Majestic8705's page

Organized Play Member. 175 posts (423 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

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Storm Druid.

Not only are you a a full caster with armor, wild shape, etc...but by level 9 when you can spontaneous cast from two domains. Furthermore, you'll likely end up with the Lightning Lord ability which lets you basically drop multiple bolts of lightning on multiple targets at the same time. Repeatedly.

Until you get access to at least level two spells, yeah pure caster Druids (by which I mean ones who give up their animal companions for domain casting) are a little weak. But they more then come into their own around level 8. My PFS Storm Druid is only level 3 and as soon as I got second level spells, my usefulness skyrocketed.

I mean...spontaneous frigging domain casting (at least with the Storm Druid archetype)! Prepare spells you think you might need (read that as 'utility spells' or something like that), and if you don't need them, you can spontaneous them out for whatever blast you have at that level! At level 9, you can spontaneous cast from two freaking domains! That's two spells you won't have to worry about preparing and they're typically blast spells so you can always have utility spells prepared and then just swap them out for a blast if you decide you don't need the utility anymore.

You also get better saves (especially since you cast of WIS anyways) then a sorc/wizard, better health then a sorc/wizard, armor, ability to cast divine spells (like the cure spells which is never a bad thing to have).

Not to mention access to some really cool spells like Entangle which is, imo, the greatest crowd control spell for lower levels. 40' radius, the entangled condition, and it can be used from hundreds of feet away...

Honestly, I can't say enough about how great I think caster Druids are.

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3d6 sneak attack, two ninja tricks and/or rogue talents, and you still get ki progression.

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Here (New Zealand...but really I'm from Canada), queer, get used to it XP

The story of my first coming out goes something like this. A friend and I were playing video games, Halo 2 specifically, like seven years back now. I'd been debating telling him about my gayness for some time and I'd more or less resolved myself to doing it that day. So, he comes over to my place after school and we start killing each other. Finally -- while still playing the game, mind you -- I say something like "Hey, I got something to tell you...[long pause]...I'm gay." This was immediately followed by a momentary pause on his end, leaving me looking down the barrel of a rocket launcher. Taking advantage of the hesitation, I pistoled him in the face.

For the longest time, he thought I only said I was gay because I was loosing and needed the momentary pause to help make up the scoring difference. And then, a couple years ago, we were at a gay club together and I had brought one of my partners with me. My friend says, "You know what? I've never seen to guys make out before." So my partner and I made out pretty hardcore directly in front of him. He goes "OMG! Its EXACTLY like straight people do it!"

I like my breeder friend. His naivity is very fun to exploit for comic purposes ^^

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To leo1925: CC does equal crowd control, which does equal battlefield control.

To Cornielius: I enjoy 'different' characters, one's who aren't just one trick ponies (hence why I wanted my original character to be a sneak attack focused AT) or, if they are going to be just a one-off type of character I'd rather they be a 're-thinking' of the one-off type (like a Druid primary caster over an arcane).

I do understand the 'play what you wanna play' idea - and its great in theory...but I also enjoy a character whose useful. My concern is that were I to roll my original character concept, I'd end up being rather useless on the whole as we've already got someone filing that role. Effectively, I could just go out and roll the character anyway...but then one of us ends up annoyed at the other as we compete to do the same thing.

To Kydeem: Personally, I think the 'I'm insane therefore I do what I want' reading is vastly oversimplistic. I view the CN as the ultimate free spirit. They aren't out there to cause trouble, indeed, that would put value in causing trouble which is anti-thetical to their ethic. Heh...basically, I view CN as s kind of Anarchist philosopher - not the rioting and blowing shit up kind that you see in the news, but the idealized citizen of the theoretical Anarchist utopia put forth by academics. Someone who is aware they are absolutely free of obligation but also aware of what that freedom means.

That kind of lifestyle is vastly...seductive, I find. But then, I'm a philosophy nerd with a more than fleeting interest in Anarchist theory XP

Nymian: They aren't ultra lame...I can see how they can be useful to various kinds of builds. But none of them really seem all that...'WOW HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING!' I mean, those feat lists? All of them have feats I know my sorc would never end up taking - and usually, there's more of those then there are ones that it makes sense for a caster sorc to take. If one is splashing some kind of archer or gish character, k great...bit more useful. But most people tend to advocate against multi-classing of any kind. The abilities? At least two come to mind that have 'claw attack' type abilities which...why? How is that a good idea for the unarmored sorcerer?

~Shrugs~ They all just feel really underwhelming.

I thought that of the stuff there, Abyssal and Celestial were pretty cool but why I kinda dropped them as potentially viable for my character is because they're summoning based bloodlines and we have enough bodies trying to punch things as it is and there are only so many squares around a guy that one can use. Also, Abyssal suffers the same 'useless abilities' problem I mention above. What good are claws and strength bonuses to my caster save those situations where the caster can't help but get dragged into melee which most of the time are never gonna happen because one ought do everything possible to keep that from happening anyways?