
MeatForTheGrinder's page

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Aasimar get two +2 bonuses to stats without any negatives. Various sub races make it pretty easy to customize to a specific class. With alternate race features you can even get a +4 and a +2, or a third +2 Stat, with DM approval. Aasimar can also be Small, picking up a +1 AC and +1 to hit. They gain wings and can fly for a feat after level 10. Some of the best racial SLAs in the game, and a feat that can bonus the base version spell Daylight to gain Sunbeam (7th level Druid Spell) as a SLA at 9th level.

Still want to be human? Just take the Scion of Humanity alternate race trait and you count as human.

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234. A small fairy flits into the camp, asking if there are any children in the party who have recently lost teeth. If told there are none, she seems sad, but will stay for a brief chat before she leaves. She knows the locations of all nearby farms and settlements within two days ride, but is reluctant to share such information if she feels the party may mean to harm any children.

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If you have already established that Celestial is a template that you can apply to any armor, why not toss it on a breastplate, which has a reduced ACP compared to chain. This would bring the ACP down to -1 and also bump the Dex to AC by one. Then you can stack a trait on that such as Armor Expert or Armor Mastery which reduces all ACP by 1 to get ACP of 0. Note that this would allow you to wear such armor even lacking the proficiency without taking a penalty to attacks or checks, or rather you take the penalty but it is zero.

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EldonG wrote:
What's more, the point is that Rogue works...not Knife Master.

Good point. My submission is not much like a standard fantasy setting rogue. Perhaps I missed the point of the thread in my hopes for good critique of my build.