![]() Among the 10 stat blocks for each monster, will there be at least one "grunt" NPC with levels in the Warrior class? As much as I like using humanoid monsters with class levels in my games, monsters with levels in a PC class tend to have way too much wealth for the challenge they pose to the PCs, resulting in a situation where the PCs end up with too much wealth for their level. ![]()
![]() QuietBrowser wrote: Alchemist: I'll be honest, I'm not really a big fan of the Alchemist. I just never honestly saw the point in it. It's basically a class revolving around potion-brewing, with a little treading on the Barbarian's heels via its Mutagen feature. Ultimate Magic made it a little more attractive, but still, I would probably never play one myself. I suppose if you were determined to run a caster-free game it's a good finangle, but, yeah, honestly I see the Alchemist's various bombs and the like as something better off folded into the Gunslinger, or else used as part of a more "Mad Scientist" typed class. I had mixed feelings about the Alchemist when I first read about it. Throw Anything and Bombs seemed to shoehorn the Alchemist into a "Mad Bomber" character type while mutagens presented a "Mr Hyde" alternative. Sure, you can indeed specialize in either of these two paths, and be very effective at what you do, but I discovered, with time and playtesting, that the Alchemist can be so much more. Ever heard of the Witcher? There's no better class than the Alchemist to mechanically simulate Gerald of Rivia. Since extracts can be used in heavy armor, playing an Alchemist is a bit like playing a self-buffing Eldritch Knight (Fighter/Transmuter) with no Arcane Spell Failure chance, more skills, poison use and energy damage-dealing, debuffing and battlefield control blast spells (bombs). Thanks to his 4 skill points/level, a usually high Int, a good selection of class skills, utility spells like invisibility and such, the Alchemist can easily fill up the "Rogue" slot in any given party. Need to unlock this particularly well locked door? Quaff a Dex-boosting mutagen and a Cat's Grace extract or potion you crafted and look at the Rogue cry (alchemy bonuses stack with enhancement bonuses). Furthermore, thanks to his ability-scores-altering class features, which are much more customizable than the Barbarian rage by the way, the Alchemist also makes the perfect 5th wheel of the party. The guy playing the Fighter in your party could not show up for the game tonight? No problem, just quaff a Str-boosting mutagen, an extract/potion of enlarge person and an extract/potion of Bull's Strength and crush opponents with DR\- under your mighty blows. The Wizard just ran out of fire spells to burn those annoying trolls? No problem, you have enough bombs to reduce them to cinder. Finally, the Infusion discovery let you buff your allies in never seen before ways. Truly, the Alchemist is a Jack or all trades at his core: whether you choose to focus on a specific aspect of the class, or try to expand even further his versatility, is up to you. ![]()
![]() HobGoblin42, developer, said: ''I don't want to keep you guys from writing those excellent fiction, but the current unsettled situation with Chaos Chronicles is solely based on a conflict between us and bitcomposer. At the current state the completion and release of the game is uncertain since our last attempt to find some agreement failed due the disappointment that we haven't heard back from bitcomposer after holding a long (and constructive) meeting. Obviously, the game won't be released in this summer because bitcomposer stopped the development earlier this year through an legal injunction(which has been recalled later). The next few weeks will finally decide if the game will see the day of light or not.'' So the legal disagreement is between COREPLAY and bitcomposer, also referred as ''s*@%composer'' by the RPG Codex community. Bitcomposer funded the development of the game, so if no agreement is meet, Chaos Chronicles could very well enter the realm of vaporware. ![]()
![]() I hope that Pathfinder 2.0 will feature a major overhaul of the defense system. I would like to see a system where you AC would increase with your level and where armors would decrease your AC (or your max Dex bonus) instead of improving it. I prefer systems where armors and natural armor give you damage reduction. I also like where Project Eternity is going with misses, glancing hits and hits. Tell me, fellows paizonians, does such a system already exist? ![]()
![]() 3.5 classes that I really like and that I would play in a Pathfinder campaing (if allowed): - Crusader (Tome of Battle: Book of the Nine Swords)
Yeah, I like having two ''casting'' stats as a concept because I think that this is a good fix to the martials/casters disparity. Like DeathQuaker, I think that the PF Oracle is too pigeonholey for flavor and that's why I still like the Favored Soul. ![]()
![]() Majuba wrote:
In what way is it ''far superior''? ![]()
![]() Skeld wrote:
Quantum physics. :D But seriously, I never heard of reach weapons not threatening the second diagonal square before. This is nonsense to me. IF that's not how Pathfinder reach weapons work, then I recommend everyone to use the 3.5 rule for reach weapons. ![]()
![]() NobodysHome wrote:
Couldn't you just hack the door to pieces? ![]()
![]() Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:
I don't think they hate them, I think they just do not want to upset the more ''conservative'' gamers by changing them too much. ![]()
![]() Gorbacz wrote:
But then it could be argued that the various NPCs ''taking 10'' on perception checks described in past modules couldn't really take 10, since if someone is trying to sneak on them, they're in a ''dangerous situation''. It would also mean that you couldn't take 10 on your climb check when climbing, because it's ''dangerous'' to fall. You couldn't take 10 for your acrobatics (balance) check while crossing a rope bridge either, etc. The "can't take 10 when in dangerous conditions" can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. To me, it applies when you're in the middle of a fight, when something is attacking you or actively searching for you (because it saw you going into hinding) or when you're taking environmental damage (ex: trying to climb out of an acid pit). ![]()
![]() 3.5 Loyalist wrote:
Plus the distance modifiers! :) ![]()
![]() Kthulhu wrote:
Prometheus was just a bad sci-fi movie, period. It pretended to be an Alien prequel to attract Alien fanboys (money grab) without bearing the Alien name, thus not associating itself with the declining Alien franchise which would have repelled those who know that nothing good can come from the Alien franchise nowadays. It's like having your cake and eating it too. ![]()
![]() You don't NEED a prestige classe to play a ''battle cleric''. A single level dip into the fighter class, selecting the right domains and high strength and constitution scores should suffice. However, an increased fighting capability is obtained at the expense of decreased spellcasting and energy channeling capabilities. In our current campaing of Carrion Crown, we have a human cleric of Cayden Cailean with the Strength and Travel domains. He has a starting strength score of 18 and he took a single level dip into the fighter class so that he could wear a full plate and wield a lucerne hammer. He's a real beast and becomes even more powerful after casting Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength of himself. He even one shoted the first encounter of the 2nd module (CR = APL +1) while we only had 15 points to spend during character creation. How more powerful than that should a battle cleric be in your opinion? Brokenly powerful? ![]()
![]() Darth Grall wrote: Granted, it's not that hard at higher levels, especially when your mods get nuts, but a level 1 wizard with the spell with a +3 int mod will have +4 to the check... and have to roll 17 or over to actually make that check. That doesn't seem particularly right to me. Granted, but tossing 1st-level character into a deadly pit while they are flat-footed is not particularly right either, right? ![]()
![]() Since you can cast Feather Fall as an immediate action and that you can use immediate action out of turn, just like when a pit is opening beneath your feet, the line from 3.5 is not required anymore. There's no concentration check required because you can use your immediate action to cast the spell before you start to fall, unless you want to cast the spell on the defensive to prevent provoking one or more AoO. However, I guess you can't cast this spell if you fall when being flat-footed. P.S.: You have been rude toward Karlgamer, you should apologize. ![]()
![]() The alignment of his character is unimportant, the way he plays his character is. I once played a LE character that was the glue that kept the party together. He was also very heroic (at least in appearance) because he wanted to gain the admiration of the people, so that he could raise in power within the society by making strong allies that would help him and support him in return of his deeds. I also GMed for a LG paladin who wanted to kill a hermit wizard only to steal his magical stuff. Guess which one of these two characters was the most disturbing element for the party? Now if this player ONLY wants to play evil characters, all the time and every time, that may be because he needs to rethink how he perceives good character. Maybe good aligned characters bore him because he sees them as one-dimensional lawful-stupid clichés, but in truth, a lawful good character can be as complex, unsettling and fun to play as an evil character. ![]()
![]() Chernobyl wrote:
Oh but shaken DOES affect the casters who are fireballing you: shaken casters will me more likely to fail the save or die spell of your fellow adventurer. ![]()
![]() 1) ... after a direct hit on a medium creature? X = Empty square
A) 21 squares
or B) 25 squares
2) ... after a hit on a square intersection? A) 12 squares
or B) 16 squares
![]() It's quite simple frankly: a double-weapon is always wielded as a two-handed weapon (and makes AoO as a two-handed weapon). You can chose to use it as two independent weapons only when you are making a full-attack action if you chose to take the penalties and extra attacks associated with TWF, but after the end of your full-attack action, you automatically revert to using your double-weapon as a two-handed weapon. ![]()
![]() graywulfe wrote:
Option A seems like the better, more realistic option at first glance, and it would probably be the one that I would use in my own game as a GM. However, it his also the option that players could abuse the most. Imagine a Monk that uses a standard action to punch a melee Figter in the face, then uses his remaining move action to move and jump, ending his turn in mid-air and preventing the Fighter from attacking him with his melee weapon. Even better, imagine a ninja that jumps and throws a shuriken in mid-air, ending his turn in an inaccessible square. o_O ![]()
![]() Grimmy wrote:
Yeah, the consistency in the quality of the art is what I like about Paizo, even if I'm not a fan their style. Unlike D&D 3.5, which had some very good pieces of art and a lot of very mundane, if not ugly, drawings, Paizo art is, IMO, rarely awesome, but it's also rarely ugly: it's consistently good and I prefer it that way. Advanced Race Guide is the first Pathfinder book that has, IMO, some very bad drawings in it, and I hope this will not become the new standard for Paizo. One of my favorite artists working for Paizo is Tyler Walpole (he drew some monsters in the bestiaries, including almost all the devils in the first bestiary). ![]()
![]() What if tumbling would always provoke AoO but, for the purpose of those AoO, the tumbler's AC and touch AC would be his acrobatics check result? If the defender's attack roll result his higher than the tumbler's acrobatics check result, the defender would still need to hit the tumbler's real AC with the same attack roll result. Do you think it could make tumbling viable from level 1 to 20? I checked the attack roll modifiers of some of the big monsters in the Bestiary, and it seems like it's way under their respective CMD. I think I will give it a try. EDIT: Alternatively, instead of throwing 1d20, the defender could "take 10" on his attack roll and if the tumble fails, the defender would have to make a real attack roll against the tumbler to confirm the hit. ![]()
![]() Ashiel wrote:
1) Take that card 2) Burn it3) Enjoy your Critical Fumble deck! :D I use both decks in my games, but I replaced the confirmation roll for Critical Fumble with a Reflex saving throw with a set DC of 15 (this comes from D&D 3.0). This gives more importance to the less important saving throw in the game. This also means that the higher your level is, the lower your chance to fumble is. This also means that Bards, Monks, Rangers and Rogues are less likely to confirm a fumble. Now I don't care about Bard and Ranger, but this is actually a boon for Monks and Rogues, the unloved children of Pathfinder, when they are fighting Mister Big Stupid Fighter with low Dexterity. Furthermore, big stupid monsters like giants have bad Reflex saving throws, so the Critical Fumble deck has been more helpful than hurtful for my PCs until now. As for the Critical Hit deck, my players can choose to draw a card or not: there's no need to draw a card against a kobold. One important thing however is that I draw cards behind my GM screen, and if I believe that what's written on the card is too goofy for the actual situation, I just draw another one. Now I understand your hatred of Critical Fumble. I have played in a game where the GM made my character cut his own arm because of a fumble when I was a kid. That's not kewl man! ![]()
![]() Sound Striker is a lousy archetype. It gains two new types of bardic performance, Wordstrike and Weird Words, but Weird Words makes Wordstrike completely obsolete as soon as you get it, even against inanimate objects. They should have just given it Weird Words at 3rd level and made it scales in a more elegant way, like 1 ranged touch attack per 2 levels, like a previous poster proposed. Or they could have given to the Sound Striker an ability that deals significant damage against objects. That would have allowed you to make a big stone explode only with the sound of your voice, just like Muad'Dib. :) ![]()
![]() As a personal opinion, I have always thought that the whole ''evil cleric = negative energy and good cleric = positive energy'' thing was one of the worst design concept ever made in D&D. Evil races should have access to good healers too, otherwise they would have lost their battle against the force of good a long time ago. ![]()
![]() Slow counters and dispels haste and vice-versa. The "counters" part I understand, but I'm not sure about the "dispels" part. Does it mean that if I cast slow on a hasten creature, that creature will become slowed (on a failed save) or normal (on a successful save)? In other words, does the "dispels" part requires a failed saving throw? Can a hasten creature become slowed with a single casting of slow? Can a slowed creature become hasten with a single casting of haste? ![]()
![]() The class features of the rogue should be better (or he should have more of them) and the problem would be solved. There's no need of a full BAB progression if the class is done right. Uncanny Dogde should add he Rogue's Wisdom modifiers as a bonus to his Armor Class, like the Monk or the Swordsage from Tome of Battle. Since the Rogue his designed to fight in melee (archer Rogues suck), he really needs to have a decent AC, so a class feature similar to Scoundrel Luck in KotOR (+2 AC at 1st level, +4 at 6th, and +6 at 12th.) would be welcome. Rogue Talents should always (instead of just once) let you take a feat instead or a Rogue Talent. Skill Focus (Acrobatics) is a very "roguish" feat, so why can't I take it instead of a Rogue Talent? Speaking of Rogue Talents, some Alchemist's Discoveries are stronger than feats, so why most Rogue Talents are weaker than feats? Something more: in almost all fantasy settings and games, the Rogue is always portrayed as the "quick" character. In D&D/Pathfinder, he his slower than the big bulky Barbarian and he act after the old grumpy Diviner. Give the Rogue a scaling bonus to his base speed and initiative! Those are my suggestions on how the Rogue could be fixed. |