MavericDiety's page

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jybil178 wrote:

I have been attempting to place an order for 2nd edition, and I get almost all the way through. However, once I get to the place your order section, when I press the button it only gets the working icon for a few moments or seconds, before disappearing and leaving me on the same page. Once or twice it has gotten to the point where it asks for a security code, but when it gets that far, it will do the same thing after attempting to continue

I've tried several different cards, my main debit and credit cards, and I've checked my address with what is now on file, and what is on file with my bank, and they both appear to be identical

I do not know what is preventing me from going forward, at this point I want to make sure it gets resolve, but I am tempted just to buy from fantasy grounds, then claim my free PDF, as that would be far easier than going through your main store page at this point :P

I also have the same problem when I attempt to purchase the Beastiary for Second Edition (PDF), if this problem can be fixed it would be great