The Sand Sage

Malandric's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

Thanks for all the info! You all have set me on the right path and im actually pretty excited to jump into it. at my local shop, we normaly have at least 1 table of core every week but lately we have been seeing 2 full tables plus 2 standards. My goal is to get some of the constant gms a break and allow them the opportunity to sit on the player side as well. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE INFO!!

Scarab Sages

Hi all, new pfs member but have been playing tabletop rpgs for years. The reason i am posting is because i am enjoying the time i spend with my local pfs crew but would also like to give back to the same community that has entertained me. What would you recommend for scenarios for a new gm? I am worried i might fail my group due to lack of rule knowledge as a dm. I plan to make my first couple games as CORE so there are not so many books to keep track of. Any help you guys can give me would be awesome!