Spell Sovereign

Mailhain Starfall_2's page

17 posts. Alias of Zelit.

Just a fun and quick game

Feel free to discuss what ever us want. If you are looking to get my attention or need a question answered, this is the place.

This is for the players selected for table two.

This is were all game play posts should be posted.

This is were all game play posts should be posted.

Please feel free to discuss anything. If you want to get my attention, or ask question, this is the place to do it.

I like many of you have been trying to get in to a Play by Post campaign. And like so many of you, I scrambled to make a build for one game, only to be drowned out by others. Others like myself.

Now that I have been lurking around, I see many of these campaigns that I so desperately wanted to be part of peter out. Some times its the GM and some times its the players. But in the end it seems these things are doomed at the start.

Also, I have noticed that the rate of play is molasses slow. I myself would require my characters to get to know each other before starting any game. But I am in one game that has been going on for a week and all that has been accomplished is a gate got closed. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I was hoping for a little bit more.

So I have come to my decision to try my hand at this play by post stuff. So if you are willing to trust in a old GM new to the play by post scene I will be excepting applicants

So, now to the matter at hand...

You have been born in a prison. There are no walls, no bars, no doors. In fact it's as if you where free. But the storytellers all tell the same stories and you can't help but think they are real. The stories are of prisons built for gods. They have earth and sky but they are not real only made to look real in the eye of the prisoners. Most people in this prison don't even know they are inside. They are born and live and die without even knowing there was something wrong. And in these stories there are a few exceptional people, who figure out how the prison works and can move between worlds. Rising in power they learn of the true purpose of the prison, and the hidden prize within. Eventually these extraordinary individuals escape the prison and are free to live a life beyond imagining.

You are just a person born in the prison. But you know the stories are real. Your not sure why, but you know. Everyone else says it is just stories, but something deep within you knows. You are not a god, and are not guilty of any crime against the gods. And since you are not what the prison was built for, you have a chance to escape.

Character Creation Rules:
1) NO guns. (unless I give them to you)
2) Core Races.(Aasimars and Tieflings are core as far as I am concerned)
3) 25 pointy buy.
4) Average starting gold. (or roll for it your choice)
5) 2 traits.
6) No 3PP. (well, if it makes for and interesting character I might consider it. If I can reference it.)
7) Max hit points (you will need them)
8) NO evil alignments.( also willing to give here, but no back stabbing double dealing larcenous perverted worms...Kill, KILL. Sorry, I get excited sometimes. Lawful evil is as far as I go and am thinking of running one table just for them. But if you go to far I will...you get the picture.

Spoiler 1 -> Background (Although it is important to develop the character of your character, it is also important to master brevity without sacrificing impact.)
Spoiler 2 -> Crunch (Try to make it a stat block please. It is just easier to read)
Spoiler 3 -> Projected path for levels (a concept or theme, so I can award you proper magic items)
Spoiler 4 -> Any stat blocks for Animal Companions or Familiars if applicable

Please be aware that I will be using Mythic materials, so please do at least preliminary research into the various Mythic paths.

Most of the time you will be asked to do set pieces. That is I will give you a task and you and your party are to complete it. They will be short and we will be using the fast advancement track. Most set pieces are one encounter long.

All characters will have one item or creature that I can not mess with. You can change this protection before or after a set piece

I like to give items that become part of the character. Such as swords that level up as the character does. If you want one of these items please make me aware of the fact. You might not get what you wanted but you certainly will not be disappointed.

I like giving treasure, but you will use it.

And if you fell lucky, before or after a set piece you can draw from the deck of many things. Rolling a straight d20 and living with the results.

I caution all applicants if you can not post multiple times a day don't even try, I will be running more than one table (not sure how many). I will post two to three times at least on the weekdays. Weekends are iffy. So if you can't keep up please don't try. Yes I understand real life happens. But if you can give me a heads up, I will try my best to keep you in the game. If things don't change in a week I might have to give some one else a chance. Sorry, to anyone who gets the axe.

Yes, I am a terrible speller.

If you are confused ask a question, I will reply

I think that is everything