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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Bought this recently (two weeks ago) for a Nordic game and when I downloaded it, the pdf is missing the Table; Runesmith Spells per day. Is their a updated pdf I am missing?
Or what class spells per day progression does it match?

Well an amusing build I did was a Tetori Monk of Irori. His viewpoint was that any idiot can kill another, it takes true skill to defeat a person without killing. So he always did non-lethal damage, and grappled his opponents into submission if they fought. Though he always tried diplomacy first. He still followed Irori's tenants. The only beings hes ever "killed" were undead as they technically were never alive and are usually hostile (they always tended to strike first)
Though that campaign, my character actually walked/ran away from the group several times, because they were making dumb mistakes and they all got arrested and went to magic jail (my guy was free as a bird and continued on his mission)

As people have mentioned befor the chaos in the alignment track represents a lack of restrictions. The second set of the alignment determines what restrictions they lack to their mentality. Baron made good points on distinguishing them though the last one is Chaotic Evil, not Chaotic, and gave some of decent examples of well know characters that tend to fit.

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HolmesandWatson wrote:

Players have tried to convince me to allow the use of gunpowder in my AD&D game campaign. From one standpoint, the thought is tempting. Just imagine kobolds, the most inconsequential of humanoid monsters, armed with Uzi submachine guns-now there’s a monster that would strike terror in the heart of even...

Thats my standard reply to when people ask bout firearms. If they are fine with enemies having guns as well and using them, i'll allow it. That tends to scare players more, specially with monsters who could do very well with it. If they agree, then I simply decide what age firearms match with my campaign and go with it and see how well a fire fight goes for them (the more advanced the age, the smarter the enemies are with their firearms)

You can rake lvls in fire bomber which gives you bonus on alchemical substances that deal fire damage, plus you can get fire brand discovery. Using a torch as a weapon is an improvised weapon, so improvised weapon mastery feat will help.

Yes I forgot to say it was DnD 3.5 to Pathfinder RPG. Yeah the beastiary is the big thing to see how the other monster types work but heres what I got minus the types that dont have a spell to change into:
Greater Wildshape(SP): Beginning at 1st level, the shifter can take the form of another creature. Greater Wild Shape works like wild shape, with the following exceptions. As she rises in level, the shifter gains the ability to assume the forms of creatures with types other than animal.She can designate at the time of the change which pieces of her equipment meld into her new form and which do not. Nonmelded equipment alters its size to match that of her new form, but retains its functionality.The new form must be capable of using that equipment. The shifter cannot, however, use any equipment unless she has either an appropriate appendage or a magical means of compensating for the lack of one. Any piece of equipment that is separated from her reverts to its original form.
If the character has Wild Shape, she may convert her uses per day with each on a 1 for 1 basis. Shifter levels stack with Druid levels to determine duration of Wild Shape and Greater Wild shape.
Level 1: Greater Wild shape 1/day (Alter Self 1)
Level 2: Greater Wild shape (Beast Shape 1)
Level 3: Greater Wild shape 3/day (Alter self 2, Beast Shape 2, Plant Shape 1)
Level 4: Greater Wild Shape (Giant Form 1, Plant Shape 2)
Level 5: Greater Wild shape 5/day (Beast Shape 3)
Level 6: Greater Wild Shape (Beast Shape 4, Elemental Body 1), Super Natural Ease
Level 7: Greater Wild Shape 7/day (Giant Form 2, Elemental Body 2, Form of Dragon 1)
Level 8: Greater Wild Shape (Elemental body 3, Form of Dragon 2)
Level 9: Greater Wild Shape (Elemental Body 4, Form of Dragon 3)
Level 10: Evershifting Form

New ability: Alter Self 2: Functions like Alter Self cept it allows to take on Large Size humanoid form: +4 strength. -2 dex
Supernatural Ease: Greater Wild Shape becomes a Supernatural Ability instead of Spell Like. It may still be surpressed in an Antimagic Field
Evershifting Form: She has reached the pinnacle of her Shifting abilities. She may use Greater Wild Shape once per round as a move-equivilent action, as many times per day as she wishes. Her type changes to Shapeshifter for determing what type of effects effect her. She also gains Darkvision (60ft) which remains in effect regardless of which form she takes.In addition, the shifter no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and is not subject to magical aging, though any aging penalties she may already have suffered remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the shifter still dies of old age when her time is up.
I might change some things since it does give a solid kick to its oringinal self.

Hey. I am having trouble converting the DnD 3.5 Shifter prestige class from the Masters of the Wild book into pathfinder. I have a Druid that has this class and was hoping to sucessfully convert it (This is the outdate one, not the Master of Many Forms from complete adventurer)

I have the everything done cept for the special stuff the class gets which is obvoisuly the massive shapeshifting stuff he gets. But heres what I got (minus special stuff)

Hit Dice: D8
Bab: 0-7 (not sure what the ratio is)
Fort & Ref: Good
Will: Average

Req: Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Special: Must be able to caste 3rd level spells. Alternate Form: (Wildshape, a natural alternate form, or able to cast Polymorph, Alter self, Beast shape, Elemental Body, or Plant Shape)

Skills: 4+int (might be too high)
Class Skills: Diplomacy, Disguise, Stealth

Thats what I got there. Now I need to convert the Greater Wildshape ability (This is a very long winded description)
Greater Wildshape(SP): Beginning at 1st level, the shifter can take the form of another creature. Greater wild shape works like wild shape, with the following exceptions. As she rises in level, the shifter gains the ability to assume the forms of creatures with types other than animal, though she cannot choose a form that normally has more Hit Dice than she herself does. She can designate at the time of the change which pieces of her equipment meld into her new form and which do not. Nonmelded equipment alters its size to match that of her new form, but retains its functionality. The shifter cannot, however, use any equipment unless she has either an appropriate appendage or a magical means of compensating for the lack of one. Any piece of equipment that is separated from her reverts to its original form. At 1st level, the shifter is limited to humanoid forms of Small and Medium-size. Thereafter, she can use greater wild shape two more times per day for every two shifter levels she gains, and her range of available creature sizes and types increases. When she gains the ability to adopt an undead shape at 5th level, she may become incorporeal if she chooses the form of a creature with that subtype. If the shifter already has the wild shape ability from another class, she may convert her uses per day of wild shape to uses per day of greater wild shape on a one-for-one basis. She may also mix and match
the benefits of the two abilities as desired to gain the maximum advantage for any daily use. Thus, a Drd8/shifter1 has up to four uses per day of greater wild shape, and she could use the ability to become a Large humanoid (because an 8th-level druid can become a Large creature and a 1st-level shifter can adopt the form of a humanoid). In the same manner, a Drd8/Shifter2 could become a Large monstrous humanoid if she wished.
Level 1: 1/day (Small, Medium size; Humanoid shape)
level 2: Monstrous Humanoid shape
Level 3: 3/day (Large, tiny size; beast, plant shape)
Level 4: Giant, vermin shape
Level 5: 5/day (Diminuitive size; Magical Beast shape)
Level 6: (Abberation, Ooze Shape) Supernatural Ease
level 7: 7/day (Huge size; Dragon shape)
Level 8: Undead, Construct shape
Level 9: 9/day (Fine size; Elemental, Outsider)
Level 10: (Gargantuan size) Evershifting Form
Supernatural Ease: At 6th level, the character’s greater wild shape ability becomes supernatural rather than spell-like. It still requires a standard action and can be suppressed in an antimagic field, but its use no longer provokes attacks of opportunity and never requires a Concentration check.
Evershifting Form: At 10th level, the shifter has reached the pinnacle of her shapechanging abilities. From this point on, she can use greater wild shape once per round, as a move-equivalent action, as many times per day as she wishes. Her type changes to shapechanger for determining what effects and items can affect her, and she gains darkvision (60 feet), which remains in effect regardless of her form. In addition, the shifter no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and is not subject to magical aging, though any aging penalties she may already have suffered remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and the shifter still dies of old age when her time is up.

Full Name

Chad Patterson










Somerset, KY


English and Spanish


General Surgeon