Lady Evgenya Zunaida

Maude Scumble's page

30 posts. Alias of Louxman.


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Maude reaches up a hand and snakes it around Raxes' arm as she anticipates the door's opening, she does not look up at him.

Maude collects herself, standing and heading for the door once more. Her hand stops inches from the smaller central knob.

"Astre, what do you think this is?"

Maude slumps to the floor

"Mr Raxes, thank you. What... where... Astre, what was that?"

Maude looks to the young elf for answers, the stress of her near death has made her look truly vulnerable, she looks to all like the young scared woman she truly is.

Maude scrabbles against the invisible force, hands braced on the edge of the frame...

DD(STR): 2d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2) - 1 = 6

But she cannot hold back the tide. She feels Raxes hands on her arm, trying to grab hold...

Maude follows Thra but lingers on the second floor, fascinated by the mysterious door

DR: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 1) + 0 = 4

But none the wiser as to its function. She tries the main handle...

sorry for my recent silence, back in the zone now.

Maude, with the morbid fascination of youth, moves over to the corpse and pokes it with a toe.

How far gone is the corpse, and does it look like the hands were removed before death?

DR: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (5, 2) + 0 = 7
What should I be on the lookout for?

Maude is following in Raxes' footsteps, about to enter the tower when a stone bird narrowly misses her head


The scream echos around the tower as Muade hurls herself forward and clutches Thra'raxes' arm

As Thra and Astre try to reason with Maude the flames that threaten to engulf her o seem to calm, not shrink exactly but they seem more contained.

"I am perfectly capable Mr Raxes. But thank you. The place does seem a little worse for ware..."

Discern Realities: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 4) + 0 = 7
What re is useful or valuable to me?

Maude is pissed off. She marches up to the old tower oblivious to its damage, hands on hips and yells upwards

"Beb’k’nothak you obsequious old bastard get out here! You've dismissed me for the last time! Now I have friends beside me who are more powerful than you can ever imagine. Get the **** out here now!"

Fire courses down her arms in a conflagration

Burning Brand: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 6) + 2 = 13 BOOM!
Thrown-near, +1 damage

Zuko style: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 6) + 0 = 9

As Maude moves off with the rest of the group a freak gust of wind seems to catch the campfire, the flames billow towards the wooden tower threatening to catch it and the whole glade aflame. But just as quickly the flame settles back and all is as it was found. All except the congealing blood slowly draining from the headless corpse and into the earth.

Maude doesn't like the look of the cold and more pressingly wet, river, but isn't going to admit that to the others. She pushes forward and steps onto the structure.

"Not scared surely, I though not crossing flowing water was a witch thing, not a phoney strongman one?!"

She turns and strides across the bridge...

Defy Danger/Discern Realities(WIS): 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (5, 4) + 0 = 9

Possibly failing to spot the faults in the bridge...(Wasn't suree what to roll?)

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Maude spots the bag of coins late as it is tossed toward her

Defy Danger (DEX): 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (1, 1) + 0 = 2

The bag slips through her fingers and falls, scattering gold pieces over the ground. Scowling at Ganzorig she bends and picks them up, returning most of them to the bag but pocketing a dozen or so.

"The problem of too much gold... How ever will I cope?!"

Practically, the fire comes from The fire that killed Maude. So much arcane lore and energy burned at once somehow imbued her with its nature.

At the moment she has great difficulty in controlling it, it is tied so tight to her emotions that it's almost subconscious sometimes.

At heart Astre and Maude have a lot in common, both naive and not comfortable in the living world let alone the dead. But where Astre shows her naivety openly Maude covers it with bluster and obnoxious feigned arrogance, or the attack of a cornered animal. I hope that in time Maude and Astre develop a strong friendship. I genuinely felt bad that Astre was upset by Maude's words.

I think over time Maude will relax into her roll in the group. Whether this is through a genuinely helpful act, a Thra-esk breakdown or repeated beatings, I don't know yet.

Looking down at the dead man horrifies Maude, but not how she thought it would. She thought she would feel nauseous, afraid. But she felt nothing but hunger. Thra'raxes' blood soaked face did nothing to help. She turned and, trying hard to hide her weekness, slowly approached the tower, keeping her distance from Astre.

As Ganzorig's arrow drops Benny, Astre speaks.

"Its not real magic elf, fire just seems to be in me now. I guess the fire... all those scrolls... Anyway. maybe not all magic is frivolous, maybe just yours. Perhaps one day you'll impress me with some real magic."

without waiting for a reply to her harsh comments she flicks the fire from her arms at a nearby tree and stomps over to where Benny fell.

Maude can barely hear the words that are being exchanged, she hadn't seen an open fire since she died. It... fascinated her!

In her head she pictures the flame growing...

Zuko Style: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (3, 1) + 0 = 4
Bang goes the distraction, XP though right?

...but it is only in her head.

Shaking her head from her reverie she takes stock of what is going on here. She was obviously shaded enough that the man had not seen her nature, but the others... no reaction at all?!

We're going to kill him, we're going to eat him...

It was not a decision, just a realization about what was unavoidable. But if they were going to fight she would need her fire.

Burning Brand: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 4) + 2 = 8
Thrown, near

Fire ignites in her hands and flows up her arms.

enough, Mr Raxes you have been gracious to me

Maude stomps over to Amarant, grabing his shoulders he pulls him down to meet her eyes

"Ok Mr bigstuff, always looking down on everyone, why don't you leave him alone!"

Ok, what fuels the flames of your desire?

Give Me Fuel, Give me Fire:When you gaze intensely into someone eyes, you may ask their player “what fuels the flames of your desire?” they’ll answer with the truth, even if the character does not know or would otherwise keep this hidden.

Maude strides along the track until the sun begins to make her feel queasy when she duck off and into the shade. She eyes Thra'raxes outburst with barely hidden scorn

I thought your legs would last a little longer

"Mr Raxes it seems needs a little break. We should head for the fire..."

"Very sensible Mr Raxes, home indeed."

Hitching her tattered skirts Maude follows close behind Thra'raxes

Astre wrote:
...had kicked out an apprentice for daring to teach a cantrip to someone "unworthy to study magic".

How interesting...

Maude takes an unwitting step towards the tower, the forest, and all the mysteries they held.

"Well I'm going to the tower. I suggest you should all follow me. The wizard might be useful." Tasty at any rate...

Wherever the lantern comes from

Bringing the fire!: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6) + 2 = 9
Removing the Dangerous tag... fun as that could be!

The flames along Maude's dress grow and ripple down he arms until her hands crackle like burning wood. She reaches out and into the lamp housing igniting the fuel within.

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OK, Maude's three bonds:

Mr Raxes thinks I need his help with everything, I'll show him how capable I am.

Ganzorig rightly fears what my fire can destroy. I shall show show him how narrow his imagination is.

Astre knows real magic, they could teach me to be a wizard.

How do they look?

Maude almost giggles.

"it is a gracious offer Mr Raxes thank you for your civility. And if your legs get tired I shall carry you."

Maude walks behind the wagon, careful not to let her fire catch it. All the time wondering how her homecoming would play out...

We seem to have stalled.

Maude is all ready to head to the wizards tower, what is everyone else thinking?

Ditto. Most irritating.

GM dropped the H-Bomb!

Take your time GM, get yourself well before you worry about us rabble.

Maude looses her tentative balance and tumbles off the cart at Ganzorig's pokings.

The fire picks up along her arms as she is about to loose her temper but Thra'raxes' outstretched had cools her.

"Thank you sir, it is nice to see that some of us kept our manners when we lost our lives."

"Astre, right, you're a wizard."

it is not a question

"Maude... that's me. I always though magic was a silly beautiful, wonderful, perfect... habit. but maybe you could show me something interesting... Please!!!!"

At Astre's words Maude snaps from her Amarant reverie

"Wizards tower! Yes! I know of one, it's...
Spout Lore: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9
...that way."

Please, not Onorod, too many memories

Muade is too involved in her own interests to realize that there is signing happening. Hoping to steer the group in her directions, she moves over to the cart. Without pausing she hops up onto the seat next to Ganzorig

"You're a quiet one aren't you? Too slow to follow the conversation? Long story short mr, we're all agreed to head this way."

Maude is hopping to bluster her way through some awkward questions/memories

*Mumble* *Grumble* Post eaten... work filters...

"I am Maude Scu. Maude the Deliquescent, the Splendiferous, the Ever-right!"

When Amarant speaks up she approaches him like a biologist approaching a rare butterfly

"You're Amarant? The Amarant? My da told me tales all about you, about how you were a scourge of the road"

Walking around him and looking him up and down as he towers over her.

He was magnificent! I could learn a thing or two about power from him.

"I thought you'd be taller, more impressive... shame."

I don't think Maude's long gone, probably the 'newest' of us by the sounds of things. She's almost entirely whole, just lightly cooked.

Maude leaps back from the 'feast' as soon as she becomes self aware. She wipes her hands absently on her dress smoldering dress.

"Who in the hells are you lot!?"

Maude looks about in exasperation, looking for someone to shout at

Spout Law: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 3) + 1 = 9
The undead

Stats done, i'll jump in.

This is my first foray into DW so be nice!

On that note, how is everyone doing Bonds? The ones given for the Immolator seem a bit rubbish for Maude, can I just write my own? do I need to keep the number the same?

See you on the other side...

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Maude had wanted to be a wizard for as long as she could remember, unfortunately Maude was a girl.

Every year on the day after her birthday she would hitch up her skirts and march the three miles to the wizard Beb’k’nothak the Obsequious’ Rickety Tower, demanding to be trained. Every year she was turned away with the same words:

“Om Nom Obtiu! Secrets most arcane are not simply for sharing with all. HekekekI! To hear the call is one thing, but it’s just not for you young lady… Glubtivium Mebeb! Tell your father I’ll pay for the fish when I get fresh!… Glifok tu’fg! Be gone from this most occultest of locations lest you anger the spirits of awesome power! Beleb’nia Poshoku!”

Every year Maude would stomp back, furious beyond words.

At the age of fourteen Maude, never one to be put off anything, took matters into her own hands. She began accruing “Magic scrolls” from any and every passing trader. Amassing such a quantity of mundane and useless paper in her room was ultimately her downfall. A quirk of fate, a joke of the gods, Maude dropped a candle.

When the fire had burnt out and the ruins were cleared Maude and her father, the local fishmonger, were buried quietly in the local cemetery.

The revenant, Maude the Everburning, constantly smolders, igniting anything carelessly left in her possession. Her “Wizard’s Robe” which is rudely fashioned from an old Sunday best dress, is constantly burning at the edges but never burnt. She wears her hair in a tall bouffant, she thinks it makes her look more imposing.

Maude is a Immolator, details soon. I welcome critiques/ideas from all