
Malian Azlanium's page

56 posts. Alias of Roxboyxiii.

Full Name

Malian Azlanium




Magus (Mindblade Archtype)







Special Abilities

Psy-spells, Psy-pool, Spell combat, Weapon Projection


Chaotic Good






Common, Elvan, Draconic, Gnome, Celestial, Orc

Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Malian Azlanium

I was born to a small caravan of Varisian Gypsies, who were the familiy of my mother. Most of the members were elves, and acted as a go-between for human cities and more tribal structured society of the elves it the area. My mother was a member of the caravan, and my father was a tribal war-chief who, in a time of peace, set out to find more meaning to his life other that constant battle, or so the caravan's elders say.

My father left while I was still in my mother's womb, and so I never had the chance to meet him. My mother cared for me up until I was 20, the equivalent of a of a 4 year old to humans. When I was still a small child, my mother dies to an unknown illness that had caused rapid aging, as well as heart failure. With no mother or father to call my own, I was taken in by the Azlanium Family.

By the time I was 35, I had out grown my fellow children by inches, and could already speak Common and our Elvan tongue fluently. Due to my early blooming, my Foster Father, Erwing, taught me how to fight. He was the leader of the caravan guards, and taught me the traditional fighting styles of the local tribes involving Swordplay and Archery. Not content with the basics, I begged him to teach me more in the art of combat. Impressed with my progress, he taught me how to use every weapon he had ever came across in his days as a pathfinder. At least, all of the ones he had on hand.

After another 50 years, I had witnessed many deaths among my friends and family. Not everyone was a pure blooded elf, and many of those who were children when I was 40 quickly grew past me, and I stood testament to the lives we had lived together, and with the death of my friend Arjent, a human boy who joined our troupe when his parents were killed by orcs, I had come to an understanding. If one is not to die with nothing but dreams in their heart, they must go and pursue those dreams while they can, and fulfill them as best as they can.

When I was on the verge of Manhood, by Elvan standards, I had already mastered martial combat. With my refined skills, and desire to not only see the world, but learn from it, and by extension, learn about my past, I left my caravan in search of any information on my father I could find. This is my reasoning for being out on my own.

Five years of treking around the inner sea, I discovered a few amazing things. The first was that I had the amazing ability to forge weapons out of the elements around my by using them as a catalyst for my own latent inner power. I first used this power when the sword given to me by Erwing was sundered by a rockslide that nearly took my arm with it. With no weapon, I continued to clime through the valley until a pair of cougars attacked. Pushed to the brink, and my left arm next to useless, I grabbed a rock shard that I planed to use as a club, when suddenly the stone crumbled away, leaving a sword, etched with green ruins. The blade must have been magic, as it took a strong bite and didn't break. With little effort, the cats were dead, and I had a new sword, until I set it down and it crumbled to dust like the shard before it.

The second amazing discovery was that I had the ability to use spells. I learned I had this gift while staying in a Gnome village outside Korvosa. I stayed for almost 5 years, teaching them how to fight using new weapons, and in exchange, they provided all the comforts of home. When the elder, a man named Alizambis Ruledrivle heard I had the ability to project weapons by using elemental catalysts, he informed me that I was a Psychic oriented magus. He told me that I should try to study Spellcraft with the local wizards. Agnimalvus and Rudraldi Embergale, the local spellcasters, tried to teach me the ways they cast their spells, but no mater how I spoke the words or made the right gestures, I could never get the spells to work. After a year of failure, I pointed at the practice doll and said it was hopeless, and a bolt of force shot from my finger and struck the doll. After that, They said that my spells played off my emotions and concentration rather than my actions and words. Still, they kept teaching me the normal processes of spellcasting, so I simply use those to help focus my mind to cast the spell.

Finally, I have left the safety of the village of Glenhaven to search once again for my father, and this time, my heart tells me that I must search farther north to find him. Still, a rumor saying that an elf with an accent local to Varisia passed through Taldor is more than enough to start there, so I can only hope and pray that I can truly find my path to the knowledge I desire.

Pieces of the past:

Part 1: 1) I stand just over six feet tall, though my thin frame gives me a smaller profile. I have fare hair, like most elves, though for some unexplained reason, my arms and legs are dotted with freckles. While most of my kind would see this as an imperfection, I see it as a blessing. I believe that I am blessed by Desna to have stars that are my own, telling me that my path is mine to choose.

2)In my years at Glenhaven, I became fascinated by the lifestyle of gnomes. Their ever curious personality coupled by their unassuming demeanor led to them being an exotic people. As I was a new experience to them, they were as such to me. In no time, my love for gnomes and their way of life grew exponentially, and to this day hold them in the highest regard.

3) I've never been one to hold a grudge, but if there is one creature I cannot stand, it's mountain lions. Ever sends the day I was attacked by a pair while traveling through a valley, I've never let one escape my blade. However, without that fateful event, I never would have discovered my gift of projection, and so I always pray for their soul to find peace, and make sure every part of the beast is used for something save one claw, which I trim off and add to a necklace that marks each of the beasts I've killed.

4) I'm sorry to say, but I have no control over what weapon I summon through projection. For some reason, Longswords and daggers can be called from any element, but it seems that each element has its own four weapons that are tied to it, such as a tritont from water, or a hammer from stone. Still, I find that I have learned to use each weapon over the years before having ever discovered projection, so there is no harm to be had.

5) I tend to always take the side of the underdog. I've never been one to let odds stop me from picking what my heart tells me is right, and find it more interesting when the one expected to lose ends up coming out on top. Still, if the odds are even, I often leave it to the luck of a coin, praying that it leads me on the right path.

Part 2: 1) My sole goal in life is to learn more about the life I never had. I want to find my father, learn what kind of man he was, and ask him about my mother, and why he left her.
2) My goal for Malian is for him to eventually learn that he is only 3/4 elf, and that he may have the normal lifespan of an elf, or he may have less time than he thinks.

Part 3 1) I've never told anyone, but when I project weapons from an element, I feel a greater connection with that element. This connection often leads to a change in personality. Fire makes me cocky and quick to anger, stone makes me blunt and focused, wind makes me joyful and aloof, and water makes me calm and thoughtful.

2) What Malian doesn't know is that he, like his father and fore-fathers before him are all Kinetisists. His connections with elements will continue to grow until he masters an element. Once mastered, Malian may project any weapon he chooses from that element.

Part 4 1) Erwing Azlanium: Elvan Fighter, Former Pathfinder, and my faster father. To humans, he would seem stern and cold, but to elves, he would seem too emotional, though I find that part of why I respect him so much. Ours is as much a relationship of Father and son as it is Master and Student.

2)Lez Sparksinger: Gnome Firer dancer (Bard Archetype) A kind yet passionate gnome from my days in Glenhaven. She had a natural ability to make flames dance with her. Our powers to manipulate the elements gave us something in common, and after five years, she asked if I would marry her. I was so caught off guard, I had to ask if I could think about it. The next day, she had left town, leaving me a note that simply said "I've gone to find a suitable engagement present for you." With nothing else really holding me down, I set out on my journey once more.

Ramzek Bloodklan: Orc Barbarian. The The grandson of the leader of the Orc tribe that had killed my friend Arjent's family. In a fit of rage at seeing the tribe destroy a village, I stole Erwing's Longswords and a scroll of teleportation. I snuck into the center of camp and chalanged his father, who's age was in the same time as me, to a one on one dual. With all my training, I quickly defeated my opponent, and slit his throat in front of Ramzek, who was still just a child, and Ramzek's grandfather. As I used the scroll to escape, I heard both yell their declaration of vengeance. After all these years, I'm sure the young Orc is still out there looking for my head.

Part 5: 1) I tend to flip a coin when thinking or bored.
2) I tend to call everyone "Friend" or "Love" if not compleatly serious or upset.
3) I have a habit of zoneing out from time to time, often thinking of where Lez is, and what she's doing.