Villamar Koth

Mahmoud the Blade's page

352 posts. Alias of eriktd.


HD 4/4 MF 1/1 RS 1/1 Stm 7/7 | conditions:[/ooc] none | effects: none


[ooc]M N human fighter 4 | HP 40/40 | AC22 T21 FF17 | F+8* (+2 vs death) R+7* (+1 ruins) W+5* (+2 fear) | CMD22 PSD15* | init+5* (+2 ruins) | Per+8 SM+6 |

About Mahmoud the Blade

A former performance athlete and criminal, Pharasma brought Mahmoud back from the dead after a job went wrong, and his knife-throwing skills now serve the goddess in Wati's Grand Mausoleum.

Mahmoud Rannay was born to poor parents in Wati who worked in the farms, and as a teenager he was apprenticed to a group of entertainers called 'The Tumbledown Players' that perform throughout Osirion and maintain a school just outside of Sothis. He was already a particularly athletic young man, and because he wanted to help support his family he felt it was important for him to do well there. His mother got sick and died a few years later, and he was more determined than ever to make good for his father's sake.

After he had been training for several years he realized the players weren't just entertainers-- they were also thieves. They were taught to be selective about their targets, picking the pockets of wealthy patrons and even burgling their estates while they were distracted by the show, but it was an integral part of their living. Mahmoud's role was still to put on the best show of physical agility that he could, and he didn't particularly have a problem with the criminal side of their group, though he was a little worried what his father would think if he should find out. The money was good, though, and he became a source of great pride for his old man.

The work often brought Mahmoud back to Wati, for illegally delving into the Necropolis after hours was a good target for the company, and the ringleader for their division-- a woman named Fatima Fahmee-- was also originally from the city and very familiar with the region. However, while they were on a tomb-raiding job with three other members, something went wrong. Mahmoud doesn't quite remember what happened, but he thinks it was some sort of trap. He remembers a stabbing great pain in his leg, his thoughts going fuzzy, and then falling prone. He thought he heard Fatima swear an oath along with frantic whispering from the others, and then all went dark.

When he came to, he was in a dimly-lit underground room surrounded by several black-cloaked figures wearing the spiraling symbol of Pharasma, including the high priestess Sebti the Crocodile. They informed him that his corpse had been found in the Necropolis, but that the goddess had inexplicably given him another chance. If he agreed to serve the temple, he could continue to live a second life-- otherwise, they would return him to death and final judgment. Obviously, Mahmoud accepted their offer, and he has been working in the Grand Mausoleum as a guard ever since. He finds the work spiritually rewarding, and he is genuinely grateful to the Lady of Graves for showing him his true path.

Mahmoud is tall and lanky, and he seems both strong and agile. His hair is long and unkempt, often tied back and oiled, and his tanned, weathered face sports a scraggly beard and mustache. His bare chest is toned and smooth, and his arms and legs are similarly hairless. He wears a leather backpack, a pouch, a silver amulet depicting the holy spiral of Pharasma, and a small steel shield with a scarab on it buckled to his left forearm. He carries several sheathed daggers at his belt.

His voice is low and gruff, and he is disposed to be more expressive with his movements and gestures than his words. He is tolerant, easygoing, and generally calm-- though his demeanor in social interactions is always more menacing than nice. When he is bored or nervous he often draws a dagger and flips it in the air. When he needs to decide a direction or a course of action he will sometimes spin a dagger to help him choose. He is very proud of his skill with the blade, so much so that he still uses the moniker he received from his former performing troupe, even though he doesn't like to talk about them. He also cares deeply for his elderly father, who lives in a small home in the Asp district of Wati with three other men. At night he offers prayers to Pharasma before he sleeps.

Str 14 (+2) Dex 20 (+5) Con 16 (+3) Int 8 (-1) Wis 16 (+3) Cha 8 (-1)
Str 10+2[wild]+2[optional] Dex 10+2[race]+2[background]+2[class]+2[level]+2[wild] Con 10+2[background]+2[level]+2[wild] Int 10-2[optional] Wis 10+2[level]+2[race]+2[wild] Cha 10-2[optional]

Initiative +5* (+5[DEX], +2[*trait, in ruins])
Perception +7 (4[level]+3[WIS])
Speed 30 (no armor)

HP 40 (10+6+6+6[4d10 HD]+12[CONx4])

Fortitude +8* (+4[base]+3[CON]+1[resistance], +2 vs death [*trait])
Reflex +7* (+1[base]+5[DEX]+1[resistance], +1[*trait, in ruins])
Will +5* (+1[base]+3[WIS]+1[resistance], +2[*vs fear])

AC 22 (10[base]+5[DEX]+4[armor]+1[deflection]+1[shield]+1[trait])
AC, touch 21 (10[base]+5[DEX]+4[armor]+1[deflection]+1[trait])
AC, flat-footed 17 (10[base]+4[armor]+1[deflection]+1[shield]+1[trait])

BAB +4

CMB +6 (+4[BAB]+2[STR])
CMD 22 (10[base]+4[BAB]+2[STR]+5[DEX]+1[deflection])

MSB n/a
MSD n/a

PSB +3 (+4[BAB]-1[CHA])
PSD 16* (10[base]+4[BAB]-1[CHA]+3[WIS], +2[*vs demoralize (Conditioning)])

agile dagger ("Quickspiral"), melee: +11** (1d6+5* piercing/slashing damage, 18-20/x2)
(attack: +4[BAB]+5[DEX]+1[enhancement]+1[Weapon Focus], +2[*Deific Obedience (profane)], -2[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d6[Focused Weapon]+5[DEX], +4[*Power Attack])

agile dagger ("Quickspiral"), thrown: +11**** (1d6+5** piercing/slashing damage, 18-20/x2, 30' range)
(attack: +4[BAB]+5[DEX]+1[enhancement]+1[Weapon Focus], -1[*Barrage: Augmented Grip], -2[*Deadly Aim], +2[*Deific Obedience (profane)], +1[*Melee Archer]; damage: 1d6[Focused Weapon]+5[DEX], +4[*Deadly Aim], +1[*Melee Archer])

dagger, melee: +10** (1d6+2* piercing/slashing damage, 18-20/x2)
(attack: +4[BAB]+5[DEX]+1[Weapon Focus], +2[*Deific Obedience (profane)], -2[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d6[Focused Weapon]+2[STR], +4[*Power Attack])

dagger, thrown: +10**** (1d6+2** piercing/slashing damage, 18-20/x2, 30' range)
(attack: +4[BAB]+5[DEX]+1[Weapon Focus], -1[*Barrage: Augmented Grip], -2[*Deadly Aim], +2[*Deific Obedience (profane)], +1[*Melee Archer]; damage: 1d6[Focused Weapon]+2[STR], +4[*Deadly Aim], +1[*Melee Archer])

unarmed strike: +10* (1d4+2* bludgeoning damage, 20/x2)
(attack: +4[BAB]+5[DEX]+1[Weapon Focus], -2[*Power Attack]; damage: 1d4[base]+2[STR], +4[*Power Attack])

Armor none (Unarmored Training) Shield scarab shield ACP 0

3 ranks/level, +1 Skilled, +1 FCB

Acrobatics* +15* ([*Perform (dance)], -0[*ACP])
Athletics +9* (1[ranks]+5[DEX]+3[class], -0[*ACP])
Escape Artist +5* (0[ranks]+5[DEX], -0[*ACP])
Heal +4 (1[ranks]+3[WIS])
Influence* (threaten) +15* ([*Perform (dance)], -0[*ACP])
Knowledge (divine) +2 (3[ranks]-1[INT])
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3 (1[ranks]-1[INT]+3[class])
Perception* +8 (3[level]+3[WIS]+2[conditioning])
Perform (dance) +15* (4[ranks]+5[DEX]+3[class]+3[feat], -0[*ACP])
Sense Motive +6 (3[ranks]+3[WIS])
Stealth +5* (0[ranks]+5[DEX], -0[*ACP])
Survival +9 (3[ranks]+3[WIS]+3[class])
Use Magic Device +3 (4[ranks]-1[CHA])

Languages Common, Osiriani

Combat Expertise* (bonus), Deadly Aim* (bonus), Extra Combat Talent* (fighter 1), Extra Combat Talent* (human 1), Graceful Athlete (background), Power Attack* (bonus), Weapon Finesse* (bonus, exchanged for Finesse Fighting talent), Weapon Focus (tribal weapons) (level 1); Additional Traits (level 2); Deific Obedience (Pharasma) (level 3); Advanced Weapon Training* (Focused Training) (fighter 4), Skill Focus (Perform [dance]) (level 4)
Martial Tradition (Blade-dancer):
Blade-dancers are primarily performers, with masterful control over their reflexes, and they are especially skilled at holding their attacks and skewering other thrown objects in mid-air. Their trained athleticism designed to impress an audience makes them surprisingly persuasive as well as limber.

Bonus Talents:

Equipment: Dancer Training, Unarmored Training
Boxing sphere
Variable: Blade-dancers gain either the Duelist sphere or a talent from the Boxing sphere.

1 talent/level (x3), DC 13 (10[base]+1[half BAB]+2[WIS])

Barrage sphere (from fighter 2), Barrage, Melee Archer
Augmented Grip (from fighter 4)
Close Combat Specialist (from fighter 3)

Boxing sphere (from martial tradition), Unarmed Combatants
Punishing Cross (from martial tradition)
- Shadowboxer drawback
- Shadowboxing* (from Shadowboxer drawback)

Equipment sphere (from martial tradition)
Dagger Bravo (from Extra Combat Talent feat)
- Dancer Training* [discipline] (from base sphere)
- Finesse Fighting* (from Weapon Finesse*)
Throwing Mastery (from Extra Combat Talent feat)
Unarmored Training (from martial tradition)

Sniper sphere (from fighter 1)
- Ablative Fire drawback
- Targeted Assault* (from Ablative Fire drawback)

Traits Alluring Combatant* (combat, from Additional Traits), Resurrected (campaign), Ruin Delver* (race, from Additional Traits)

Human Bonus Feat, Skilled FCB (fighter) +4 skill points

Background (Entertainer) Well-Practiced (You can spend one hit die to roll it and add the result to a Perform check.)

Alignment Neutral Deity Pharasma

Fighter 4 (Weapon Master) combat training (Expert/Wis), focused weapon training (dagger), martial tradition (Blade-dancer), stamina (BAB+CON), weapon training (light blades); conditioning +1 (Courage), parry spell; reliable strike 1/day, second wind (swift); martial spontaneity; armor training 1, conditioning (Alert, Courage) +2 (from sash of the war champion)

Equipment agile masterwork dagger, alchemist's fire 2/5, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, buckler, canteen, cold iron dagger, crowbar, dagger, entertainer's outfit, fighter's kit (no rope or waterskin), flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, potions of cure light wounds 5/5, potions of cure moderate wounds 3/3, rope (100'), sash of the war champion, scarab shield, shovel, silver dagger, soap, torches 10/10, trail rations 5/5, wooden (bone) holy symbol of Pharasma; 849 gold and 44 silver remaining

Build Plan:
5. Fighter 5, combat talent (Sniper: Perfect Shot), consummate performer, focused weapon (dagger 1d8), weapon guard, weapon training +1, Barroom Brawler

6. Fighter 6, combat talent (Barrage: Mobile Focus), conditioning +2 (Alert), sever magic, Nimble Moves

7. Fighter 7, combat talent (Barrage: Arrow Split), mirror move, reliable strike 2/day, Weapon Specialization (tribal weapons)

8 Fighter 8, combat talent (Barrage: Blowback Barrage), Acrobatic Steps, Advanced Weapon Training* (Abundant Tactics), +2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Wis

9. Fighter 9, combat talent (Barrage: Cone of Death+), tenacious grip, weapon training +2, Improved Critical (tribal weapons)

10. Fighter 10, combat talent (Boxing: Reflecting Palm+), conditioning +3 (Alert x2), focused weapon (dagger 1d10), improved parry spell, Skill Focus (perception)

11. Fighter 11, autonomic grasp, combat talent (Barrage: Walking Fire), deadly critical, reliable strike 3/day, second wind (immediate), Greater Weapon Focus (tribal weapons)

12. Fighter 12, combat talent (Duelist sphere, Duelist: Bloody Slasher drawback, Duelist: Long Cuts*), Advanced Weapon Training* (Warrior Spirit), Alertness, +2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Wis

13. Fighter 13, combat talent (Duelist: Ooze Ichor), weapon training +3, weapon unity, Greater Weapon Specialization (tribal weapons)

14. Fighter 14, bonus feat (swap: Extra Combat Talent > Advanced Weapon Training*: Armed Bravery), combat talent (Equipment: Dagger Bravo), conditioning +4 (Suspicion), improved sever magic, Skill Focus (Sense Motive)

15. Fighter 15, combat talent (Duelist: Debilitating Injuries), focused weapon (dagger 2d6), reliable strike 4/day, Vital Strike

16. Fighter 16, combat talent (Duelist: Essence Manipulation+), Athletic, Improved Vital Strike*, +2 Con, +2 Dex, +2 Wis

17. Fighter 17, combat talent (Duelist: Blackblood Strike+), critical specialist, weapon training +4, Greater Vital Strike

Combat Tricks:
Combat Expertise: If you spend stamina points to raise an attack roll using the Combat Stamina feat’s benefits, ignore an amount of your Combat Expertise penalty equal to the number of stamina points you spent.

Combat Stamina: After you make an attack roll with a manufactured weapon, unarmed strike, or natural weapon attack with which you are proficient, but before the results are revealed, you can spend up to 5 stamina points. If you do, you gain a competence bonus on the attack roll equal to the number of stamina points you spent. If you miss with the attack, the stamina points you spent are still lost.

Deadly Aim: When using this feat, you can spend 4 stamina points to reduce the penalty to attack rolls imposed by the feat by 1 until the beginning of your next turn. You can’t reduce the penalty below 0.

Power Attack: When using this feat, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain the benefits and the hindrances of that feat until the end of your turn, instead of until your next turn.

Weapon Focus: Once per round, you can spend 2 stamina points to gain your Weapon Focus bonus on attack rolls with a weapon with which you don’t have Weapon Focus. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn.

Common Actions:
1 minute
• regain martial focus
• regain stamina

Full round
• withdraw

• attack
• Barrage
• total defense and regain martial focus

• martial spontaneity
• move
• retrieve stowed item

• second wind

• parry spell
• Punishing Cross
• reliable strike

• five-foot step

No action
• combat trick

Good martial spontaneity feats:
Advanced Weapon Training (options here; especially Item Mastery feats taken with the Item Mastery option)
Blind-Fight (darkness or concealment)
Dedicated Adversary (favored enemy)
Deflect Arrows (vs archers)
Disruptive (vs spellcasters)
Extra Combat Talent (especially Barrage, Boxing, Equipment or Sniper talents; Duelist or Fencing for extra damage)
Ghostslayer (vs incorporeal)
Rat Catcher (vs swarms)