Scrapwall Fanatic

Mark Montgomery 980's page

18 posts (53 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Divine Grace is sort of a defining ability for the Paladin.

Theres not much that can make me say, yeah ok let me lose that for this other stuff.

A 16 base charisma, leveled up to 20 or so, a +6 Charisma Item gives you +8 to all saves.

THEN add in a cloak, thats +13 to all saves.

Anyway, yeah the leadership feat is pretty much all you can do.

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"The new creature must be an option from a spell of the same level or lower as the spell that summoned the target."

As read there Mount is first level, so you can only get a first level creature this way?

Or heighten spell actually increases the spell level?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Awesome thanks for the reply!

Were going to be a group led by a PC Cleric of Bane after Bane comes back.

We will have a Quickling Monk, me the Red Dragon, a human wizard and human cleric of bane and then another rogue, no idea what race.

This is just epic, cant wait to level up a few times as a freaking red dragon haha!