Vale Temros

Malikor's page

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Several spells have similar X foot radius, x foot high cylinder areas of effect.

Each spell then states exactly how those inside the area are effected. There is no burst, but specific rules within the spell detailing, since the origin of the effects come from different places.

Flame strike, the fire rains from above, so anyone under a roof may be able to get cover.

Volcanic eruption, the eruption comes from below, and goes up.

Whirlwind and a few others that do not state any 'origin' of the cylinder would effect everyone in the area as if that were the origin of the effect basically.

The game doesn't define cylinder as an area of effect, because they are special cases that are dealt with in each particular case.

At least that is how I read it. Whirlwind definitely does not have a burst.

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The spell does say in its first sentence: You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures.

I think this is the case of the specific overrulling general. It uses the splash rule, even though it is not a thrown weapon, since it does splash damage.

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Xenocrat wrote:
They don’t interact. One grants you something (basic archetype spellcasting in your existing tradition) that you already have. So you shouldn’t waste a feat on it.

Except that the benefits of the basic/expert/master spellcasting says it grants a spell slot of x level. Not, it grants you a spell slot of x level if you do not already have one.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Also unlike yaks bags of holding "don't talk back"

Or spit.

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Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Stephen Radney-MacFarland wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:
Great to hear, would also be nice to know what type of interaction we'll be getting with the developers through the playtest!
We will be posting here and sometimes in other forums as well as providing larger blog updates, Twitch Friday events, and so on. We will not be giving our or home phone numbers nor conducting home visits. ;)

Although apparently, I make dream visits now. I had 4 different people at Gen Con tell me that they had me show up at game tables in their dreams, telling them about rules or sending them into peril...

Not sure what to make about that...

That you are a witch? :D

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Many many years ago, while running a game in my game world, I think it was AD&D or 2nd Ed, I don't recall exactly. The PCs were fairly moderate level, but at the time, the personification of Chaos was working at breaking the seal on its prison, and free itself into the world. It has numerous extremely powerful monsters under its thrall, including a number of ancient red dragons.

The PCs are on an airship, minding their own business, when they see about six of these beasts coming toward them. Now, they didn't know, but the dragons were actually only there as transport for the air cavalry on their backs. Each dragon have like 6 fighters of mid-level with feather fall rings, and they were going to swoop down and jump off the backs onto the ship.

Instead, the dwarf and fighter PCs strap themselves together, and jump off the ship, with the fighter using an item that gave him flight, and took the fight to the dragons!

The wizard used a scroll he had gotten his hands on, prismatic spray. One dragon was stuck by two rays, failed its saves and was turned insane AND to stone (it fell to the ground and actually survived as there was a judicious use of feather fall to stop its impact form destroying it).

The drawf was a rager (so i think it was 2nd ed) and he and the fighter tore one of the dragons up.

And none of the paratroopers managed to touch the ship.

Three dragons survived, and fled.

Never expect players to do something!

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Has anyone out there made a quick reference sheet for Ship Combat from Skull & Shackles that they are willing to share?