Skywin Freeling

Maddie Fallin's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 7 posts (56 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 19 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello wonderful CS team!

I've been skeptical of the working conditions for staff at Paizo since a lot of the "old guard" started leaving, and the information coming to light is confirming what I've feared.

The treatment of employees, including (but not limited to):
- Workplace hygiene,
- Sexual harassment,
- The pushback from senior management on gamification of mental health,
- the pushback from senior management involving protesting publishing of gross/harmful content featuring transgender characters,
- The treatment of a transgender former employee (and a personal hero of mine),
- My own observations on the treatment of transgender freelancers and community members in messageboards and publication spaces (happy to go into detail on my own experiences!), and
- My own experiences with insufficient/light consequences on a PFS Org Play officer saying nasty things about transgender people.

For context, I was a long-time PFS Org Play GM and very active community member before dropping off due to COVID. Was trying to get back into the community and, well, some nasty things happened.

I want to be very clear to any senior leadership/executive-type folks reading this that the reason I came to Paizo in the first place was because of the LGBTQ inclusivity, the size of the company, and wanting to support queer content. I can't in good conscience continue to support the company or participate in Paizo-related events until things get better.

CS team, please cancel my last remaining subscription. Thank you for everything you do, especially with the dungstorm in the last few days. Love you all!

Liberty's Edge

Hello wonderful CS team!

Please cancel my Pathfinder rulebook subscription. Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

Hey wonderful and patient CS team!

I've run into an issue that you've probably seen before; I'd like to start my Pathfinder Rulebook subscription with the PF2E core rulebook and bestiary, but the shopping cart and order didn't/couldn't reflect the changes I made.

Can you please change the starting product of my subscription to the core rulebook? Thank you so much! <3

Liberty's Edge

It's that time, unfortunately; end of an AP, and I don't have the budget to sub to the next one.

Thanks for your help! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I attended hal-con and had a blast (goblin alchemist for the win) playing in the play test run by Mark.

Liberty's Edge

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :D I'm so glad that we finally get dice for my favorite AP!!!

Liberty's Edge

Hello, rad customer service team,

Please cancel my AP subscription. I'm a broke college student and can't afford my monthly fix for and AP I'm not super interested in :(

Thanks for your help!

Liberty's Edge

If it's not too late, please cancel the Iconic Heroes Set 3 in my order.


Liberty's Edge

Please cancel my Starfinder and Starfinder AP subscriptions. Thanks! :)

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to receive Starfinder #1 with my AP subscription. When I subscribed, I didn't see a way to set that. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

My VC submitted an application for me in March, 4 months ago. I still haven't gotten the tag on my account or the scenarios in my downloads, and I need them so I can run more games. Is there a usual amount of time the app takes to get processed? If this is normal, I don't want to be a nuisance, but at the same time, I'm really frustrated.

Liberty's Edge


Please cancel my AP subscription. With a new college quarter coming up, I won't be having the cash to support my AP habit :(

Thanks for your time!

Liberty's Edge

I still have not received the physical copy of AP 111: Dreams of the Yellow King. I sent an email to Customer Service on Sunday, but haven't heard back yet. I'd like to inquire as to the status of that, and possibly have a replacement sent out with my other order, 4133049.


Liberty's Edge

I just got a new phone, and I wanted to get some stickers printed with the society logo/glyph of the open road to put on the inside of a clear case. would that be an okay thing to do?

Liberty's Edge

I'm supposed to be a designated reporter for my FLGS, and i'm not seeing that i've been added to the list despite the owner of the event having added me. event code is 80227, name is Zulu's Games Bothell, WA

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