About Marius CambariTraits, Feats:
Traits: Issian (+1 Will), Ease of Faith (+1 Diplomacy, Diplomacy a Class skill)
Feats: Scribe Scroll (Wizard), Spell Focus: Conjuration (1), Cosmopolitan (Bluff, Intimidate Class Skills, +2 Languages) (Human Bonus) Stat Block:
Marius Cambari
Male Human Wizard (Conjuror, Teleportation Subschool) 2 LN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init: +1, Perception: -1 ------------------------ Defense ------------------------ AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 HP 16 (2d6+2) Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4 ------------------------ Offense ------------------------ Speed: 30ft Melee: Dagger +0 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2), Quarterstaff +0 (1d6-1) Ranged: Light Crossbow +2 (1d8, 19-20/x2), Dagger +2 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2) Special: Summoner's Charm (+1 round duration for Summoning Spells), Shift (7/day, teleport 5 ft as Dimension Door) ------------------------ Statistics ------------------------ Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14 Base Attack: +0, CMB -1, CMD 10 Feats: Scribe Scroll (Wizard), Spell Focus: Conjuration (1), Cosmopolitan (Bluff and Intimidate class skills, +2 Languages) (Human Bonus) Traits: Ease of Faith (+1 Diplomacy, Diplomacy a Class skill), Issian (+1 Will) Skills: Bluff 2 +7, Diplomacy 2 +11, Intimidate 1 +6, Knowledge: Arcana 1 +8, Knowledge: Engineering 1 +8, Knowledge: Geography 1 +8, Knowledge: History 1 +8, Knowledge: Nobility 1 +8, Knowledge: Nature 1 +8, Knowledge: Planes 1 +8, Linguistics 2 +9, Spellcraft 2 +9 Skills:
Bluff 2 +7, Diplomacy 2 +11, Intimidate 1 +6, Knowledge: Arcana 1 +8, Knowledge: Engineering 1 +8, Knowledge: Geography 1 +8, Knowledge: History 1 +8, Knowledge: Nobility 1 +8, Knowledge: Nature 1 +8, Knowledge: Planes 1 +8, Linguistics 2 +9, Spellcraft 2 +9 Class Features:
Specialist School: Conjuration (Teleportation Subschool)
Arcane Bond: Familiar: Magpie (As Thrush). Benefit: +3 Diplomacy Spellbook:
L0: All
L1: Grease, Mage Armor, Unseen Servant, Shield, Enlarge Person, Protection From Evil, Infernal Healing, Sleep, Summon Monster I Spells Prepared:
3 L0: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Daze, Read Magic
3+1 L1: Grease (S) (DC 16), Mage Armor, Sleep, Summon Monster I Gear and Coin:
Wizard's Kit (21/21, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Flint & Steel, Ink, Inkpen, Iron Pot, Mess Kit, Soap, Spell Component Pouch, 10 Torches, 5 Trail Rations, Waterskin), Spellbook (-/3), Explorer's Outfit (-/-), Dagger (2/1), Quarterstaff (-/4), Light Crossbow (35/4), 18 Bolts (2/2), Signet Ring (5/-), Alchemist's Fire 35lbs total.
Mule (8/-), Saddlebags (4/-), Small Treasure Chest (3/25), Small Tent (10/20), Bottle of Fine Wine (10/1.5), 7 days Feed (3s 5c/70), 9 days Trail Rations (3g 5s/7), 15 Candles (1s 5c/-), Candle Lamp (5/1)
Marius sat on the hard stone bench, his hands laid out on his knees. He felt the silk of his embroidered green leggings beneath his palms. He stared straight ahead. The tapestry across from him bore intricate designs around the border, made to look like Infernal script. Marius could read Infernal. It wasn't real writing. The center of the tapestry featured a scene from The Asmodean Monograph. At the center was a massive throne covered in spikes, flames rising behind it. All around it were the Emperors and Empresses of Cheliax, but only the ones since the rise of the House of Thrune. Around them are a ring of people in the regalia of the Church of Asmodeus. Facing outwards, they in turn are surrounded by soldiers, Hellknights, lesser nobles, and common people. All around the very outside are legions of Devils, looking out, meeting the eyes of the observer.
Marius sighs. He reaches up and adjusts his amber-studded tunic. A voice starts to impose itself on his calm, despite his efforts to block it out. His sister was haranguing him. The words 'disgrace', 'shame', 'family', 'disappointment' and 'stupid' kept coming up. He agreed with the last one at least. His eyes lowered from the tapestry, and his sister took that as a sign of weakness. She was always good at reading people. She'd go far. She redoubled her efforts. Marius redoubled his efforts to ignore her. He began going over magical formulae in his head. His sister continued to talk, but apart from the five words, he heard none of it. After a time she tired of abusing him. His reprieve was short-lived, for a door opened down the corridor. A dry voice called his name and his sister fled. With limbs like lead, Marius rose and forced them to walk to that dreaded door. The smell of incense met him. As he stepped inside, his silk slippered feet sank into a deep red carpet. The door closed behind him of its own accord, or so it seemed at first. A small creature, its eyes shrewd points of red light in a smoky red coloured face, peeked from behind the door, a malicious grin on its lips. Marius looked in its eyes, an image he still carries with him. The voice snapped his focus to the front again. The old man behind the desk was shrunken and grey, like parchment, but his eyes, a violet fierce and vibrant, are almost out of place in that lined face and frail body. There was anger in those eyes, and Marius shriveled under their gaze. Marius' cheeks flush and his hands begin to tremble, despite his discipline. "Marius. You have made a mistake. I know you think yourself stupid, despite your intellect and your learning." said the voice. The old man's expression didn't change. "You are correct in your assessment." he said. "Your father and mother are considering your exile. Korvosa and Absalom have been mentioned. But Sargava may be your destination if the girl's parents have their way." Marius' thoughts went to the girl. Her raven-black hair, her brown eyes, her lips... her... "Pay attention boy!" the voice returned. "Your exile is assured, and if I have my way, you will not be going to any fetid jungle colony." Marius' heart skipped a beat. If Uncle is on my side... "Listen closely, child." his uncle said. "You're not going to Sargava, but you will not enjoy your exile. No. Not unless you seize the reins and make something of yourself." he said. The old man reached up and placed a folded parchment on the desk in front of him. Marius hesitated. His uncle looked down at it to indicate Marius was to take it. Marius reached down and paused, seeing the seal of Brevoy on it. Curious, he picked it up and opened it. Reading, his eyebrow rose, and after a few moments he looked up at his uncle. "So... I'm to go to the River Kingdoms?" he asked. "That's right Marius. There is a chance here. A small chance. An infitessimal chance, that by your actions, you may be able to bring the Stolen Lands into the influence of Cheliax." his uncle said, baring his greyish teeth in what approximated a smile. "I have been assured of this chance by agents of our Prince." he said with a chuckle. Marius' gaze went down to the five-pointed star symbol that hung around his Uncle's neck and a chill went up his spine. Weeks later, dressed in rough travelling clothes, Marius was stumbling across the border into the Stolen Lands alongside a motley party of misfits. Marius' uncle was correct. He was not enjoying his exile, but there was possibility ahead of him. Potential. |