Enga Keckvia

Markusdark's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

I'm a player, not a GM, in a recently started Ruins of Azlant game. Crafting things in this game seems to be a major focus but there is always a 'pay X in GP' to craft items and we are not finding a lot of gold along the way. And finding the raw materials is also an issue.

For example. To create a magic scroll, you have to make the paper, special ink(?), etc. to half the price of the scroll. From what I've seen, you can gather a Profession skill check in GP per week with steady work (aka no adventuring). This is basically doubling up the time required to make items since you have to also 'farm' the value of the components to make it.

Has someone created a revised profession skill system that makes acquiring the raw materials for crafting?

I've found the "Making Craft Work" for, well, making crafting work a bit better to still allow adventuring. But nothing that replaces the 'throw gold at the issue' for the materials.


Sovereign Court

OK, no rule about it but had it at a Society table today and thought it worked brilliantly. So thought I'd share the idea and if it sticks, great. If not, meh.

Oh, only for Yoski from their home planet of Akiton. That way if you want to play along but not speak with an accent, you can be from another planet. :D

Sovereign Court

With my lunch hour before the game, I sung into a digital tape recorder, put the file onto my computer and butchered it with a freeware audio editor. The resulting mix I put onto my phone and played it in a loop at a very low volume (so low the players couldn't make out the words, just the tempo) and slowly raised it a notch at the beginning of every initiative. They loved it. Word of warning though - don't do this at a convention - apparently people not playing your game isn't too fond of it.


Sovereign Court

So, I just wanted clarification on this as it seems that the rule is a little in conflict.

A shield, when wielded as a weapon is to be treated as a light(Small) or One handed (Medium) Martial weapon. However, you can have proficiency in a shield without having proficiency in Martial Weapons. My question is that if you attempt a shield bash (or improved shield bash) but do not have the ability to use Martial Weapons, do you take an additional -4 to the attack roll? If you do need to take Martial Weapon Proficiency in order to wield the shield as a weapon effectively, do you actually have to take one in each class (small shield, small spiked shield, medium shield, medium spiked shield) to be effective with all of them?

I would think that having shield proficiency would allow you to wield a shield as a weapon.

Sovereign Court

As per the rulebook:

"Deafened: A deafened character cannot hear. He takes a –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fails Perception checks based on sound, takes a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, and has a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components.
Characters who remain deafened for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them."

For an Oracle that takes the Deaf curse, I am assuming that th 20% chance spell failure is not in play due to the spells having the Silent Spell Feat applied to them. But I was wondering if/when/how the last sentence may come into play for an Oracle. If a suggestion is warranted, I would suggest that every even level the player can remove a -1 from either the initiate check or the opposed Perception check however they have to be removed equally during character advancement. For example, if at level 2 I reduce the penalty of my initiative check to a -3, at level 4 I have to reduce the penalty of my opposed Perception check by 1. The differences in penalties between the two cannot be greater than 1.

The deaf Oracle will always fail Perception checks based on sound.

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