Kobold Scalecaster

Malag Al-Zafir's page

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Hi James. Big fan of your work here. I want your opinion/advice regarding this:

I am making a home-brew world for my future campaigns. In the cosmology I want to use some ideas of D&D 3.5 and previous editions as well as pathfinder. I want to use the Draedens, Obyriths, Qlippoth, Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, also I want to implement the ideas of the Dark Tapestry and the Far Realm.

1. Do you see any way to implement all of these ideas and creatures/entities together? or some of them overlap roles and are to similar? I could see the Obyriths and Qlippoth being kind of the same race and roles. And if the Great Old Ones lives in the Dark Tapestry is there any need for a "Far Realm"?

2. What is the biggest difference between D&D Obyriths and PF Qlippoths.

3. Do all the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods lives in the material plane?

4. How do these creatures/entities mentioned before interact with each other if there is any interaction.

5. Which ones of these creatures/entities came into existence first?

6. Which ones of these creatures/entities is the more powerful, and which ones are the less powerful?

7. If you wanted to implement the Draedens into the pathfinder cosmology should they be some kind of Great Old Ones? Or a complete different specie?

Thanks in advance. And I know that maybe some of the question may sound repetitive, or the wording weird. But sorry for that, a non native english speaker here.