About Median ZerouxAberrant Bloodline Sorcerer 3 | HP 17/17 | AC 13 / T 12 / FF 11 | Fort +2 / Ref +3 / Will +4 | CMB +2 / CMD +14 | Initiative +2 | Spells 1L 6/6 | Perception +8 | Active Effects: None STR 12 (+1) [2 points]
Special for this game: +1 attribute point per level, in addition to the bonus points at 4th, 8th, etc. (However, the special points are treated as the cost for point-buy, NOT the simple +1 of the level 4 bonus.) HP: 17 [d6 base (full then half+1) +1 Con]
=== Weapons === Melee: Masterwork Cold Iron Lantern Staff
Shocking Grasp (melee touch)
Ranged: Acidic Ray (Sp) (ranged touch)
Acid Splash (ranged touch)
=== Armor === Silken Ceremonial Armor (+1 armor) AC = 13 [10 +1 Armor +2 Dex Mod] / Touch 12 / Flat-Footed 11 === Traits === Extremely Fashionable (Equipment) [Whenever you are wearing clothing and/or jewelry worth at least 150 gp (and not otherwise covered in gore, sewage, or other things that mar your overall look), you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks. One of these skills (your choice) is a class skill for you.]
=== Drawback === Empty Mask [You have spent so long hiding your true identity to escape political enemies that you have lost much of your sense of self.] (For this story, this takes an interesting twist... I am thinking that she is hiding her new identity and just barely learning to have a sense of self, but same sort of situation. She is vulnerable to compulsions because they intrigue her... why does she want to do that? Is it something she knows / something she is good at? Who knows, let's try. That sort of thing, and she doesn't have a chance to learn what it is to be a sorcerer often, so she is eager to try things.) Effect(s): You take a –1 penalty on Will saving throws against compulsions. This penalty increases to –2 against foes who know your true identity. === Feats ===
Eschew Materials (bonus from class)
Racial Abilities:
Bonus Feat [Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.]
Class Abilities:
Acidic Ray (Sp) (Bloodline Power) [Acidic ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The acidic ray deals 1d6 points of acid damage +1 for every two sorcerer levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.]
Unusual Anatomy (Ex): At 9th level
24 skill points [2 base +2 Int +1 Skilled +1 Favored Class +2 background = 8 per level] Acrobatics +6 |+2 Dex +4 improvisation
Note: Special DM Ruling "I don't like that you get worse at a skill when you put ranks into it, so you can use the improvisation bonus or your actual total, whichever is higher." Spells:
Caster Level 3 | Concentration +6 (Caster level + ability mod) === Zero Level === (DC 13)
Acid Splash
=== First Level === (DC 14)
Burning Hands
[note: get magic missile next level... need something more long range. either that or find a way to get proficiency for a bow or gun.] [bonus spells from bloodline below, but keep in mind that there is a current limit of nothing past 3rd level as far as spells.] see invisibility (5th)
Adventurer's Sash [20 gold]
Chest with Merlin and Median I journals (for reading material on the trip) Current Wealth: 1,177 gold Starting Gold: 6,000 gold
Potential purchases: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/r-z/vestment-mnemonic/
Median doesn't remember anything of her previous life, but she has journals. She wrote things down for her future self, and it is almost heartbreaking to read in parts... and other parts are just jaw-droppingly awful in a casual way, as though other people didn't matter at all, only her goal. Apparently she had been a quite successful magical researcher, full of knowledge and with a lot of potential, access to the rarest materials, but barely able to dip her toe into actual practice. It made her envious of those with actual power rather than just the knowledge of it. She used to have a moral compass, she mentions in one of the more lucid parts of the journal, and she may have been able to be satisfied with the few cantrips that she learned, but then someone dropped off a book for her, and she recognized it as one of the forbidden texts... rumored to be able to give the reader access to the higher powers, but the cost was your soul. "... and they just get into your mind, and you aren't able to shake them, and you try something, and then you start looking at other people as spell components, and... I am gaining power, the ability to change shape, but the cost is too high, and all of it is wrong, and I can't live with myself on days when things are clear, and on days when they aren't... well that is when I do the unspeakable. This project, creating the ultimate sorcerer... this is my life's work because it will fix me... no, you. It will destroy me, and allow you to be reborn... reborn in innocence and light. Reborn from blood and cruelty, yes, but normal births are like that sometimes too, and the child is not at fault, do you hear me out there? You are not at fault." The journals were a rambling mash of so many things, good and bad, but finally finishing them a few days after she woke up in what was apparently her flat, without any knowledge of who she was, Median knew a couple of things... first, that she wasn't going to be the person that she just read about, and second, that she needed help. She just wasn't sure where to get it. Over the few days that she remembered, she had found several useful items in the flat that would assist her, the primary one being a spellbook with several cantrips. (This was separate from the forbidden tomes, which she knew from the journals. Those she burned.) She found the simple spellbook was a good source of ideas, or perhaps her body remembered how to do these things, but she found that she could do several magical very simply, just based on the name of the spell, not really from reading it. She didn't need a pinch of this or that, she could just... do it. Light the fire in the hearth, clean things up, etc. And a lot of cleanup was needed, at least in her laboratory area. After she was done though, she was satisfied that there was no trace that she was not the person in the Journals, and settled in to reacquaint herself with her things. Some of her former wardrobe was just awful. Had Median the first really liked it, or suffered through it for societal reasons? There was no way to ask, but she pushed all of those things aside and started trying on other things to see what she liked. Food was similar. She experimented. Awful, tolerable, delicious. She was discovering who she was and what she liked. It would take a lot longer to see what she was good at. Maybe anything... or everything. After she was done reacquainting herself at least with the immediate area and the things that she owned, she again was reminded that she wasn't going to be able to do this without help, and she dove back into the journals, not reading this time, but just scanning for names, and she found the perfect person. In fact, even though she hadn't been paying attention to it the first time through, it seemed like her former self had perhaps known something like this would be needed. She made sure she was dressed appropriately for company, and sent a messenger. With her confidante's help, she moved fairly seamlessly back into her life as a warden, going along with her old self's excuse of being absent due to a serious illness, which she was now mostly recovered from. She was careful to smile in the appropriate places and give no hint that she was different, talking little, and if anything came up that needed more than she knew, she pleaded exhaustion from her illness, and asked if she could get back with them later, which gave her the breathing room to find the answers... so much so that she started to know her job again, and after a time, she didn't need the excuse anymore. Once she felt fully up to speed in her adopted life, and as her final farewell to her former self, she burnt the journals, watching as her former self died in the flames. She didn't even know the woman except from her words, and the body she had left for her, but still, strangely, a sense of peace settled over her. She was ready to move forward.
Ancil St. Cyr has not participated in any online campaigns. |