
Malcolm Bookchild's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 55 posts (64 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Veneth Kestrel wrote:
You could always skip the middle-man and play a Magitech Templar

Is there a pathfinder conversion for this?

I would say it depends on what type of ground it is and whether the two of you are aware of each others presence, because there are very few circumstances in which a sword is going through stone, soft dirt is a completely different matter however, and if you don't know anything is there why are you stabbing the ground?

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Alright guys let me sum this up for you

Douglas Adams wrote:
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.

Therefore not only is there no galactic community, there isn't even an Earth community

Dice, they're nicely numbered for you and you can still use different kinds of dice for different kinds of enemies

The rule is written quite clearly, there is no problem with the actual rule, the only problem is with the fluff and as its only fluff its not a problem so unless you're a troll and your goal is to anger peole you should really just move on.

Star Voter Season 7

I think part of the confusion over the voting process is that its a method that almost no one uses, in fact I think I've only ever seen it once before for something on this scale

Star Voter Season 7

You know I can honestly say I've seen a couple of items that I wasn't sure were jokes because they were funny but at the same time I really want them and the joke wasn't necessarily the focus of the item but SO MANY spells in cans

Star Voter Season 7

Guys, just don't do this you'll be out cold within the hour

You guys are smirfing kidding right?

If all the paladins and clerics would just stop going on and on about their gods and how awful undead are and just be quietly angry about it... oh wait, thats just how my druids handle these things

Almost definitely

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Malwing wrote:
if a tinker engineer or artificer happens I'd like to see one that doesn't cast spells via devices or have spells at all.

I agree, I didn't mean to imply any spellcasting. Now, incorporating wands /rods into the constructs somehow could be interesting

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I'd like to see some sort of engineer/tinkerer/artificer class, I can just imagine the little gnome at the corner table in the tavern building a mechanized animal companion...

If siding with the orcs is a legitimate option and they have even a half decent reason (other than "we're orcs, its just what we do, we raid") then I say side with them, but sabotage the fort before you leave, just in case. The orcs seem to have the upper hand here.

stuart haffenden wrote:

Pit spells in front of the main door, failing that dig a large pit so acid/fire effects continue to effect those trying to enter, plus this makes rams difficult to use.

Telekinetic type effects on the ladders will help as will long poles to push them away.

I always forget pit spells, those work too, as far as the mundane pit goes I'd say put that in front of the gate fill it with nasty spikes, preferably ,made from bamboo and filled with poison but that not really necessary.

Unfortunately not, "Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does."

Theres a spell, I think in 3.5, Deeper Darkvision, if I recall correctly its not incredibly high level so if you'd be willing to let it into your game you could maybe have a wand? Best I can do

Do you actually need to see or would Blind Fight be sufficient?

I would say prepare something other than just fire for defense as they may have something(items/spells) that could counteract fire to some degree so I always say make your options as varied as possible. As an alchemist can you mix up some deadly acids or something(never had an alchemist in our group and the class doesn't really sound appealing to me)? Fire in that quantity is also risky because you could accidentally burn the fort. I'm hoping your rogue/ fighters are archers, otherwise I'd keep them inside the gate ready to stem the tide should the gate fall, maybe send the stealthier of the two out as a scout, possibly take out some enemy siege engines from behind lines. You'll want as many of those defenders on catapults/ballistae as possible and then hand out bows to the rest, you've got a week? that's enough for a crash course in archery (if they don't already know how to shoot). There's also the coward's option where you simply run. If any of you are high ranking officials I would recommend sending a request for aid to your organization(s). Aside from that its fairly simple really, bathe the battlefield in the most dangerous area effect spells you can manage.

Do you know the approximate size of the attacking force and do you have any defenders to assist the party?

Star Voter Season 7

I have to agree with Maurice, it should definitely be in the same price range as Cloak of the Bat, maybe slightly higher for the swarm traits, maybe a little lower for less usefulness and its shorter time window

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Vincent Takeda wrote:

Thaco was both better, simpler and made more sense.

Do I win?

Bonus round... I like playing wizards who neither nuke nor buff.

Super extra bonus round:

When it's my caster's turn in initiative my most common (like 75% of the time at least) response is 'I think we're good...'

You said THAC0 was better so yes you win, you are now officially shunned by everyone I know... except my father for some reason

Lava Child wrote:

It's from kobold press, and I'm one of the authors. I put a lot of love into the product, and I really enjoy playing the archetypes from it. Try small but fierce to make a effective kobold dex fighter.


Interested definitely, any need for druids to get farms started?

Well since Paizo can't publish one I might as well ask for a mindflayer

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135. The Fuzzy Quarterstaff
There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this inn except the depressingly long amount of time my group spent laughing when we rolled it on a random inn names table

Alright so I know that it doesn't have them but I would like to once again express my desire for stat blocks for the gods, that is all (yes I know they've said we're never getting them, but I must try)

yeah, its called darkvision, no extra work needed just be a dark elf and exist

Count Coltello wrote:
Thanks most people.kept assuming.I was talking magical shops (might of.been my fault I don't knw) but I was asking in general if I can steal a elephant ride/walk/pull it to other town I would to sell it 5 minutes of rp and rolls 5000 gold (elephant for 10000 sold half price) why not

I'm curious as to how exactly you plan on stealing an elephant. Thats quite hard to hide

Its pretty easy to discourage pcs from stealing, just put a bunch of guys (who are actually probably Wizards or Fighters at level 20, or whatever the max level in your world is) and if they defeat those guys its sure to rouse the town guard and you can send all of the guard at them.

Pat Rothfuss

mostly I'm asking for advice because I usually play a spellcaster and I was mostly wondering which feats I should go for

Well for starters that's more than 20 cubic feet, secondly as long as its one continuous piece of stone he is still touching it

Ok, so I want to make a battlrager (if you don't know what I'm talking about check out their leader here)

Now he needs to be a dwarf but aside from that I'm up for anything to make one of these characters.

Just stick all the books in a bag of holding if you fail the check to learn them and try again later

Andrew R wrote:
williamoak wrote:

Yeah, I'm pretty leery of anything that approches mind-control, because I tend to follow the line of thought "doing evil for a good cause still makes you evil". As for charm person & barmaid: as vivian laflamme said, clear cut case of evil. Magical equivalent of puting a roofie in a drink. Heck, even if I went fully without alignement, Id say 90% of my chars would dissaprove strongly; the other 10% would kill you outright. Me (and to a certain extent my characters) are strong believers in individual liberties.

Plus, I do find those kind of spells weird since it enters the realm of "you can do it to NPCs, but NPCs cant do it to you".

I have gone PVP over that, good chars should not be cool with mind control and my CG cleric was ready to smite some asses over it.

I'm going to be completely honest, I think mind control is one of those areas where most DM/GMs would want PVP to stop it if it goes too far, I'd rather have the threat of the party prevent an action than just standing up and saying "no, you can't do that"

likrin wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:

Alright so I'm up here

Campaign Trait: Touched by Divinity, Zaknafein has strong ties to Gozreh and often dreams of being spoken to by his god through animals


Also, Zak can post as much or as little as wanted

** spoiler omitted **

Don't Druids have to have a neutral alignment? Or did you take something to allow you to be CG?

Yeah, its fixed now, I had two character sheets in front of me and looked at the wrong one.

Alright so I'm up here

Campaign Trait: Touched by Divinity, Zaknafein has strong ties to Gozreh and often dreams of being spoken to by his god through animals


Also, Zak can post as much or as little as wanted

Stat Block:
Zak NG Druid1
Init+3, lowlight vision, darkvision 60ft
flatfooted: 12
Fort+3 Ref+3 Will+5
Speed: 30ft Fly:60ft average
Str 10 Dex 17 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 16 Cha -2
BAB:0 CMD:13
Languages:Common, Strix, Elven
Traits: Bloodthirsty, Touched by Divinity
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Nocturnal(+2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks in dim light or darkness)
Suspicious(+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells and effects)
Bloodthirsty(Whenever you make an attack that reduces a foe to 0 hit points or fewer or you confirm a critical hit, your attack deals 1 additional point of damage. The additional damage is a trait bonus, and is multiplied by your weapon's critical hit multiplier)

RayFinkle wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Zhayne wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Specifically I have a player playing as a cleric of Sarenrae and I want for them to end up transported into the Forgotten Realms, but I was thinking about this and wondering, because his deity doesn't exist in the Realms would he be completely useless?
Just say that it's the faith, not the god, that matters.
As much as I would love to do that it kind of implies that an insane man that truly believes is pet Turtle is a god would be able to pray to it for clerical spells

If this was a Terry Pratchett's Small Gods reference... *high five*

I'm thinking it's not thought. :(

Nope, never heard of it, have heard a lot of good things about him though

26.) Monty the aging wild man who merely stands and listens in the corner as he feeds his Dire Wolf pieces of meat that he produces from a bag of holding

So how would you feel about a Strix Druid?

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Ssalarn wrote:
At the end of the day, while there have been a few dissenting voices, I think majority opinion is clear. If you're silly enough to grapple a succubus, you deserve to get screwed.

I see what you did there

I have one shop with a very limited set of magical items in every medium or large city, the prices are very high, the store is rather hard to find and its always run by the ridiculously powerful wizard who crafts the items, and I don't care if you're the best rogue there is, you try to steal something he will catch you and you will die if you don't apologize and return what you've stolen.

DM Beckett wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
please bear in mind in my Realms Mystra wasn't assassinated. . .
Why would you do that to your players? Or anyone.

Why would I do what? Ignore 4E? Because I'm sane... well sort of

Zhayne wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Specifically I have a player playing as a cleric of Sarenrae and I want for them to end up transported into the Forgotten Realms, but I was thinking about this and wondering, because his deity doesn't exist in the Realms would he be completely useless?
Just say that it's the faith, not the god, that matters.

As much as I would love to do that it kind of implies that an insane man that truly believes is pet Turtle is a god would be able to pray to it for clerical spells

Cap. Darling wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Cap. Darling wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Well if you were a Druid I'd say sneak in while he's sleeping, Wild Shape into a dragon and the Stone Shape the floor through his face
Wild shape into a dragon?
Yes, at 20th level I'm fairly certain that could be done as " it also allows you to assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge creature of the animal type. This spell also allows you to take on the form of a Small or Medium creature of the magical beast type." so not necessarily a large dragon, but still a dragon

Wild shape dosent allow magical beasts and dragons are there own monster type, namely Dragons:)

It does allow magical beasts, says it right there, you could be a small or medium dragon. So while not a full grown dragon, you could wild shape into a dragon

Cap. Darling wrote:
Malcolm Bookchild wrote:
Well if you were a Druid I'd say sneak in while he's sleeping, Wild Shape into a dragon and the Stone Shape the floor through his face
Wild shape into a dragon?

Yes, at 20th level I'm fairly certain that could be done as " it also allows you to assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge creature of the animal type. This spell also allows you to take on the form of a Small or Medium creature of the magical beast type." so not necessarily a large dragon, but still a dragon

Any suggestion on which Forgotten Realms deity would be the best match, please bear in mind in my Realms Mystra wasn't assassinated and thus the Spellplague and all of that 4E awfulness has never happened.

If you don't want them to drop in level, I recommend another good deity grants them power for their stay.

I think this is probably what I'll go with

Well if you were a Druid I'd say sneak in while he's sleeping, Wild Shape into a dragon and the Stone Shape the floor through his face