MayaKit's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Extra-Lethal, Then? :3c

So, My earlier post did a great job of both updating the Dracolexi Prestige class for PF and helping me see that PrC just aren't really worth it for full casters, so I thought: how could I get the same flavor without multiclassing or otherwise penalizing myself. So, I am working on making it a bloodline.

Dracolexi Bloodline

Class Skill: Linguistics

Bloodline Spells: Comprehend Languages (3rd), Share Language (5th), Suggestion (7th), ?(9th), ?(11th), (13th), Power Word Blind (15th), Power Word Stun(17th), Power Word Kill (19th)

Bloodline Arcana

Bloodline Powers

So, I'm at a loss for how to proceed, especially given the strangeness of the Dracolexi.

Immunity is pretty unbalanced, to be fair. In order to proceed, the Will penalty DOES NOT apply to Will saves, correct?

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A comment on the skill points: 2 skill points per level means you're either maxing two skills (one probably being perception) or being worthless at multiple skills. It allows the fighter no real room for flexibility in their skill point distribution. You want a fighter that rides horses? You better have at least a 12 INT because you need Ride AND Handle Animal before considering any other flavor skills.

I know the class skill would be Linguistics. but I'm at a loss for how to do the powers.

Now, if I wanted to make it into an archetype, maybe a sorcerer bloodline, what might you suggest instead?

I like all the ideas so far, though I'm also thinking one other thing might be necessary: instead of Perform: Oratory, Perhaps 5 ranks of Linguistics?

Thelemic_Noun wrote:

So the power word spells all seem fine, with the exception of power word pain, which is just cheese if you take it at first level. Then again, sleep is cheese at 1st level, and PW:pain requires at least 2 rounds to actually kill most CR 1 foes.

Right. Granted, the normal power word spells are questionable because of spontaneous casting's late entry into every spell level. So, getting PW:pain as a cantrip would be rather cheap, though the other power words seem to be fair.

Thelemic_Noun wrote:
If you can, edit the post to remove the link to that site, or they will delete the thread.

Sorry. First time posting.

My main worries are that it's underpowered compared to base classes in PF, and thus ever more of a letdown than normal Prestige classes.

So, one of the classes I never got a chance to play in 3.5 was the Dracolexi from Races of Dragon. I was curious how one would go about updating it for pathfinder play, since I'm honestly not sure what needs to be changed.