Artemis Entreri

Lynx's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

Can I use power attack while in Grapple?

As the feat states I would take a minus to all attack rolls and plus to my damage rolls.

Just because I don't have to make a attack roll doesn't negate the bonus to damage rolls right?

Sovereign Court

Ok, we came across this in our last pathfinder society game.

Character played:

fighter that used two hand crossbows.

Had Two handed fighting And Rapid Reload.

Two hand fighting: hand crossbows are light weapons, causing him to fire both at -2 to attack.

Rapid Reload: The hand crossbows can be reloaded as a free action.

As of now he's only first, but you can see where this is heading quickly. He will turn into a gattling gun at higher levels. Add some magic to that crossbow and we have a mini gun.

I couldn't find anywhere where it said it couldn't be done? The basic commen sense thought is, "how do you reload if both hands are holding crossbows?" Nothing in the rules it appears stops it.
