
moonshiner1313's page

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I also love playing Clerics that are constantly pushing there religions. I had a Dwarf Cleric at level 6 that put all his money on a magical Armour and had an AC of 30, with a tower shield. all he ever did was preach nonstop in the battle field and preach nonstop to everyone about Serene. My friend in the same campaign ran a Female Paladin that followed my priest around preaching as well. His character was basically a nun that had a glaive disguised as a giant ruler with the Mercy ability. He would use the ability to intimidate everyone in site all the time. The nuns catchphrase was "Ima beat the SIN outa yea!!!" They made a great team, the cleric who could not hit crap just stood there blocking the halls in dungeons with his tower shield and preaching while the Nun beat everyone up with the reach weapon behind him.