Iroran Paladin

Maenalis's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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James Jacobs wrote:
Maenalis wrote:
Q.: If my PCs would like to recruit "refugees" in Absalom to resettle them in Ravounel, what type of folks might they find there? My only idea was (mostly human) refugees from Lastwall and Ratfolk from the "sewers". Any other ideas?

Any ancestry the GM wants. That's kind of one of the whole points about Absalom. Otherwise I'd suggest checking out the 400 page book we recently published on Absalom for more info.

The word "refugee" isn't the right one though, I think, in this case.

I rephrase the question.

Are there any preexisting large "refugees" living in Absalom or somewhere else in Golarion?

I am mainly asking, because my PCs have the land to "colonize" it, but don't have the funds to hire "workers".

I already have an idea for resettle a large group of ratfolk, who used to live in the sewers because they had nowhere else to go. It is easy to come up with "Ancestry" based ideas, I am struggling with the political ones.

Q.: If my PCs would like to recruit "refugees" in Absalom to resettle them in Ravounel, what type of folks might they find there? My only idea was (mostly human) refugees from Lastwall and Ratfolk from the "sewers". Any other ideas?

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I would be interested in playing in a PF2e PbP game, with a goody-two-shoes character.

I am brand new to PbPs and PF2e in general. Although I have several years worth of experience with AD&D and similar games both as a DM/GM and player, I have no idea how this works.

I looked at the already existing PbP threads and the recruitment posts and the virtual games and the Gencon posts and the stickies and it got overwhelming.

I hope you don't mind me asking it here:

How do I find a beginner friendly PbP group?
Shall I wait for one to pop up?
Shall I GM one myself? (Although I am new to PbPs, PF2e and English is my third language).
Should I learn something specific, that needs o be learned before?

Thanks for any kind of advice in advance.