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![]() Starfinder Adventure Path #1: DEAD SUNS; Incident at Absalom Station.
First time GM for Starfinder, so let’s keep it simple. I’ll be reading the GM sections for the first time, so there’ll be a learning curve
You are going to start on a shuttle coming into Absalom Station, there to meet a dwarf named Duravor Kreel about joining the Pathfinder Society.
![]() This Discussion is continued from the previous Chapter DM-CAMRIS' SKULL & SHACKLES Chapter 0:MURDER ABOARD THE THROATY MERMAID Discussion. ![]()
![]() This story is a continuation from the previous adventure: SKULL & SHACKLES Chapter 0: MURDER aboard the THROATY MERMAID Our story so far:
![]() A couple of replacement slots have opened up in this PF1 Wrath of the Righteous campaign; we're looking to recruit! Our current team is made up of: Alorah
Arthas Sword of Ragathiel
Kelden Sunblade
So we will be looking for 2-3 more (including a roguish type). The story point is halfway through part 2, Sword of Valor.
Build is the twenty point buy, two traits, one of them campaign.
Just a paragraph as to your personality, appearance and how you would fit into the combat team. Detailed backgrounds can wait until you're selected. I'm looking for a fast turnaround, so decision by Monday (hopefully). ![]()
![]() This Adventure Path begins in the sleepy Nirmathi town of Phaendar, on the cusp of Civilization and Wilderness, nestled alongside the only major crossing of the Marideth River within 50 miles upstream or down. At this moment people from across the region gather for the seasonal Market Festival, trading goods that make surviving the next season easier. You may be longtime residents, injured veterans recuperating fromt he war, or trappers and farmers who arrive to sell their wares, catch up with friends or stock up for the season, only to find themselves set upon by a merciless enemy! If you think the scenario above is for you, phase two are the campaign standards
Character Creation::
- 20 point buy, 1st level. - Core Races are MUCH preferred in this AP, but almost any other race (except Hobgoblins) can be considered. Just make sure you have a VERY good backstory to justify your Drow/Klingon... - All Pathfinder classes are allowed. Summoners are restricted to the Unchained version. - 2 Traits, including one Campaign from the Ironfang Invasion Player's Guide. You can take another trait if you take a drawback as well. - Max HP at first level, Average+1 on subsequent levels. - Starting Character Wealth=Average. - Backstories are appreciated, but don't feel compelled to write a novel. You can keep your background as brief as you like it, just be sure to have some reason to be in Phaendar for the Market Festival. - Half of the AP will be outdoorsy. - No Evil alignments. - No firearms. - The Core and APG are a must, Ultimate Wilderness is VERY handy. Table Rules::
If a character has not taken an action in two day's time, and the character is in a situation where all characters need to take an action for the story to progress (for example, combat, though not limited to combat), that character reverts to the GM's control until the player's next post.
To be considered, I NEED to see a solid overall concept, and a personality/background. Bonus if you can post the full mechanical build, but that's not critical for consideration. I aim to start in a week/10 days.
![]() This story is a continuation from the previous adventure: THE WORLDWOUND INCURSION Our story so far:
![]() This story is continued from the previous adventure: THE WORLDWOUND INCURSION The City of Kenabres took a devastating blow when the Storm King destroyed the wardstone. The attack that swiftly followed involved the opening of several rifts in the ground that swallowed up entire city blocks even as armies of demons, from relatively minor fiends like dretches and babaus on up to the hulking destroyers known as ulkreths, rose up to attack and destroy.
![]() We are a Legacy of Fire group that has lost our GM. We are in the middle of ‘The Impossible Eye’ module and would like to continue on with a new GM. CAST:
Our gameplay thread is HERE. We are a good crew and ready to play on. Potential GM’s check us out! ![]()
![]() Due to an unfortunate number of fatalities, we are recruiting three (maybe four) people for the Second chapter in the Carrion Crown Adventure Path. The current survivors are:
Character Build requirements:
If you've played in the first chapter, but never made it through, well here's your chance to find out! Recruiting open until Monday. Probably. ![]()
![]() Discussion of the Campaign continues here from the previous episode; DM-Camris' Second Darkness Part 2--Children of the Void. ![]()
![]() The game continues here from the previous episode, DM-Camris' Second Darkness Part 2--Children of the Void. ![]()
![]() RECRUITMENT IS OPEN! Three slots have opened up in this Gestalt Rise of the Runelords game; we're looking to recruit! Our current team is made up of:
Brindolfin Cloudcap
Idril Ssethan
Situation: Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition), Start of Book 2 (The Skinsaw Murders)
Build: is the twenty point buy, Gestalt rules, two traits, one of them campaign.
Just a brief paragraph as to your basic build, personality, appearance and how you would fit into the combat team. A detailed background can wait until you're selected. I'm looking for a fast turnaround, so decision by Sunday (hopefully). ![]()
![]() DM-Camris here, REOPENING recruitment for two more players! - 20 point buy with 7/18 being the min/max for each stat before racial mods.
We’re just on the way to the initial encounter, so this recruitment will only be open a day or two. Currently the team is:
And one other to be determined, but looking fighter-ish. Also, Haven’t heard from Sophia lately, so she might be out. ![]()
![]() A couple of slots have opened up in this Wrath of the Righteous game; we're looking to recruit! Our current team is made up of: Ce-Eshna Lightfoot
Jokum of the Breakbones
Karthak Ironbreaker
Pollux Wardroxan
The characters are currently resting up in the old stone travelers inn, Defenders Heart, where the Kenabres resistance has its headquarters. Build is the twenty point buy, two traits, one of them campaign.
I'm looking for a fast turnaround, so decision by Friday (hopefully). ![]()
![]() We lost a couple of players, so we need players to fill two (MAYBE three) slots. The party currently consists of:
The situation is currently thus;
Character Creation:
-All characters will be created with the “epic fantasy” (25 point) purchase method (page 16 of the Core Rulebook).
"Table" Rules
To be considered, I NEED to see a solid overall concept, and a personality/background. Bonus if you can post the full mechanical build, but that's not critical for consideration. ![]()
![]() Two-Three players are needed for Star Wars-The Covenant of Shadows game. The setting is The Old Republic, a couple of years after Darth Malak's defeat at the Star Forge.
If this appeals to you, submit your character concept here. 1> Rule System is Star Wars Saga system from WotC. 2> Main book is the Saga Edition Core Book. Additional book is the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign guide. Those are the main two; others may be drawn upon as needed. 3> Character generation will use the Planned Generation system (aka Point Buy). 4> Races are those found in the Core edition and Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. Gungans and Ewoks are not races found in this period normally; so, will be out of play. 5> Characters will need to have some level of technical understanding of society to function in the campaign; so, no primitive backgrounds or species that haven't learned to function in Republic cities. Current characters in game are:
![]() When Annie goes back to the Parrot, she is warmly greeted by a chorus of “ANNIE!” They all congratulate you on your success, your new pet cat (“He’s a big pussy cat!”, attempts to pet), your rise in the world… Annie’s mother also greets her warmly, though she urges her to move out of that dangerous mansion (“What with all the mad noblewomen and savage half-orcs…”) By the upkeep rules and Lavinia’s increase in pay, you now have the “Extravagant” lifestyle. Lavinia takes one glance at the locket with Vanthus’ picture, and then tosses it in the fireplace, along with the portrait hanging in the Dining Room. She clears out Vanthus’ old room and gives it to Ghirrak, if he wants it. While she still wants Vanthus brought to justice, there is no trace of him during the months that follow, and her revenge sinks to a low simmer. When Spinnaker Jon mounts his expedition to salvage the ship abandoned in the smugglers cove, you find that the remaining savage creatures had died off, as their violent natures sent them into constant battles with the dangerous creatures of the region. They are all gone, and all that remains of their passing is an empty sea cave littered with well gnawed bones. Consultation with sages and libraries in Sasserine provide little insight into the nature of what occurred at Kraken’s Cove, and the stories you all spread quickly become part of the region’s rumor-haunted tradition. Lavinia continues to have a difficult time with the Nobility, though she conceals much of it from you. Others in the Merchants district and Champions cartel are more welcoming.
Bindlplotz disappears from public view; you hear that he is holed up with a gonnesmith, working on more of those alchemical fire contraptions. Spinnaker Jon is very proud of the little Caravel salvaged from the smugglers, and urges you all to chip in and become co-owners. Though, if you weren’t interested, you could also sell it for a pretty penny. ![]()
![]() .
![]() This will be the OOC thread for the Star Wars – The Covenant of Shadows. 1> Rule System is Star Wars Saga system from WotC. 2> Main book is the Saga Edition Core Book. Additional book is the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign guide. Those are the main two; others may be drawn upon as needed. 3> Character generation will use the Planned Generation system (aka Point Buy). 4> Races are those found in the Core edition and Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide. Gungans and Ewoks are not races found in this period normally; so, will be out of play. 5> Characters will need to have some level of technical understanding of society to function in the campaign; so, no primitive backgrounds or species that haven't learned to function in Republic cities. 6> Characters all start at level 5. ![]()
![]() We lost a couple of players, so we need players to fill two slots.
The situation is currently thus; Having been made junior partners in a casino, they have been sent to find out what happened to their floor manager. When last seen he was on the way to deliver some money owed to a loan shark. Our heroes travelled to a bad section of town to ask about the missing man, but the loanshark is being uncooperative… I need people that will check in probably at least once every two days so that we make sure to keep everything moving.
Character Creation:: -All characters will be created with the “high fantasy” (20 point) purchase method (page 16 of the Core Rulebook). -All of the races and classes in the core rulebook and the advanced player's guide are allowed for play. -There can be no more than two characters of the same class in the party. -We will start at second level. -Max hp at first level. Roll for it at higher levels; but if you roll less than the average die you can take average +1 instead. -Characters will start with the average starting gold for their character class (according to the chart on page 140 of the Core Rulebook) plus 1000gp for being second level. -Players may purchase equipment from any Pathfinder source, with the approval of the GM (for example, some items may be rare in the Varisia region, and thus restricted initially). -No characters can start the campaign with an evil alignment. -Characters start at the maximum starting age for the class and race. -Characters can have up to 2 Traits. -Characters are encouraged to take a campaign trait; but since those were geared towards the very first level, it's not a requirement. "Table" Rules If a character has not taken an action in two day's time, and the character is in a situation where all characters need to take an action for the story to progress (for example, combat, though not limited to combat), that character reverts to the GM's control until the player's next post. In combat a GM controlled PC is invulnerable to damage, though they die if the rest of the party dies. The only actions a GM controlled character will take will be to move and to provide an "aid another" check for other characters. The GM rolls all initiative rolls. If you need to "pass a note," either to the GM or another character, use the spoiler tag, addressed to the party you want to read it. For example: Try to keep in character comments and descriptions of actions in normal font, and use the [ ooc ] brackets for "game" actions. Finally, if you don't already have one, you need to make up a separate message board alias with the name of your character, and fill out the profile with all of the information that you would normally have on a standard Pathfinder RPG character sheet. Before you make up your character, however, post in this thread, and give me a character concept. I don't need pages, but I would like to have a character and not just a build to work with. Once the character sounds good, I'll give you the OK, and once the character is made up and has its own profile, you're good to go.
![]() We just lost a couple of players (a Bard and an Inquisitor), so we need players to fill two slots.
I need people that will check in probably at least once every two days so that we make sure to keep everything moving. If you think the above is acceptable, phase two are the campaign standards
Character Creation: All characters will be created with the “high fantasy” (20 point) purchase method (page 16 of the Core Rulebook). All of the races and classes in the core rulebook and the advanced player's guide are allowed for play. There can be no more than two characters of the same class in the party. We will start at second level. Max hp at first level. Roll for it at higher levels; but if you roll less than the average die you can take average +1 instead. Characters will start with the average starting gold for their character class (according to the chart on page 140 of the Core Rulebook) plus 1000gp for being second level. Players may purchase equipment from any Pathfinder source, with the approval of the GM (for example, some items may be rare in the Varisia region, and thus restricted initially). No characters can start the campaign with an evil alignment. Characters start at the maximum starting age for the class and race. Characters can have up to 2 Traits.
Third Party Sources
"Table" Rules If a character has not taken an action in two day's time, and the character is in a situation where all characters need to take an action for the story to progress (for example, combat, though not limited to combat), that character reverts to the GM's control until the player's next post. In combat a GM controlled PC is invulnerable to damage, though they die if the rest of the party dies. The only actions a GM controlled character will take will be to move and to provide an "aid another" check for other characters. The GM rolls all initiative rolls. If you need to "pass a note," either to the GM or another character, use the spoiler tag, addressed to the party you want to read it. For example: Try to keep in character comments and descriptions of actions in normal font, and use the [ ooc ] brackets for "game" actions. Finally, if you don't already have one, you need to make up a separate message board alias with the name of your character, and fill out the profile with all of the information that you would normally have on a standard Pathfinder RPG character sheet. Before you make up your character, however, post in this thread, and give me a character concept.
![]() Wild Times at the Gold Goblin The day is clear and bright, a warm but tolerable day in Arodus, with the only thing to mar the view of the sky is Riddleport's now ever-present Blot, the dark blemish that has made the infamous port even more well known. You find yourselves in the run down section of town near the wharves that is also the home to the Golden Goblin Gambling Hall. As you approach the Gambling Hall, you see the following: Exterior Description::
This grand establishment has seen better days. A wide veranda runs along the front between two short wings of the building. A massive, brass half-dome tops the building, but it is now tarnished and marred by the impact of years of weathering and bears a patina of greenish brown. Standing before the main doors of the building is an 8-foot-tall statue cast in shining gold to resemble a larger-than-life goblin. It balances a golden dogslicer on a pile of gold as it smiles smugly down on all customers who pass beneath its gaze. The doors themselves are of a strong dark wood imported from southern lands and are decorated with multiple panels depicting signs of luck and good fortune (four-leaf clovers, crossed fingers, and so on).
For anyone that enters the Goblin::
Just inside the main doors, two sultry beauties scantily clad and wearing faux bat wings, devil horns, and tails play the part of alluring succubi. Both are employees of the Gold Goblin, and they cheerfully register contestants for the tournament and process entry fees. Armed guards stand nearby to either side of an immense treasure chest into which each patron’s entry fee is added. The guards are on hand to not only protect the money, but to prevent any overzealous admirers from trying to dare the infamous touch of a succubus. Beyond the registration table is the hall’s game floor. Dozens of gamblers, waitresses dressed as succubi, and bouncers mill about the room, wandering amid tables offering various games while dealers shuffle cards, roll dice, and spin wheels. Moving through this throng are a dozen more of the barely clad, batwinged vixens serving drinks and batting coal-black eyelashes flirtatiously for tips. In the center of the chamber is a short podium atop which sits a massive gold chest affixed to the floor by similarly gaudy chains. On either side of it stands a barechested bouncer in the exotic garb of some foreign sultan’s court. Each stands with muscled arms crossed over his chest and with a naked scimitar of prodigious size tucked through his waistband. High above them, from the hall’s cloth-draped ceiling, hangs a brass birdcage within which crouches a small, bat-winged, pointy-tailed devilish creature that sulks as it gazes over the room and occasionally rattles the bars threateningly. Nearby, you hear an attractive female greeter saying the following to another patron that has just entered the establishment: "Welcome to the Gold Goblin, handsome, the hot spot for turning fortunes and winning wagers beneath the arch. Looking for the squarest games, most honest dealers, and prettiest blamed barmaids anywhere in the port? Well, you found ’em, sugar!
For Everyone:: Let me know what your characters are doing upon entering the Goblin, and once everyone has a chance to post their opening comments, we'll move on to what's going one next. ![]()
![]() OK, one more time. My last two play-by-post
1. I need six players. 2. I need people that will check in probably at least once every two days so that we make sure to keep everything moving. If you think the above is acceptable, phase two are the campaign standards
Character Creation:
All characters will be created with the “high fantasy” (20 point) purchase method (page 16 of the Core Rulebook). All of the races and classes in the core rulebook and the advanced player's guide are allowed for play. There can be no more than two characters of the same class in the party. We will start at second level. Max hp at first level. Roll for it at higher levels; but if you roll less than the average die you can take average +1 instead. Characters will start with the average starting gold for their character class (according to the chart on page 140 of the Core Rulebook) plus 1000gp for being second level. Players may purchase equipment from any Pathfinder source, with the approval of the GM (for example, some items may be rare in the Varisia region, and thus restricted initially). No characters can start the campaign with an evil alignment. Characters start at the maximum starting age for the class and race. Characters can have up to 2 Traits.
Third Party Sources
Table Rules:
If a character has not taken an action in two day's time, and the character is in a situation where all characters need to take an action for the story to progress (for example, combat, though not limited to combat), that character reverts to the GM's control until the player's next post. In combat a GM controlled PC is invulnerable to damage, though they die if the rest of the party dies. The only actions a GM controlled character will take will be to move and to provide an "aid another" check for other characters. The GM rolls all initiative rolls. If you need to "pass a note," either to the GM or another character, use the spoiler tag, addressed to the party you want to read it. For example: Try to keep in character comments and descriptions of actions in normal font, and use the [ ooc ] brackets for "game" actions. Finally, if you don't already have one, you need to make up a separate message board alias with the name of your character, and fill out the profile with all of the information that you would normally have on a standard Pathfinder RPG character sheet.
Before you make up your character, however, post in this thread, and give me a character concept.