Aspis Agent

MaleNPC3's page

18 posts. Alias of Camris.


Carefully, Avner Meravachi poked his head up over a dune, his eyes wide. The others seem to have run off.


Avner ran up to the lip of the Maw.
"Annie! Where are..." He got out before looking down and freezing.
Will save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 He does not throw himself into the Maw.


Avner just smiled at Sunny, dodging the sack thrust at him and kicking his rapier up into his hand.
"Sorry, Sunny my girl, but I am a noble of Port Sasserine; and GLORY AWAITS!" He shouted before charging after the others.

Avner shouts; "Sunny! Use that arm blade thing!" Gesturing with his off hand at the arm hook prosthetic.
The switchblade is a shortsword +1.

What have you found milady?" Asked Avner, following Sunny curiously.

"And you have MY SWORD AS WELL!" Declaimed Avner Meravachi as he shoved his way between the others.

Max carefully approached each door, listened, felt and sniffed at them, then returned.
Returning to you, he said; "I don't hear nothin', but I smell somethin' rotten in the northeast AND east doors. I don't get nothin' at all in the southeast door."

Moving to the other set of doors south east next to the stairs, Max carefully opened them and peeked in.
He gestured to the rest of you to come over and take a look.

"Just leave this to me." Max said cockily.
Taking his time, it is more than 40 minutes of concentration on his part.
You can swear that eyes are watching you all the time here.
With two separate clicks, Max fell back sweating.
"There. That should do it." He said.

Celest wrote:
"Hey pops, what happened? Somebody die? Am I in the wrong place? I thought this was a gaming establishment."

Garmen grinned as he made a passable kiss-the-hand maneuver ofer Celest's hand.

"My lady Celest, you are indeed in the right place." He said with an insoucient grin.
He threw his arms wide in a dramatic gesture.
"Welcome! To Silverdisc Hall!" He declaimed to you all.

Lilly wrote:
"So, Garmen...what do you think about what's going on? With the Flame out and people missing and whatnot?"

Garmen frowned.

"Well, that is the reason I, and the other men of substance in this town funded the reward for a team of troubleshooters to rescue Master Baine, find out what happened to the Torch (and fix it), and the mysterious movements in the tunnels under the Hill.
"Such as yourselves!"
He grinned.

Celest wrote:
"Maybe after I turn the lights back on I'll stop by again and see if the wake's over. The place has got definite possibilities you just need a draw to get people in the door. Know what I mean?"

Garmen is an experienced man, and not easily swayed. But he, like half the men (and a few women) look upon Celest with considerable approval.

"Ah, madame; we will pine in the darkness until the light of your sun shines upon us once more!" He declaimed theatrically.

Father Abstalar Zantus, carrying a full platter, paused when next to Midori's table.
"Midori my dear! I want to congratulate you on your betrothal and I'm looking forward to the wedding next month!" he said jovially.


"I need to sit down for a few minutes. Hours." Max said, holding his wounds.
He goes over to the stairway and plumps down, too distracted to go searching.


Cautiously, Max scouted ahead by stepping into the next door.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14


[npc] Max carefully entered the granary and later emerged holding an adamantine mace.
"Nothing else in there but a few long dead skeletons." He reported.

Faxon turned a jaundiced eye on Jokum.
"If I knew that, I would not need you to find it." He replied dryly.
His eyes sharpened.
"You were going to add 'My Lord' to your address to me, weren't you?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Faxon nodded at Karthak's report.
"Well. Now that Kenabres has been taken, they are of little moment. Now you are best of use to infiltrate the last hiding hole of the Crusaders in Kenabres."
He gave a thin, predatory smile.
"You have a certain... clean look that they will trust. Go make yourselves look wounded and wander about hiding from the last stragglers of our lords army. I'm sure they'll take you in."
His eyes flicked up to Voren.
"But not you. They'll never trust a tiefling."

"Why, yes milady, I am. I see my reputation must have preceeded me." Avner said with a grin.

While Bryson squawked (almost naked), Avner is suddenly at the door looking at Sunny with a smile on his face.
"Well hel-lo! You must be the new girl; Sunny, right?" He said. He raised her hand to his lips.
"You can call me Avner. Ignore my friend here, he's just nervous about his new clothing."