Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber. Starfinder Society GM. 6 posts (10 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.
Poor editing in this one, scenario refers multiple times to the other side of the flip mat map used. They stopped scaling the prep challenges half-way through and didn't limit the number of activities the PCs could take part in (other than a vague time limit). Also in the prep activities there is inconsistent consideration given to the generation of AP (two say it applies only at the start of the infiltration, one says it won't result in combat ,though it technically could if not applied at the start, and one is silent).
Also some very misleading text at the end, in the rewards section that seems to indicate the PCs get an extra 10-25 gold in rewards outside of the TBs. Which, for a level one character in a group with high tier would generate them over 4x the amount of the TBs.
Not a huge deal, but they also left out art of who would probably have been the most interesting looking individual.
This is a quite well-written quest story-wise, very flavorful! Great seeing some returning faces and plenty of variety in skills so everyone has the opportunity to do what they're good at. That being said, unless there's some errata issued this is going to be much easier for 3-4 than was probably intended. Half the challenges don't increase the DCs. It really just affects the flavor, though, won't really affect the success/failure of the mission, and The Show Must Go On, so it shall.