Squealy Nord

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. No posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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A Gift to New GM's


I am completely new to ttrpgs, but I've been wanting to run a campaign with friends ever since getting a taste for what an RPG can be from Larian's BG3. A big problem was: how the hell do we do that?

After some investigating I decided to take a chance on Pathfinder, and I'm glad I did because the GM Core is a great guide to running the game. As a new GM, I think reading about how to actually structure everything has built my confidence because I was previously worried about the rules of an RPG being too vague/abstract/improvised. Now the game actually feels possible to run with this book, like a manageable floor to get started on, but with a high ceiling for depth in the future.

The physical quality of the book is very nice as well. The art on the front cover is great, and there are more great pieces throughout.

Essentially, if you have a group that wants to run an RPG but you're not sure how, the GM Core (and Player Core) will absolutely help you get there. The rules and advice are yours forever, and you will not regret the purchase.