
Malficus's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Are there any non-human races that aren't white? Is there art showing this?

Are there elves/halflings/dwarves/gnomes/orcs out there with hair that isn't straight or wavy? Are there kinky haired elves somewhere? Are there forest dwelling elves with dark brown skin? Gnomes are described as having skin with such wildly varying colors that people think that gnomes dye themselves. So why have I only seen Caucasian gnomes? Am I missing art?

Gnomes are really the race that most prompts me to think about this. Like their description goes on about how wildly varied they are, from facial proportions to coloration. But like, I've never seen a picture of one that isn't just "Tiny white person with troll doll hair and eyebrows".

How directly or indirectly do they affect the world, aside from just being really strong guys and/or girls that give clerics spells?

If, for example, Calistria or Cayden Cailean died, what would happen other than a bunch of clerics losing their magic?

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Does mithral full plate still count as heavy armor, particularly concerning whether or not rangers can still use their Combat Style Feats?

Or should I forget about taking heavy armor proficiency on my ranger.