Matteo Luconi's page

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Hey everyone,

first of all allow me to give you all a little introduction of what I'm here to talk about.
I'm a Pathfinder GM that has been running a very wonderful campaign for the past 2 years. This campaign was initially written by RPG Legend Monte Cook and then by the guys at Super Genius Games and can be found at the address in the title, and believe me, it is spectacular.
Now... the actual mantainers of the site (the SGG guys) are asking the support of the community via a Kickstarter project to keep the lights on since the site has run into financial problems a few months ago and almost died.

My point is: how is it even possible that a site like that is in danger of disappearing?
The campaign, called Dragon's Delve is fully hyperlinked and is presented in 3.5 format (and later levels are also PFRPG-converted), is a fully flashed out mega dungeon spanning almost 30 levels, each and every encounter different and unique, not a single empty room to be seen anywhere; there are beautiful maps and handouts; the site navigates easily and the story is compelling and very modular. So, if you have a campaign on your own you can, reuse many of the levels or ecounters to accomodate your personal needs.

The only explanation I can give myself is that the site didn't get the visibility and attention that such a project deserves.

I don't mean to spam these boards with links and I'm sorry if somebody feels like reading this post was a loss of time but I'm genuinely curious about how many of the users of the Paizo boards knew about this project and what it the general feeling about it.

I sincerely hope to hear your thoughts about this.

Oh, and forgive my english as it's not my mother tongue...