Azlanti Scientist

Martin Prescu's page

33 posts. Alias of Galahad0430.


Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Just to let you know, I'm unsure of what to make of the information you gave me, that's why I haven't posted yet.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Know(History): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
Know(Local): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Know(Nobility): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Again trying to avoid being heard by the fake Mr. Gauthfallow, Martin pulls Tellias aside and whispers, "If Mr. Gauthfallow has already been murdered, it had to happen very recently. I doubt they had time to thoroughly clean up after themselves. We should try to find him more quickly, perhaps it's time to forgo pretending to believe that this thing is the real Mr. Gauthfallow?"

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

I'm here, but just following Tellias's lead as Martin is still unsure of how to find out what happened to the real Mr. Gauthfallow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Hanging back, so the person can't hear, Martin whispers to Valtyra, "This is strange. Do you think that maybe this, er, 'construct' actually believes it is the real person?"
He thinks a moment.
"Of course this begs the question, where is the real Mr. Gauthfallow?"

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin tenses as he sees that this is probably not going to end well.
"Telias might be able to get this thing to give us some real information." Martin whispers to Valtyra and Ciapha.
"Let's try to keep violence at bay for as long as possible."

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin listens intently to the interplay between this man and Telias, sensing Telias's distrust. He reamins silent for the moment.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

I'm still here, just not sure what to make of the conversation going on currently.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin attacks the remaining enemy (another paint construct I assume).

attack 1: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

attack 2: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12


AC - 31
hp 66/66
Crane Stance, Steel Net, fighting defensively

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Sorry for the delay, dealing with hurricane effects at the moment.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

FYI, my initiative is +7, not that it makes a difference in this combat

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"It looks like someone is hiding behind those curtains" Martin points to the buldges. He the prepares himself for whatever awaits.

Remember, Martin and Ciapha didn't witness your previous encounters.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

We just came up those stairs, correct? So, east or north?

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"I can lead, I'm unhurt. We need some light though."

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin attempts the same thing again.

Disarm 1: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (2) + 26 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Disarm 2: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (11) + 21 = 32
damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

the dice roller hates me.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Glad you told us that, I was going to waste a move action next round to Demoralize...

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"You might hurt someone with that axe, flailing it around like that. Let me relieve you of it."

Martin then attempts to disarm the man with his first attack.


Full attack, witht the first attack being a disarm attamept. Still fighting defensively, but now with a full attack, gaining Steel Net and Defensive Parry. Unfortunately, this will be lethal damage.

Disarm: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (4) + 24 = 28
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

attack 2: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16


hp- 66/66
fighting defensively, Crane stance, Steel Net, Defensive Parry

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Ciapha said she was staying behind me.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Not sure where the enemy is, is he within 5'? If I have to move to him, then ignore my second attack.

Martin shifts into a combat stance and steps to the charging man. Not wanting to kill a possibly innocent guard, he uses the flat of his blade.


Swift - enter Crane Stance
5' step
Full attack fighting defensively, non-lethal damage

attack 1: 1d20 + 20 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 20 - 4 = 22
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13 (nonlethal)

attack 2: 1d20 + 15 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 15 - 4 = 26
damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11 (nonlethal)

If I don't get a full attack, then my 1st attack is -2


AC- 31 (27 if I don't get a full attack)
HP = 66/66
Crane Stance, fighting defensively

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

I don't see a bad guy on the map?

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"Telias? Well, at least I'm not as worried about being on the bad side, at least not the really bad side." Martin heads up stairs.
"I'm not that helpful dealing with traps, but more of dealing with the after effects."

Martin looks around the room, especailly at the suspect tapestry.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15

Lol, an auspicious beginning

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"Good eveming, we were wondering what was going on? Noticed the Vault official at the commotion in the streets, are you working for them?"

Martin is still unsure of the reason they are here, and wants to make sure he isn't becoming complicit in some sort of theft.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin follows, russhing for the door to avoid the dog.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"Then let's proceed. Ifd you vouch for them, perhaps we can help."
Martin heads for the inside.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

"If you know them, then perhaps we can avoid any misconceptions when meeting them."

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Yep. :)

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Martin turns to Charlize.
"Hmm, first they visit a well known art critic, then they sneak on to the estate of an out of favor artist? Yet, they also seemed to be in the favor, at least, of an officer of the Vault? I don't know what to make of this. Perhaps we should get a better view. That way we can intervene if they are in the wrong, or support them if they are doing a legitimate investigation. The night was getting boring anyhow."

He looks in to the yard.
"Do you think the dog will be a problem? I don't want to kill it just in case we are the actual tresspassers."

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

First, do I know the owner of the first house they went into, and then the house they are currently entering?

Know(local) 1st house: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Know(nobility) 1st house: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Know(local) 2nd house: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Know(nobility) 2nd house: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Hmmm, breaking into a house after a fight in the streets? Perhaps we will follow them to see whose story is correct.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

If you want us to join quick, then the last option seems the best. We just need a reasonable justification for butting into the affair.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

Dotting so it shows up in my notifications

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

That sounds plausible, Charlize. I guess we can wait for the GM to let us know how we get introduced to the Party. They seem to be in the middle of a fight right now.

Male Human AC-22/27/31; Touch-18/23/27; FF-17; Init +7; hp-66; F +9, R +10, W +5; Perc & Sense Motive +14; CMD - varies a lot

OK, here is Martin's avatar.