a long while, Median stopped, rubbing her eyes, and letting the spell go, reviewing in her mind what she had learned, and what she hadn't. She might need another go at it, but she wasn't going to be able to try again for at least a day. It was just too mentally exhausting. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Chantal is getting creepier by the minute. Median listens to Alexander and thanks him for the documents and information, not pleased that they are still stuck without a direction, but relieved that Alexander is being open with them. Median takes the documents from Angus "Wow, Angus, this is good stuff, thank you... and okay, I'll go and check out the mirror straightaway." Median takes the "Puck" document back from Cassius, folding it carefully and putting it in her inner vest pocket where it wouldn't be crushed. "We do indeed have a date, so let's be on the lookout, but also let's be careful of that. If it is blood, it could be very valuable to us...." "... not in a monetary way," she adds, remembering who she was talking to. Really, she had no idea of the particulars, but she had read enough of her own research to know that blood could be used for all sorts of magical things. She leaves the other documents (including the ones from Angus) for the group to examine as she excuses herself to go look at the mirror. Think about when you want to do our first excursion and what you want to accomplish. I think we should stick to daylight hours until we figure out an acceptable navigation method, but I am open to anyone's ideas about what direction to go and what to attempt first. I'll be back shortly. She leaves, headed over to see the mirror that Angus mentioned. If anyone follows her, then she pulls out her spellbook and goes through the motions of pretending to cast from it, and if she is alone, she doesn't bother, but either way, she casts detect magic and concentrates to see if she can tell the exact enchantment on the mirror. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Yeah, good assumption... we do have to go out there, but we really do need to figure out the map thing... pointless to just be wandering in circles. Maybe a way to navigate the fey lands is in one of my journals? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Viscountess Margarett Erskine wrote: Please let me know if Margarett needs to be less wordy. I don’t want people to be uncomfortable or feel crowded out by her. In character, Median is quite relieved when Margarett talks. Takes off some of the burden of this unwanted leadership position, and worrying about talking too much. Out of character, really... almost the same. Thanks for backing up my character so well, and feel free to talk as much as you like. The whole lost memory thing is challenging. :) ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Back at the tent: Margarett, that woman seems determined to hate you. Also, she clearly knows something is up with me. Two possibilities occur to me in that regard. One: She is the presumably evil person who tempted my original into creating me. Two: Could she and I have been, uh, in some sort of relationship that I do not remember? There was nothing like that in the journals, but it seems the only other explanation, and it would also explain the bitterness that I feel roiling from her at every turn. Or, perhaps three... both, although that downgrades any theoretical relationship to a very selfish level. Do you... know if I was seeing someone? Obviously if it were a woman I would have kept it to myself, but surely as a good friend you may have seen the signs. I hate to assume that she is evil, but she isn't playing this game like she is testing me. She's playing like she is trying to tell us that she knows. She also runs through some of the things she wants to say at the meeting (including the mapping information) to make sure she won't embarrass or reveal herself with what she says. _____ Later, at the "meeting": Median is displeased that what she asked for and this very-public morale-boosting speech are not at all similar. She attempts to hide her annoyance however, trying to back Alexander up with the message of hope for his own people while not being rude about what they had already asked for. She settles for "Thank you. We are glad to be here, and look forward to making some progress in this area." Then, turning to Alexander, she asks Where can we meet? Assuming they have a private area to meet, Median addresses the mapping problem. "So, in your speech, you mentioned sending backup if we were in trouble. Are your alchemists able to pinpoint the direction that one of their extracts is in? You mentioned that maps were "no good here" ... so how have your scouts been getting around, and what kinds of notes do you have about the missing men with regard to where to look? Is there a process that works, like certain landmarks that you might see, even if they used to be in what seems like a different direction? How have your scouts found their way home?" One of our directives is to explore the unexplored areas of the feywild and provide an intelligence report. Do we need to just consider anything outside the walls unexplored? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() "Definitely eldritch forces" Median says from the bed that she has claimed, and is currently resting in. "Sorry. Probably could have gotten the meeting time moved up, but travelling exhausts me... or maybe leading does that. Either way, I wanted a chance to wind down first." Sighing, she then addresses the central issue. "... Also, honestly, are you saying you don't believe that there are eldritch forces? My impression is that they have walked in here and offended those very forces right and left, and that those forces are fighting back in their own way. ... And why else were we given power to negotiate? I mean, pointless power that the Queen may or may not honor, but still... why was it even mentioned, if they don't believe that there is actually some opposing power at work here?" During her speech, Median remains resting on the bed with her arm thrown over her face, knowing Margarett won't mind if she doesn't seem alert and attentive. Plus, it was easier to face these theoretical issues without the distraction of sight. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() I understand you are eager to help the missing men, Lionel, but you can search for them outside the walls in three hours after we have our planning meeting. It isn't as though they were lost just this moment and time is of the essence. We don't need to risk losing anyone else until we have a plan to move out together. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median sighed. Politics. But he was right. She had been demanding things that were probably beyond her reach. I ask your pardon. It was not my intention to command you. Only to ask the people under my authority to remain within the walls for now, and to request information from you. I didn't realize that everyone was seeing and hearing things, and I completely understand if you can't have everyone at the meeting, or if you prefer to have it at a different time. ... as they thankfully got past that awkwardness and moved on she thought No maps... how were they supposed to explore unexplored parts of the place if they couldn't figure out what had been explored? Ah, well, perhaps everyplace was unexplored then, which just made the job that much more impossible. Hooray. She wondered if they had antagonized the fey enough that the area was cursed... killing trees that could be living beings... ugh. What an utter disaster. She'd be surprised if the whole place wasn't trying to murder them right back. And everyone vying to profit from all of it. She wondered if that is what her former self would have been focused on as well. The idea to search the barracks of the missing man was a good one, but she left it to the others. Arriving at the barracks, she quickly claimed an area and stowed her stuff, needing to lay down for just a moment. Wouldn't it be nice to wake up from a bad dream and find out that she wasn't in charge of all of this, and she could just do some research in peace? ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() An impossible, mishandled, political quagmire is what this is, Median thought. But what she said was "Thank you. No one is to go beyond the walls alone. Settle in, meet back here in three hours. Alexander, I assume that you can provide maps of what has and hasn't been explored, to the best of your knowledge? I'd also like a specific map of where the tree attacks have been if possible, and if there is a record of what that scout said... exact quotations or writings. I want everything, rumor, half-truths, guesses... everything. You have anyone raving about seeing things that aren't there, get him to that meeting so we can all hear it. At the meeting we will discuss and plan our first incursion. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Alexander, would it be possible to have the briefing now, or at least a general overview, so that we can think about approaches to the problem while we're getting settled in? Getting all the information that you have up front will help us make better overall decisions. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median loads her trunk and a couple of suitcases onto the dolly. "Thank you, Angus. That is very thoughtful." After going through the arch and arriving at their interesting destination: At Margarett and Lionel's observations, Median observes "Best to be cautious though. No one should go wandering outside the walls alone. I agree that it is an interesting prospect, but let's remember that the wilds are dangerous, untamed by bureaucracy as they are." Directing her attention to the disheveled man she says "Where shall we put our belongings?" ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() In response to Margarett's warning: "I honestly don't see how you could trust her, especially after she entered the room right after there was talk of spies. No offense of course Margarett, but you trust too easily. I mean, you even trust me too easily. How do you know I won't go crazy like my alter ego did? The best of us? I am not convinced of that." "So to handle this, let's see..." She spotted just what she was looking for on the desk. A box, which probably had contained some earrings in the past when they were first purchased. She closed it back up with nothing inside, tied it with the original ribbon, and showed it to Margarett. "This will do. I'll give it to her, telling her that I am returning what she gave me when we went to tea. Then the ball is in her court. I don't know what she is playing at. Wait... you don't think SHE, well, no of course *you* don't. You think she is the best of us... but what if SHE is the one that gave the original the dark book that drove her mad? That MUST be it! Why else is she picking at things like this? She finishes packing and follows Margarett out, leaving the house in the care of the servants. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median listened to Margarett closely as she hinted, then responded by saying "Ah yes, you are correct. Excellent idea. We'll pick up those journals from the library on the way out. We can't rely on them, but still, good information to keep in mind in case some of it is based in truth. And it will make for an entertaining trip, if nothing else." On the way out of course several people wanted to make an impression on the new leader, so she made an effort to be gracious. Median shook Angus' hand, tempted to choose "High Lord Muckety Muck," for the humor value, but knowing that she was likely to be undermined at every turn, she decided she should hold the line. Smiling she said "Thank you. Technically, I believe that either 'Mission Leader' or 'Senior Warden' would be correct with regard to titles, and "Lady Zeroux" is correct if you would like to use my last name in a formal setting. ... And I am always happy to be referred to by my first name when we're in a less formal setting. I am grateful to have you on the team." Turning then to the next person waiting to catch her eye, she listened politely to Ranveer and responded "Ah yes. I, of course, would prefer to avoid battle, but you are quite right to expect it. I will endeavor to be prepared and as composed as possible." As soon as they were free of the crowd, Median allowed Margarett to lead the way to the library, and she found, luckily, that one of the keys on her office key ring served to open the locked case that contained several journals by someone named Merlin. Wrapping them carefully and placing them in her bag along with several published papers which had her own name on them which she found in the same area, she then led the group (if Chantal chose to accompany us) to her home, which was less than a block from the grounds. Gathering up a few additional things that her former self had authored before her descent into evil, she found an old trunk in the closet in which she deposited everything. Moving it to the front hall, she then went upstairs to pack her clothing and other essentials for the trip. DM, is it okay to have that stuff as just storyline stuff, or do you want me to add it to my equipment and pay for it? I'm cool with it either way... just wasn't sure which you preferred. Leaving it open for more story stuff at my house, but also totally cool with me if we move on to the train. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Not having a memory makes everything more fun. :) At Chantal's comment, Median sighs. "Of course not. In fact, perhaps we should talk about that later, privately. For now, I was just hoping that we could begin working together with a clean slate, if possible. I feel that you are making strides for womankind with your high standing, and I just wanted to take notes. More women with such prestigious titles is a move in the right direction." _____ When Ratcliff announces her leadership position, Median puts a quelling hand on Margarett's arm, then stands and bows. "While I was not expecting this, I accept, and thank you for the honor. There are of course many here with high titles and great importance to the realm, but perhaps I will be able to act as a neutral party, keeping our mission as the top priority while balancing other concerns." She bows, and as the Brigadier tries to undermine her, she says "Excellent idea, thank you, Brigadier. I'm sure some of us need to pack and retrieve things, or catch up. Two hours then." She turns to the other women If either of you need a place to wait, I invite you to my home, which is quite close. I need to retrieve a few things, and then we can take a carriage to the station together? I sure hope Chantal isn't a vampire, since I just invited her over. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Median had no idea who these newcomers were, but she could read a room. These must be the "spies" that Ratcliff had mentioned. "Did not return from the fey" was pretty clear. She just wondered whether she was supposed to be on Ratcliff's side, or who they were spying for. What motive was there for wishing death upon rivals? She glanced at Margarett to get an idea about whether she was supposed to know these people or not, or whether she should directly interfere, but she didn't look too worried, so Median relaxed. No need for magic now, although it flowed within her and there was always that temptation to let it out. Attempting to break the standoff, she said "I'm so glad you all were able to make it. I have wanted a chance to pick this woman's brain for quite a while!" Median, despite her ultra fashionable outfit that looked a lot more constricting, moved briskly and easily, grabbing an extra teacup and urging the female newcomer forward. "Sit over here with me and tell me everything" she said, her earrings swaying as she guided the woman to a seat. "How have you accomplished so much in so little time?" Some vague flattery and a chance to play to the ego usually would get people talking. She hoped it would this time. She was interested to know what she was up against, and honestly still not entirely sure which side was right, although she guessed that Margarett would not lead her astray. That one was straight as an arrow. Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() That sounds like it will work. I wasn't thinking of a Lawful character as a confidante, but it sounds like it will work, and should put a nice twist on things, having such an upstanding character defending her if it does become known. As for history, Median won't know any of it, so you can say "you remember, at ____" anytime, and she will just nod along. :) She probably just read your name in the journals... her former self mentioned that you were trustworthy, a good friend, and interested in redemption, so Median felt like she could go to you for help. So, they definitely could have been friends at college and then joined the Wardens together. I mean, honestly, they could have any connection at all and Median would be oblivious, so feel free to invent and drop whatever bombs from the past that you like, since only you will know that. Median will only have a say in who she is *now* ... not who she used to be. ... And I am sure that she will have to out herself as a sorcerer at some point with the group at least, so self-reporting is likely going to be moot. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() "Thank you, Lionel" says Median. "I would love to hear some of your insights when you have time." ______ After Ratcliff briefs them on the situation, Median isn't sure of the protocol for when they will be leaving, so she says "I must retrieve some things from home before we set out. Where shall I meet you?" She guessed that one of the large stacks of paper in the office was articles that she had written. She planned to find whatever she could that addressed the feywild and read or bring it ... hiding was one thing, but endangering others was another. She needed to get up to speed for this mission and be as competent as possible. ![]()
NG Female Human Aberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 (-1 vs Compulsion) | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None
![]() Okay, switching to Stealth Synergy. I'm in the US (Mountain time zone) as well, but work really early in the morning, so will likely be on at odd hours.