
Majesty's page

15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

hey, i was gonna email customer service about my dungeon subscription. then i backed off and decided to see how long i should wait before i add another email to the list. my sub. said the newest issue was sent on july 19 it is now the 4th. and my mailbox is still empty. if anyone can tell me how long i should wait would be good. it's been about 17 days now.

super thanks for info in advance

Hey every one I'm Gonna be commencing the AP tomorrow night. With only two players. I'm in no way allowing them to run more than one PC. I think with a little boost and a good duo of classes it can be real fun i've ran small groups back in 2e( 1 & 2 player parties) but never in 3 or 3.5e. I was thinking of starting them at second level , also going to be using action ponts. one thing i'm worried about are the two Wind gaurdians. i was thinking of just having one but depending on how they level i might just leave em at two. Any one got advice on adjusting the adventure for a party of two or other Pc configurations. Though on the whole i'm excited about a Duo and I think it will be fun challenging and quite a nice change of pace from the default Healer/tank/nuker/skill user party we all know and love. Oh, I'm a huge F. Leiber fan.

Any help would be super appreciated.