
MagusJanus's page

Organized Play Member. 3,302 posts (4,036 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 22 aliases.

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New Horizons is going to arrive there soon enough, so... what does everyone think we'll find?

My guesses:

1) A planet, possibly an exoplanet. It would explain the strange vacuuming.

2) An alien spacecraft from a race that has been monitoring us this entire time and broadcasting our science to the rest of the galaxy to laugh at.

3) A miniature black hole. Because the universe has to screw with our heads, so why not?

4) My ego. I know I left it somewhere.

This is a discussion continue from this thread on Galileo, heliocentrism, and how his being 0.7 MagusJanuses of jerkitude may have cost him his freedom.

We might be doomed, but it's doubtful

Feel free to begin synchronized panicking.

Tesla sued in China over trademark infringement by Tesla

Well, I admit I didn't see this one coming.

Okay, my group has done something insane, even by our standards, and I'm honestly stumped.

Basically, we encountered a lich, defeated him, and waited for him to respawn. We then teleported the phylactery to the Positive Energy Plane and are blackmailing the lich into helping us in exchange for getting it back. The phylactery is within a small container that protects it from the plane, but the container is too small for the lich to reform inside.

So, I need ideas on how we can keep the lich from stabbing the party in the back. It doesn't matter how insane they are; we do crazy stuff all of the time.

To give detail: There are 4 level-14 characters accompanied by a level-9 goblin commoner. One alchemist, one fighter, one admixture wizard, one oracle.

Have fun trusting those cell phones!

This thread is just my listing what items I am updating from the various groups I have been in to Pathfinder rules. I ask that if you have any corrections or questions, please post them!

Note that some items were originally adjudicated higher than they would normally cost to create; I am uncertain if the reasons for adjudication still apply, so those conversions will be questionable. Others were easier.

But, first, my test item to see if I converted properly... the Planar Candle.

Planar Candle
Aura strong conjuration
CL 13th
Slot none
Price 4550 gp
Weight 0.5 pounds

Each planar candle is specifically made to shift a user to a specific plane; the candle typically is designed with etchings that hint at which plane. A candle is lit, at which point it tranports the user and up to eight others (as per plane shift) to the plane the candle is designed for, at which point the candle is used up and vanishes.

If lit while not held, the candle simply vanishes.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift
Cost 2275 gp

In recent discussions of the change to the Crane Wing feat, I made a suggestion that public balance playtesting should be done. The developers, unfortunately, do not have time to run these playtests.

However, I still think such playtesting is a good idea, and in fact should be done. But, we don't need the developers to actually run it; we can do it ourselves, as players and customers of Paizo.

So, I'm going to put my money where my big mouth is. I plan to start seeing if people will be interested in playing playtesting games for purposes of testing balance. I am hoping that other people on here will also be interested in it.

Of course, we need standardization. As much as even I hate to do it, it would be best to run these games at just Paizo books only, no houserules, and using 20 point buy. Also best to use a standard group size of four, though games with group sizes larger and smaller should also be run occasionally to see how the varying group sizes impact balance.

The idea behind this is to give the developers organized, easily-read playtesting data they can use to help balance the game fairly for everyone. This is not to detract from PFS data, but to add on to it to show how balance works outside the PFS environment.

I hope people will be willing to aid as both GMs and players.

I paid for the PDF version only, and have actually downloaded it. In fact, I have it open right now.

However, I bought and downloaded it while the site was wonky, and when the site reset to stability the purchase of it was removed from my downloads section.

I am not asking for a refund, and I have emailed customer service and not gotten any answers. All I want is it added to the downloads so I can download it again later if it is errata'd.

I apologize for my impatience on this.

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Kinda new here, and new to Pathfinder as well. I apologize if this is in the wrong section.

It was recommended to me after I decided to get back into roleplaying. I had roleplayed 3.5E DnD a bit, but not much, and refused to touch 4E. In fact, 4E kinda made me boggle at the changes they announced...

So, now I'm getting back into gaming, and am busy looking over this system... and, in the process, brushing up on all of the stuff I missed.

Also, can I just say the rulebook is a big improvement over the 3.5 rulebooks? It's less of a cluttered mess, has much better artwork, and so far the information seems to have been a bit more sensibly organized without losing the classic book structure. When I was told Paizo was out to fix everything wrong with 3.5, I had no idea that included the flaws in the books themselves too.