
Malficus's page

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DeltaPangaea wrote:

People aren't saying it's 'cool' for bigotry to be a flaw for someone to have, but that HAVING said flaw doesn't intrinsically make them Evil.

It doesn't have to be accepted in-world as a good thing, it just needs to be accepted that people aren't perfect, and morality isn't black and white.

And I am saying, leave such grayness for people, not gods (and beings made of goodness or evil). Though, when I said cool I meant like, acceptable or attractive or something. Like, it's not right to have a double standard, make good gods not actively do and promote bad things. Because by doing so, and labeling that god as good, you are saying those bad things are good things. Or at least are accepted as such within the setting. Because gods aren't mortals, they are the measure by which alignment is defined. They are the cornerstones of the setting.

If a 'good' god thinks women should stay in the kitchen, and men should be the breadwinners, that makes this a 'good' stance, that people trying to be 'good' will persue.

So don't allow those stances in your good gods. Leave them for your gray gods and your evil gods.

If a person, even through inaction, allows oppression and injustice to thrive or persist, they aren't being very good. They're being neutral. A god actively holding and spreading beliefs that promote or preserve oppression and injustice, such as those from bigotry, is actively spreading evil. Not making a little mistake, not having a tiny character flaw, but inherently and intrinsically pushing ungood agendas. If you are the embodiment of an aspect of goodness, this is not an acceptable state.