
Markus Swick's page

59 posts. Organized Play character for Veniir.

Full Name

Markus Swick




Wizard 1 | AC 15 | HP 13 / 15 | Stage 3 goblin pox (1 day)









About Markus Swick

About Markus Swick
Human (Skilled) Wizard 1
Emancipated background
330/1000 XP

Str +0, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +0

Perception (*) +5
Languages ➤ Common; Diabolic; Dwarven; Elven; Gnomish; Halfling

AC 15; HP 15
Fortitude (*) +4, Reflex (*) +5, Will (**) +7
Unarmored defense (*)

Wizard Class DC 17
Spell attack +7
Simple Weapons (*), Unarmed attacks (*), Spell attack modifier (*), Spell DC (*)
Speed 25; Bulk 2 + 2 light

Ancestry - Natural Ambition (Familiar), Natural skill (Medicine, Shelyn Lore)
Skill - Terrain Stalker (rubble)
Class - Familiar, Widen Spell

Arcane thesis - Experimental Spellshaping (Experimentations with the reach and size of magic in construction - an application of Master Volum's metamagic theory) (Widen Spell)
Arcane school - School of Civic Wizardary
Arcane bond - (Mother's) Ring

Focus (1 FP):

Cantrips - Prestidigitation, Daze, Light, Detect Magic, Tremor signs
1st - Pummeling rubble, Dizzying colors

Spellbook (A Dwarf Mason's dream):
Cantrips - Prestidigitation, Read aura, Approximate, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Metal, Figment, Glass shield, Light, Needle darts, Sigil, Tremor signs
1st - Hydraulic push, Pummeling rubble, Summon construct, Animate rope, Command, Dizzying colors, Fear, Kinetic Ram

Skills (11)
Arcana (*) +7
Crafting (*) +7
Medicine (*) +5
Occultism (*) +7
Religion (*) +5
Society (*) +7
Stealth (*) +5
Architecture (*) +7
Engineering (*) +7
Kintargo (*) +7
Shelyn (*) +7

Spellbook, Adventurer's pack, Material component pouch, Writing set, Staff, Crossbow (20 ammo), Dagger
Food: 1 week's worth

Money pouch:
GP: 8
SP: 56


Name: Cranky
Familiar abilities: scent (locked), Absorb Familiar

Perception +5; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet

Skills Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5
Str -2, Dex +3, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +0 AC 13; Fortitude +4, Reflex +5, Will +7
HP 5 Speed 25 feet


Markus Swick's family has been in the service of House Wachs for many generations as slaves. This small clan was still loyal to House Thrune when Kintargo became independent. They are a family of artists, mostly architects, whose work was sold by the Wachs as their own accomplishment. Meanwhile, the Swicks have taken pride on their own creations in order to survive the horrors of slave labor. However, the destitution of slavery in Kintargo meant that the Wachs lost an important source of income and prestige.

Their former masters planned to move to Cheliaxian territory so that they could keep their prize, while keeping Markus and his sister Jana imprisoned. Being the only ones left of their family, they only had each other. They tried escaping many times but were always hunted down by the mercenary brigand Korral.

As was traditional, Markus and Jana studied magic. Not only because the studies made it easier for them to understand the nature of the constructions they were involved in, but also because it was important for self-preservation. During his studies, Markus managed to lure a fox to be his familiar, and named him Lushy, due to his lush fur. With his help, the siblings managed to escape and evade Korral. They ran far away. They didn't know how to survive in the wilds, and the few things they stole wouldn't last long. Eventually, Jana heard of a place called Breachill, where foreigners were welcome. Markus liked the idea to go there also because adventurers frequently went there, and there was also an architectural wonder, an old Hellknight fortress.

They arrived very hungry and weak and dirty. Although there was a Desnan templem they favor Shelyn and went there for help. They were tended to by priestess Vallindel. For a while, they worked for Renatta Gilroy in her kitchen as volunteers, thankful to be among such helpful people. Jana thought the best approach was to lay low and hope not to be noticed. However, Markus believes that the company of strong allies is the best approach to surviving the sure eventual arrival of Korral. This is when he decided to join the monthly Call for Heroes.