
Macaroune's page

** Starfinder Society GM. 24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


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Looking at building a Solar Flare solarian. When I read the sentence that states "anything that specifically affects solar weapons (such as solarian weapon crystals) affects your solar flare in the same way...." I got excited and thought I would put Solar Flare on it. But then the sentence goes on to semi contradict itself in saying, "....though it can't gain any special weapon property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion that can't be applied to a small arm."

One half of the sentence seems to state that the Soulfire fusion should work with the solar flare, as your solar flare is meant to be interhangeable for solar weapon, thus granting backwards compatibility for solar flares to be used with the old Revelations and such. But then the back half is being interpreted by some to mean it can't accept weapon fusions that can't go on a small arm.

My thinking is that it should be compatible, since the Flare seems to be intended to be synonymous with the Weapon in regards to the Soulfire fusion. The "can't take fusions that can't be placed on Small Arms" condition seems to be intended more so that you can't put Defending Fusion on the Crystal, since you could normally place it on a Weapon.

-Soulfire fusion applied to Crystal
-Crystal plugged into Flare

Since the Flare is stated to be affected by everything that affects solar weapons, Soulfire should apply Charisma damage to Solar Flare attacks. Yes?



I'm not sure if this is still the way this is done, but if it is, I'd like to cancel my subscription to the Starfinder Society Scenario subscription.

I am also curious as to why this is the way to do this, and why there is not instead just a way to cancel it through my profile (this seems to be the case, anyways; if I'm wrong I will take my lumps).

Thank you!


Hello! The Stellifera Hydrobody states that it gives the stellifera "the ability to wield weapons and wear clothing and armor as a Medium creature." However, the rules in the Core Rulebook pg 196 say of Armor Size: "Armor comes in different sizes for different creatures, and you might have to adjust a suit of armor to fit you if it wasn't made for your race." This implies that you could have a suit of armor made for a Stellifera's Diminutive body (at no extra cost, contrary to weaponry). So this means I can get a Diminutive set of armor, cool.

Now, is it too much to assume that because I am forming a Hydrobody *around* my Stellifera's corporeal form, that the my Stellifera can simply stay in his Diminutive suit of armor and still gain its armor bonus? I find it very hard to believe that, in a world where a telekinetic cuttlefish can surround itself with water to make itself larger, that the hydrobody has to be wearing the suit of armor. It is effectively the same thing either way; the armor covers the hydrobody and protects the stellifera, or the armor covers the Diminutive (and vital) form of the Stellifera and protects it that way.

That said, I can see how mechanically, it would be intended that a Stellifera's hydrobody has to have Medium-sized armor to gain any Armor Bonus in hydrobody form. I am just looking for clarification. Thank you!