Haley Starshine

Lynne's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I recommend both the Seattle Children's Museum and the Pacific Science Center, both located at the Seattle Center. The PSC has a lot of interactive exhibits, many of which are appropriate for little kids. My daughters loved the butterfly room.

Please help!

We will be starting CoSS next week, and my group has adamantly refused to join any of the factions. The players are extremely wily (2 have been playing for 35 years, one for 30, and the baby of the group has been playing for 9 years).

On Smuggler's Shiv, they worked hard at keeping all the NPCs alive, and developed close ties with Sasha and Jask, but they didn't tell any of them about the Temple of Zura or what they found there.

Once they reached Eledor, they tried to keep all of their experiences quiet, but almost as soon as they arrived in port, Gelik let the entire city know about *his* exploits on the Shiv.

When the factions started approaching the PCs, they became paranoid (even the PC who had ties to the Consortium), and they left in the middle of the night, just hours after researching the route to Tazion. At that point, the other factions were still, at minimum, one week away from being able to leave, giving the PCs a giant head start.

They made friends with Athyra (incredible Diplomacy roll),warned her about the approaching "armies," and suggested ways that she could slow them down (felling trees in their path, etc.). the PCs then collapsed the exit to the Salt Mine, disallowing anyone from using the shortcut.

After killing the chemosits for the villagers, they told them about the approaching "armies" and, with another incredible Diplomacy roll, convinced them to retreat to the jungle (and hide all their food), so that the armies wouldn't be able to restock their provisions.

During their 3 day stay in Kalabuto, the ranger made contact with the Aspis, and promised to leave trail signs for them to follow, however, the oracle, in disguise, overheard the plans, and spent the rest of the journey erasing the ranger's trail signs and creating false ones.

Despite the fact that a couple Pathfinders from Kalabuto aided them in their fight against some extremely beefed-up Mzali warriors, the PCs still refused to align themselves with them.

During the final stage of the journey, the rest of the trailblazer groups fell even further behind, due to flash floods, disease, and false trail signs, so the PCs arrived in Tazion a full two weeks before the next closest group.

In Tazion, the PCs managed to kill every single charau-ka (amazing tactics involving a flying zombie succubus ringing the eloko bell while circling around the tar lake). They stone idols are dust, and the half-orc barbarian sundered the map with her earthbreaker.

In order to minimize the chance of someone being able to follow them, they plan on levitating to the trees and then brachiating for as long as possible, only dropping to the ground when they reach water. With a two week head start, and a shattered map, it would seem deus ex machina for any of the factions to be able to follow them.

Out of character, I informed them about the camp rules in CoSS, as well as the benefits that a camp could provide them, such as the ability to get magic items via the Supply score, or the ability to go exploring without worrying that something will come along and destroy their camp while they are gone. I flat-out told them that having a faction will be *very* important in the later books, but they are still adamant that they do not want to join a faction.

From reading the messageboards, I understand that most of the fun from this module involves interaction between the factions. Given their precautions, how can I plausibly have the factions show up to a city that has been hidden for so long? How can I adjudicate their defense of their camp?

Please help!