
Maanyatha's page

270 posts. Organized Play character for JASON RODARTE.


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Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

He might be a bit higher than as well. We are doing the Dragon's Demand at so he might have his level in Dragon Disciple by then :)

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

I have a sorcerer that might be of enough level to go if you need arcane spells.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Have fun!

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

What is the level range for the next scenario?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

You may want to check off or scratch out the higher tier stuff. I got in trouble once from a VC for not doing that. One never knows when people in a group will resort to informing the VC if they dont like something.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

This was fun! Thank you for running it. You did a good job

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Just in case she does
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Regular attack
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Would she get an AoO with her naginata as the bird came at her?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Handle Animal 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 to try and calm the blue one down.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Your mother isss worried she says/ We musst be back to her quickly she says.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

The law can take care of thisss she says.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Taking her polearm she brandishes the sharp part of the blade at the robber You will tell usss the truth you or you will join the ssshe wolf

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

She goes up and slashes the lycanthrope to make sure it is dead.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

It doesn't look like she is in harm's way so she will stand up.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

What am I up to in terms of hit points

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Do I get an attack now?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Checking in so you dont think I have abandonded :)

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Why would I be bleeding with the infernal healing spell cast?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Watching to see what happens.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Feel better soon :)

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

She takes a 5' step back and attempts to slash the wolf lady
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Since she has a reach weapon, does she get an AoO?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

It would be mossst merccciful to him and to othersss to end him now she says. All who wear the mark

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Glitterdust is such a nice spell

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

She takes a 5' step and attempts to slash the cretin in front of her with her naginata
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

LOL. We are a hot mess

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Stealth 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Those are my favorite chromatic dragon. I thought that perhaps being from Tian lands you would have had an Oriental Dragon bloodline

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Nei-Lung, what is your dragon heritage?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Look. There are ssssome tracksss, here, Human trackssss on thisss trail

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

There issss a nosssse wipe here, with a cressst

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Vipersss are not alwayssss bad she remarks.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

There issss no need for sssuch language and hossstiliaty amongssst us she says

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]


Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Hooray, one more week of school. We will be done next Wed.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

:). She does already have the weapon of a female samurai :)

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Does the katana have something to do with other scenarios?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Her interest is peeked
I am from Tian landssss, and ssso do not know much of thisss hisstory, Dante. Can you tell me more about the blacksssmith?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Thisssss lookssss like good work she says looking at the katana Do you think that you could fixxx it and add your own mark on it? she inquires.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

She will inspect the weapons, especially if there are any Eastern one around.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

The nagaji listens to what is taking place.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

The tall nagaji enters into the room, dressed in Eastern armor. She has a naginata in hand and a sansketuson on her hip Thisss one issss Maanyatha

She looks around and seeing the Ulften states Phoebee ssssendsss her greetingsss

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Thank you for the invite.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

updated her

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Benny got picked up in another game but I have this arcane bloodrage.

PFS #: 43330-13
Female Nagaji Bloordrager
Faction: Liberty Edge
Day Job: Craft Pottery 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
XP: 6

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

I had fun. I think I need a bard to go through the module for some of these boon things.

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

I don't think that she has any business to finish here

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

This was fun! Thanks to you and my fellow players. I don't usually play front line character so I hope she did a good job

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

The bloodrager charges in with her sansketukon to attack the large beastly woman
1d20 + 6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 1 + 2 = 21
1d10 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 2 = 12

Can someone move her up please?

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

This will probably hurt, lol

Liberty's Edge

HP 34 AC: 18 T: 11 FF CMD 15 FORT: +5REF: +3 will +1 (+2 Mind Effect and Posion) Init +3 Perception +8 [Low Light Vision] NG Female Nagagi Blood Rager [Arcane] MW Naginata +5 [1d8+4/x4 ]

Glad you are back!

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