Velriana Hypaxes

Margrette Svettland's page

7 posts. Alias of Sunset.


Navarro Nedraid wrote:

Navarro slung his pack down on the smaller chair and plumped himself down on the larger one.

"Yes of course. I have the honor of being Navarro Nedraid, late graduate of the University of Oppara. I have one graduate degree in History and one in Dueling. Some others, lesser efforts unworthy of mention." He said confidently, exaggerating only a little. Maybe a lot.
"I'm afraid I had no idea I would need to produce the ol' sheepskin, so I didn't pack it with me."

Margrette's quill quickly transcribes Navarro's words to lines upon the page. She looks back at him when she's done.

"That's not to worry. It will take but a small amount of time to garner a copy of your qualifications from such an establishment as said University." she offers a polite smile.

"So.. a warrior and a scholar? Your martial training is as a hobby? You keep one's physique in shape while learning?" Margrette asks inquisitively. She's dusting and drying the ink as she speaks.

"Still... you should do well for the actual applications later." She then asks, "Is there anything else you'd like to add to the notes?" (Which, she will duly note what ever Navarro odes add if any) once done she pulls a chord and says.

"Follow the servant down to the common room. You'll have chance to order food and light refreshments before being collected by some one proper." She nods indicating that Navarro's time in the office is completed.

Soon enough a lad arrives, takes the papers handed to him and leads Navarro down stairs to the room where two other, exotic, people are sitting and supping at a light meal.

Navarro, Apex and Tempest please feel free to interact. I am working at Constantine... (>_>)

Navarro Nedraid wrote:
Navarro opened the door and cautiously stuck his head in.

As he looks about the room into which Navarro has been directed, it is clear that it does not function as a place of rest or recuperation as would normally be found at an inn. A woman sits behind a desk placed on one side of the room. Shedding additional light a small lantern sits upon the desk, adding to the illumination coming from the window on the far wall. A large cabinet containing shelves and draws is behind her. Another desk supplements the one at which the woman sits. In the middle of the room are two chairs. One would be more sized for a Gnome or Half-ling while the other would comfortably seat a more medium sized being.

Margrette offers a polite, professional smile at Navarro's appearance.

"Come, be seated." She indicates either of the two chairs before her.

"Your name. Some back ground. Level of skills. Any recognized papers from schools or academies? Anything of note you would lay claim too?" Margrette says quickly, even as she's putting away many of the papers and parchments and pulling out another small folder with papers within. Taking up a quill she sets it within the ink pot set into a corner of the desk and thence begins to set up the paper work from the new folder before herself obviously preparing to interview navarro.

"Enter!" Comes another female voice from beyond the portal.

Apex Stormshard wrote:

Apex's reply is small.

No... There's nothing else...

The ring receives a few more spins.

Margrette nods, shuffling the papers together before sliding them into a folder. She reaches over and pulls at a small chord dangling from the roof in the corner.

"Some one will collect you shortly. Please, follow them to a common room. You can order some light meal and drink while you wait for things to progress." Margrette does offer a slight smile before indicating that this part of the interviewing is over.

Apex Stormshard wrote:
... Adding some quote space so as to try and show a link to Apex's previous comments without bloating this reply too much.

Margrette's quill skitters across the paper seeming to follow Apex's words, quickly filling in lines at certain points upon the page. A second piece of paper quickly receives some additional lines of its own. At Apex's show of emotion Margrette glances to the other woman... girl... and her demeanor softens for a moment, though she continues to write upon the parchments spread before her. Deftly avoiding any further contact with the ink she's laid down by quickly angling pages out of her quill's way.

"Yes.. your nature is noticeable." Margrette's voice seems tight. "So, you've skill, innate power and you've survived the wilderness." Margrette seems to be more summing things up to herself than making further judgments. She looks intently at Apex.

"This is just a meeting to collect information about yourself. Obviously, not every thing you say can be corroborated immediately. Perhaps not all of it can be. The actual, formal, process happens over at the ware-house." Margrette, while she's explaining to Apex, is also deftly puffing a light powder over the parchments with a small device (Think perfume applier) before giving each sheet a slight curve so as to collect any excess back into a small brass bowl after its had its effects on the ink.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add to the notes?" Margrette asks of Apex.

(Oops! Sorry for not reading the post. ^^,)

Looking about the room Apex fins herself in it is clear that it does not function as a place of rest or recuperation as would normally be found at an inn. The woman sits behind a desk placed on one side of the room. A small lantern adds to the light coming from the window on the far wall. A large cabinet containing shelves and draws behind her. Another desk supplements the one at which the woman has a few papers and parchments open upon. In the middle of the room are two chairs. One would be more sized for a Gnome or Half-ling while the other would comfortably seat a more medium sized being.

Margrette smiles, though it is professional more than real friendship, there seems to be something about Apex which seems to annoy her,

"Come, be seated." She indicates either of the two chairs before her.

"Your name. Some back ground. Level of skills. Any recognized papers from schools or academies? Anything of note you would lay claim too?" Margrette says quickly, even as she's putting away many of the papers and parchments and pulling out another small folder with papers within. Taking up a quill she sets it within the ink pot set into a corner of the desk and thence begins to set up the paper work from the new folder before herself obviously preparing for an interview with Apex.

At Apex's polite light tapping upon the door indicated another woman's voice replies,
