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![]() Mwikali wrote: "I seek to free my people from the shackles of slavery, to turn Africa into a vast land free of outsiders who seek to exploit us and our resources. I do however share this treasure with my companions, as they seek to slay some great evil and they are indeed in need of funds to help slay it. As for the Bandersnatch and Dragon, we have defeated them or offered them something better than death!" she says with a smile as she still lounges in the pool. You have defeated the dragon and the bandersnatch already, aye? Congratulations, mighty adventurers! These are no mean feats you have performed, and we honor your fierce determination. Take what you will of King Solomon's riches, with our blessing, and use the treasures you can recover to put down this great evil that threatens the world. Although King Solomon is no longer here to tell us his wishes, I am sure that if he were here with us right now, and heard of your plight, he would approve of your quest, and would grant thee permission to plunder his mines. ![]()
![]() Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:
Bathsheba considers Johann's question for a moment, then replies: You say you are here to steal the treasure of King Solomon... Why? Is it simply the greed that plagues so many mortals? Or is there another reason? Is your cause just, or unjust? The marid looks at each of the adventurers in turn, as if searching into their souls... Do you seek these riches merely to make yourselves wealthy? To store up for yourselves, to hoard like the selfish dragon Azulamortiss, who lairs in a cavern nearby? Or do you not seek it in order to turn it toward some higher purpose? Bathsheba smiles sincerely at Alphonse now, and says, Noble paladin, tell me truthfully: Is there not some great evil that threatens the outside world? Do you not seek the treasure of the wise king in order that it may be applied to a greater purpose? If so, we are not here to impede your quest. She then turns back to Johann and answers his inquiry regarding what perils to expect: Besides the blue dragon Azulamortiss, which I have mentioned, beware also of the deadly bandersnatch that lairs near the dragon, for many have fallen prey to this predator! Beware also of the demons which have been bound to the cave above our grotto. Have you heard the piping coming from their cave? That is the music of the Abyss! There are also powerful undead guardians protecting some of the treasures of these mines--a graveknight that was, in life, a commander of King Solomon's royal guards... And also, powerful devils in the deeper caverns, also guarding the ancient wealth of King Solomon... As for other perils, who can say? If you delve deeply, you shall discover their nature... Be cautious, noble adventurers! These mines hold many perils for the unwary, including magical traps and defenses laid long ago by the wise king to ward off thieves... ![]()
![]() After the meal is finished, Bathsheba the Marid Matron of the Waterfalls and the three nixies invite the adventurers to rest for as long as they'd like before continuing their adventure in King Solomon's Mines... You are welcome to rest here in our peaceful grotto until you are ready to continue exploring these caverns. We shall keep watch over you as you rest! ![]()
![]() Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:
Bathsheba smiles at Johann and shakes her head. The wise king's mother and I share a name, but I am not she. ![]()
![]() Not only the brave Desert Jackals are these adventurers now visiting us, little nixies, but also some of the mighty Crusaders of the Catacombs, namely, the mighty Johann of the Black Forest, who you now sport with in cobra shape, and clever Ogon Fox of the Isles of Nippon! And furthermore, this good knight you've obviously embarrassed with your exhibitionist shenanigans is one of the renowned Lusty Fools! These are among the greatest heroes of the Known World, my darlings, so let us welcome them meet and proper! ![]()
![]() To Lord Perpireen, the Marid bows and says Welcome to the Grotto of King Solomon's Waterfalls, noble Lord Perpireen McGibel! I have heard of your adventures, My Lord! Even that you found the Tear of Poseidon and liberated one of my kin from her bondage under the Emir of Marrakesh! Bravo, Lord Perpireen and Lady Mwikali of the Desert Jackals! Tell us more about your quest and your travels so far! ![]()
![]() Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:
King Solomon bathed in these waters after mining all the aquamarine and diamond from the cavern... Who are your companions? What do you call yourselves? ![]()
![]() Johann Kaltgeboren wrote:
Ah! A visitor! A wild woodsman of the north, it seems! Welcome to King Solomon's Waterfalls, brawny traveler! What brings you so far from your Black Forest of Hyperborea to hot and arid Africa? Do ye seek the riches of King Solomon, as other wayfarers in these environs have for ages? |