Martin Gualdarrama |

I have to agree that I think Fighters should get Perception as a class skill; Stealth, not really.
From the very first Assyrian regular soldier, to Greek hoplites, to Roman legionaries and Praetorian guardsmen, to Viking huscarls, to mediaevel men-at-arms & palace guardsmen, to renaissance musketeers & mercenaries, to modern (1700's to present) soldiers, all of these have stood guard as sentries and piquets over their fellows. These duties have been performed in defensive positions, forward staging areas, in the line of battle itself (during lulls in the fighting), and if they were really lucky, for their leaders in the capitals of their respective nations. So I think it is safe to say that for time immemorial, Fighters have stood watch as part of their regular duties.
Perception, to me, also includes situational awareness. This is also what troops have always strived for: to know what is going on around them in battle. It is for this purpose (as well as to improve airflow for easier breathing) that we have seen the evolution of the helmet. The great helm was eventually discarded in favour of visored helmets, salets, and basinets, all of which offered much better visibility.
Now, for those who say that Perception should be a class skill to only Rangers and Rogues, I would say that these were specialist troops (or auxiliaries) that were available in far fewer numbers than Fighters. Their other skills would dictate that they be given more specialized taskings, and therefore not be as readily available to use as sentries or guards as Fighters were. Such taskings might be to infiltrate a castle under siege, eliminate the sentries, lower the drawbridge, and hold it until relieved by assaulting troops, thus breaking the siege. Maybe to slip into an enemy camp/town and kidnap/assassinate someone or steal something in a completely covert manner. Or to locate and maintain contact with/observation of a mobile enemy force, and pass on the information to the command authority in a timely fashion.
The average guard putting ranks into perception but not getting it as a class skill is not at a disadvantage to the average fighter sneaking into the camp as they don't get stealth as a class skill....
so they perform guard duty amirably against thier fellow fighters...Now those rare specialty troops sneak in and do all the harm cause there aren't usually enough specialty troops to guard against them as you so pointed out.
BTW most sentries aren't fighters either as the bulk of the fighting troops are Warriors not fighters. Fighters tend to be the leaders and the elite troops... and i don't know too many nations (the Mongols being an exception) that used thier elite troops as night sentries.