
MasterfulMoose's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Um... where the hell do I go to sign up on this event lottery?? I can't find a place anywhere to actually do that.

I purchased three 4-day badges for PaizoCon 2019 and am trying to transfer 1 each to my brothers. I was able to transfer the first one no problem, but now, no matter what I do, I cannot select or search for a different Paizo account to transfer the 2nd badge to. I have deleted my browser cookies, tried clicking "Cancel" and clicking "Transfer" again, but nothing is working. Is there perhaps a certain amount of time I have to wait between transferring badges? Regardless, I'm in need of a solution and any help will be appreciated!!

I'm running into this issue as well. I bought PaizoCon badges for my 2 brothers and I, but it won't let me transfer to a 2nd Paizo account. Not sure why this is a thing, anyone have recommendations??