Sheriff Belor Hemolock

Maskini's page

29 posts. Alias of brunoreturns.


I assume we will still want some arcane. I am already converting to divine.

Not sure what your other character is. I'd be just as willing to play a pregen. Balazar is fun...

"Master say to know self, must know not self. Who is Honoria Alcasti? Answering this question is a step to light.

Master, I ask to share your light. Light help us to grow inside."

Maskini touches his heart, his head, and then above his head.

Diplomacy AA: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

If it is important to you, I will plug in the number from the core cleric I am going to continue with (once we move on to the next quest).

Obviously, he won't stay core, but that is irrelevant to me.

I was up front about not playing a PFS character.

Maskini wrote:

Brunoreturns checking in. This alias isn't a PFS character, but it is one that I've wanted to play.

If that's not OK, I have a PFS core cleric that I've never played. I could bring that one in.

GM Lorenzo wrote:
Switching and applying future rewards to a different PC is fine.

Since Maskini isn't a PFS character, I had no plans to actually apply the chronicle anyways.

Bubb Blrb Brbl 'Bobbi' Libertas wrote:
Alternatively, as they are Quests, could someone bring in a pregen and then apply that credit to a character (the way 'new release' Quests run normally a pregen is *required*, right?)

That should also be possiible, but the chronicle has to be applied to a 1st level character. I am not going to be creating any more 1st level characters. My current 1st level core cleric is fine. I'd rather play that than a pregen.

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RE: Party Composition. For myself, I have to blame my distaste for everything in the Occult book.

I have never studied any of those classes, and when I saw "spiritualist", I assumed this was some type of psionic divine replacement. Had I realized that we had three melee characters and one arcane, I would have brought in a cleric (I actually have a 1st level cleric ready, though it is Core).

If allowed, I'll switch to that character for the next mission.

Maskini rouses and stretches as awareness comes back to him. Seeing Trajet standing over him, he has a moment of fear, tempered quickly by the understanding that she just saved his life.

Before she moves to another, Maskini grasps her hand and looks at her. "Thank you for life, sister."

Releasing her hand, he stands, making sure that the battle has ended, and stows his alchemist's fire again.

Having learned a lesson about talking too much, he silently considers the tree while waiting for party members with a better grasp of words to speak.

Link for Homestead

Stabilize: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (9) - 5 = 4

If the character dies before I take a single action, I'll take that as a sign ;)

Ijo, you could pick up the Alchemist's Fire that fell out of my limp hands.

Links fir conditions is a great idea that I haven't seen before. I will definitely be using that.

However, the Nauseated link (at least the one by my name) is going to the wrong place (a spellblight page)

Know(Nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Weapon immunity is part of the swarm traits, so Special Attacks (which we have already experienced)

As the mass of bats spiralled forward, Maskini shouted out advice. "Is swarm of bats. No can hurt with weapon, only area effects!"

Fort: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Unable to concentrate as the bats overwhelm him, Maskini takes a 5-foot step away from the bear and pulls a flask of Alchemist's Fire from his belt pouch.

Maskini does not react to the tone of the accusation. Instead, he asks the question that is burning inside of him.

"Jen 'o side?

Maskini think you mean kill? In Expanse, tree grow quickly. Remove old tree, make room for many new trees. Use leaves, make clothes, roof for hut. Use wood, make boat, house, strong bow and spear. Trade for food and medicine.

Tree provide for all Bekyar needs, so we make sure trees stay healthy. Maybe this bad, but leaders say good, so Maskini do. If bad, you teach better way. Maskini listen.

Maskini must know. You eat, bear eat, tree eat. Tree smother and poison all baby plants that try to grow near. This Jen 'o side?

You eat fruit, root, steal food from mouth of animal. This Jen 'o side?

Bear eat fish. This Jen 'o side?"

Maskini stands with a welcoming expression, hoping for some wisdom to better understand the nature of the body. He extends his hand, palm up.

Maybe these answers are not really that important. Maybe we should listen to the talking tree instead of talking to these druids.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Maskini walks on, lost in thought.

The Master taught that men must be free to explore their mind, body, and spirit, and that slavery interfered this this exploration.
It naturally follows that any creation with mind, body, and spirit must be free.
If trees can have spirit, where does it end? Animals? Crops? Blades of grass? Rocks? Water?
How are we to eat, if even the grass we walk upon can have a spirit? Is the act of eating itself an infringement upon the sacred nature of the universe?

Maskini smiles at the bear as it follows him. He stops briefly to pick some berries, sharing the bounty witj the bear before lengthening his stride to quickly catch up with the slowly moving party.

At mention of the talking tree, his interest is piqued.

"Talking tree for teacher is great mystery. In Expanse, often hear story of spirits of forest, but trees we harvest never complain.

Does tree have own spirit? Is spirit of fey bound to tree through magic?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Maskini follows the gnome and dwarf calmly, attempting to shorten his long strides to their speed.

Along the way, he watches the forest, attemtping to indetify the animals as they pass.

Maskini allows the arm clasp with only a brief moment of uncertainty. He has seen the gesture many times since leaving the Expanse, but is still unsure of the protocol.

Peering at the jar on the table, he is about to respond to Ijo's question when the halfling woman enters.

He bows to her when he is introduced, saying simply, "To serve is to learn. Maskini hope that skills make team safer, also reach jar on high shelf"

He smiles.

Maskini presses his palms together, as if praying, and bows to the half orc in greeting.

"Remaio Alcasti, yes. We meet here." Touching two fingers to his chest, he introduces himslf, "My name, Maskini, from Bekyar."

He then holds his hand out with palm up and opens his eyes in invitation.

When the group arrived for the meeting with Remaio Alcasti, Maskini entered the room very carefully.

Even after the months he has spent exploring Avistan, he still is not used to the low doorways used in most Taldan construction. He bends himself almost in half to squeeze through the doorway, then carefully straightens, with his head nearly brushing the ceiling.

The sensation of being closed in is not comfortable for him, but he chooses to ignore the discomfort, running through some meditative exercises in his mind to maintain his calm exterior.

During the discussion, he sits quietly, observing and taking note of the discussions, unless asked a question directly, then responding with short, succinct answers in broken Common.

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I am struggling to understand what a "nonstandard pronoun" could be.

As for Starbucks, I'll point out that even there coffee is less than $3. The "lattes" and "macchiatos" people like to spend exhorbitant amoints of money on are mostly milk, The frappuccinos are mostly ice. Explain to me why anyone would pay $6 for a large cup of warm milk...

I lied and updated the character right away. Sleep is overrated. It will be Monday before I download and look at the module though.

I am willing to take last choice on the quests to be run.

Brunoreturns checking in. This alias isn't a PFS character, but it is one that I've wanted to play.

If that's not OK, I have a PFS core cleric that I've never played. I could bring that one in.

If this alias is acceptable, I'll just need to look at the crunch a bit to be sure it is PFS legal.

Edit: Oh yeah, last campaign I tried to get him in had us starting at 2nd level, so I'll definitely need to rework him.

I'm not sure how much time I'll have this weekend. I'll get him set up by Monday night at the latest.

Glad to have been able to convert Maskini back into an Unchained Monk. The conversion is complete, and other campaign questions have been answered on his profile, but I'll include the pitch to the noble here.

Character Pitch:

Bending his head low to get through the doorway, Maskini stands up to his full height once he was entered. His head nearly brushes the ceiling, and he towers over the seated noble behind the table.

Many people find Maskini's size to be intimidating, but he adopts a very peaceful and placid expression on his face that shows there is little overt aggression in the large man.

Maskini lightly crosses his hands in an X shape over his heart and bows his head. He speaks in broken Taldane, explaining himself and his abilities to the man.

"Morning, Sir. Me, Maskini.

Me hear you put together frontier trip and want go along. You see. Maskini big help in frontier. Maskini grow up Mwangi Expanse. No fear frontier spaces.

Maskini good hunt. Good fight. Good cut trees. Maskini Endure and Renew, like Irori say. You pick Maskini for trip, you no say sorry."

Having said what he came to say in simple terms, Maskini stills and stands patiently, waiting to see if the noble has any questions.

Will make modifications and resubmit this character. Thanks for starting this up again.

I'm still interested, even if another GM (or two) takes over. My submission has been ready for some time. :)

Done with the conversions to match the approved resource list. This Monk of the Four Winds is available for your consideration.

Maskini wrote:
I'll make some mods to this Unchained Monk and post updates tonight.

Just noticed that Pathfinder Unchained isn't on the list of available resources. I guess I'll have to but the chains back on.

Edit: Except that Backround Skills are in.... Weird...

I'll make some mods to this Unchained Monk and post updates tonight.

You indicated that you needed both a front-liner and a rogue.

Here is an Unchained Monk who can fill both needs.

Lvl 2 HP: 1d10 ⇒ 5

I present Zirom, gnome Oracle of Lore and fortune teller extraordinaire.

Hello all,

I am starting a new campaign that I have come up with and I need some help.

My group is small (3 people including me) but it has worked thus far. But this time I need at least three PC's. I know that a GMPC/NPC is an awful idea but I want/need to do this.

My group so far is a lvl 1 Paladin and a lvl 1 Rogue (25 pt builds) who have limited experience playing pathfinder (having one of them use two characters is out of the question). So what kind of class/build should I create so that I don't take away from the other two PC's.

I was thinking about creating some kind of support class that buffs, heals and tries to avoid the main action. However, there are encounters in my campaign that will need three people in main battle focus so I can't be completely useless.

Any suggestions such as lvl by lvl guides, suggestions for skills and feats, or just all around character builds will be much appreciated.

P.S. I know people hate GMPCing or reoccurring NPCs but I am already set on it, so please limit responses to helping and not nagging.
