Consortium Agent

Marius Cambari's page

94 posts. Alias of Capricornus.


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Male Human Wizard 2

On a lighter note, here's episode 1 of the webseries I'm in made by a bunch of friends of mine. I play the Wizard. It's sort of Order of the Stick meets Cheers. It's the first episode and we're all still figuring out what works, but I think we did alright. :)

Male Human Wizard 2

I'm in a rather obscene number of them at the moment myself... >.>

Male Human Wizard 2

I'm going to be out of town from Tuesday until Friday next week and will have no internet then, so no posts from me.

Male Human Wizard 2

I keep checking in

Male Human Wizard 2

Nah, we shot the first episode back in the fall. It's just now they're getting the original music for the episode finished. We have two more episodes shot, but probably won't get to film any more until November due to issues surrounding our shooting location. I think they want to get what we have done out there now - just the first episode - and then do a full release of all three episodes later.

Male Human Wizard 2

They just finished it so it's supposed to be soon.

Male Human Wizard 2

Cool. I'll have a web series to post soon too! Just one episode completed so far. Here's our trailer. I play the Wizard. Funny that...

The Party Code!

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius utters an arcane phrase and gestures with his left hand, resulting in a matrix of force surrounding him before it fades. He follows the others, letting Morgrym bring up the rear.

Cast Mage Armor

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius sighs and draws his dagger, leaving his quarterstaff on the ground. He lets someone else go first, however. Following Gerran, he ducks his head and crouches with a grunt of discomfort.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius returns to the entrance and ties his horse up to the tree, and joins the others, having discovered nothing of note in his search. "Yes, don't go too deep. Find a convenient location for us to join you and then you can go further from there - we'll do it in stages. Scraps is good at getting around without being seen as well, do you want her to go with you?" he says.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius observes the tree and the hole, and makes a circuit of the tree from horseback looking for other exits. Cagnazzo joins him, flitting over the uneven ground.

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Cagnazzo's Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius looks the bridge over from horseback with a knowledgeable eye.

Knowledge: Engineering 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Male Human Wizard 2

Going to be out of town until Sunday evening. Don't have too much fun without me!

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius spends much of his time writing in one of his various books, Cagnazzo perched on his shoulder or the nearest convenient vantage whereat he seems to be watching what Marius is writing.

"I think you might be right Aerynne, we'll need to resupply." he says. "And perhaps trade in some of the things we found. I need to get some items as well, as I will wish to start scribing some scrolls."

Male Human Wizard 2

Leveling up!

1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Sweet. Sticking with Wizard (naturally)

Picked up Sleep and Summon Monster I for spells.

Male Human Wizard 2

Still here

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius, eyeing the structure somewhat dubiously before he sets foot on it, follows suit before Aerynne. On the other side, he looks at the trees on the opposite bank appraisingly. Cagnazzo, who had been sitting on one of the posts at the south bank, cackles at the others as they cross, making quite a noise.

Male Human Wizard 2

"Well, if you say the bridge is safe if we're careful and go one at a time, then I'll trust you on that. The problem I see now though is that we won't be able to get the horses to cross on their own without someone leading them." Marius says.

Male Human Wizard 2

"I also gathered that, I think." Marius agrees with Wallop. "I think there's much to recommend that plan." Marius smiles and Cagnazzo chortles.

Male Human Wizard 2

"Alright. Round up all the horses the Bandits had and load up the stolen goods. Kressle will be baggage for now until she recovers enough to be talked to. If there are enough horses left over I don't have an objection to Aaron and Hans riding, but if they do I want their horses to be led by one of us." Marius says, moving to fetch his own horse.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius gives Scraps an even look, his true feelings on the Goblin hidden as best he can.

Bluff if anyone cares to Sense Motive on him. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

The Truth:
Marius tries to not be condescending, even though he feels that she is beneath him and shouldn't have as much say in matters that are above her.

"Crime must be punished. Some people, however, will not be saved." he says. "The best thing we can do for them is to make their end quick so that they can go on to their eternal rest based on whatever deity they venerate. We do this because to imprison them would be impractical and burdensome on both us and them. In addition, we have a great resource in our friend Morgrym here, who has been granted by Torag the ability to see the stain on a mortal's soul, and by this we can help to judge what their crimes may be and what punishment is appropriate." he explains. "It is unfortunate that we must execute criminals. If we had the resources of a well-organized state behind us we could build prisons to properly contain criminals without killing them, or work camps so that they could be put to use and eventually be set free." Marius looks to Aaron and Hans. "We've saved two today." he says. "Kressle's fate is yet to be determined. We need to see what she has to say and what stain lies on her soul."

Male Human Wizard 2

"I'm glad we have reached a consensus." Marius says. "What is our next step? Are we going to investigate these Mites or return to the outpost first?"

Male Human Wizard 2

"I agree we can't trust them right away, but I think we can offer them a chance. It's a shame to let any life be wasted." Marius says. "Let's take them back to Oleg's. He ought to have some say in the matter as well. Perhaps he will recognize them from previous visits." he adds.

Male Human Wizard 2

"Your idea has merit, Wallop." Marius says. "No sense killing more than we need to, especially if they can be rehabilitated. I think I believe them." He eyes the two. "I can draw up a contract for them like I did for the fellow back at the outpost."

Male Human Wizard 2

From atop his horse, Marius smiles at the bandits. "You have made a wise decision, and I hope that we can find a way for you to profit from it in the future." he calls out to them. He looks to Morgrym and Gerran, "Shall we bind them for the trip back?" he asks.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius nods. "I agree Gerran. I think we need to track them down and bring them in if they will allow themselves to be taken." he says.

Male Human Wizard 2

By the time Gerran and Wallop have returned with the unconscious Kressle and the bandits' horses, Marius and the others have brought their horses up and are salvaging the dead bandits' gear and their camp goods.

"Ah! You made it!" Marius calls out when he sees the Halfling and the Catfolk. "And you brought us some gifts!" he adds upon seeing Kressle. "What happened?" he asks.

Two Bandits escaped. Did they get to their horses? If not it will not be terribly difficult for us to hunt them down.

Male Human Wizard 2

"Hmm, contraband? Stolen goods? We need to find out. Did any of these bandits survive?" Marius says, kneeling and examining the items, especially the music box.

Appraise 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Male Human Wizard 2

"What is that you've got there Cagnazzo?" Marius asks, walking over to the spot and joining his familiar.

Male Human Wizard 2

With Gerran also in pursuit, Marius curses. "Morgrym, make sure none of these criminals is in any shape to continue resisting." he says. "Hopefully they don't get caught in a bear trap. I'll check the camp for anything useful. Cagnazzo, you look too." Cagnazzo warbles and flits off through the air.

Search the camp. 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Cagnazzo searches. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Male Human Wizard 2

Hmm, how far away are our own horses?

Seeing Wallop charge off, Marius turns around tries to decide if he will be able to reach his own horse in time to help the Halfling.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius advances after the Bandits who climbed down from their platforms, reloading his crossbow as he does so. "Take the ones who are still in sight for now. We'll get to our horses and run them down if they get clear of the camp!" he shouts.

Male Human Wizard 2

I say let her go for now, finish cleanup here, get on our horses, and hunt her down. Like Wallop said, we have trackers and horses. Unless she has a horse nearby we are way faster. Now, she may be a Druid or a higher level Ranger and that will make tracking impossible, but that's a big if.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius steps forward, drawing a pinch of wool from a pouch at his belt, and points two fingers at the northernmost bandit behind Gerran. A wisp of smoke coils from the wool in his hand as he speaks an arcane word, which wafts into the face of the bandit.

Cast Daze at the Bandit to Gerran's left. DC 14 Will

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius steps forward and reloads his crossbow. He turns his attention to his right and lets a bolt fly at the bandit in the far tower.

Light Crossbow 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 3

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius aims and fires at the man behind the log before Wallop gets to him.

Light Crossbow 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Damage 1d8 ⇒ 1

Male Human Wizard 2

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Cagnazzo's Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Cagnazzo whistles and trills something in Marius' ear.

Marius holds out a hand and hisses, pointing at the hollowed out log and signalling that there's one enemy there.

Male Human Wizard 2

Yes, sorry. Mage Armor and Unseen Servant. I usually put it in ooc after the pose, but forgot this time.

Male Human Wizard 2

Yeah, I can't see anything except the camp, Caderyn and Gerran.

Marius loads his crossbow and follows behind the others. He looks tense. He casts a spell, resulting in a pale matrix of force surrounding him before it fades from sight. He casts a second spell, and the amorphous shape you may have seen back at the trading post appears before it fades from sight as well.

Stealth 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius stays with the rest of the group. "I wish you luck on your mission. Signal us if you get into trouble." he says as he readies his crossbow.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius frowns and takes aim with his crossbow. The bolt whizzes through the air at the beast, who no doubt did not expect such a welcome.

Light Crossbow 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Male Human Wizard 2

Perception 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Marius, alerted by his comrades, grasps and loads his crossbow, looking in the direction indicated.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius, having risen and taken a spot several paces behind Morgrym, aims two fingers at the darkness and readies a spell to cast. On the revelation of the identity of the night prowlers, he sighs and returns to his bedroll. "I am glad of your alertness, Morgrym, regardless of the results this night." he says. "These lands are dangerous and I'd rather be awoken to a herd of Elk than to the inside of a Troll's gullet."

Male Human Wizard 2

Sorry guys! Show is over now and took a day yesterday to recover. :D

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius nods at Aerynne. "Yes, I will need a full night's rest, but I am quite able to take the first or the last shift." he says. He is not much help in the woodscraft of setting up the camp or finding a site, but he is able to remain out from underfoot and doesn't make a nuisance of himself.

Male Human Wizard 2

Marius nods. He makes a note on some parchment about the fangberries and spurs his mount into motion. "Let's get moving." he says.

Male Human Wizard 2

My show opens tonight! We run until Sunday, so that may adversely affect my posting. I'll try to keep up! (mostly from work)

Male Human Wizard 2

An actor? Cool. I am too. I have a show opening a week from tonight myself! :D Have a good audition and break a leg for your show!

Male Human Wizard 2

When Scraps and Wallop return, Marius is listening to his familiar, who is sitting on his shoulder. He smirks and nods at Cagnazzo who cackles and flits off into the grasses. You see him now and then throughout the day chasing dragonflies.

Observing Gerran's skill at healing, he smiles and congratulates the catfolk. "Watch yourself in the upcoming battle, Gerran. We can't afford to lose you, unless you want Scraps, or me, using that kit on you." he says with a laugh.

Male Human Wizard 2

"I agree Aerynne. We get the two potions now and split the cost between us. The more we keep all of us on our feet the better off we'll all be in the long-term." Marius says.

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