
Lycanthropos's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Six Player Kingmaker Conversions-

Chapter 1- Stolen Lands (Alexander Kilcoyne)

Forum Topic- Link

Conversion- Link

Chapter 2- Rivers Run Red (Alexander Kilcoyne)

Forum Topic- Link

Conversion- Link

Chapter 3- Varnhold Vanishing (General Chaos)

Forum Topic- Link

Conversion- Link

Chapter 4- Blood for Blood (General Chaos)

Forum Topic- Link

Conversion- Link

Chapter 5- War of the River Kings (the_minstrel_wyrm)

Forum Topic- Link

Conversion- Link

Chapter 6- Sound of a Thousand Screams (Unknown)

As far as I am aware, Dean and Shane (the_minstrel_wyrm and General Chaos) are working on the final chapter, i'll update with more information as and when I get it.

Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Daviot wrote:

New Event: Smuggler Activity

Whether importing pesh and poisons or merely legal goods through questionable means, your kingdom has seen a short-term boom in smuggled goods before the market niche collapsed. Increase the treasury by 2d6 BP (each time you roll a 6, reroll that die and its results to the total), but the kingdom Unrest increases by 1 for every 2 BP gained in this way, to a maximum of 6. A successful Loyalty check reduces the Unrest to 1, but also reduces the BP gained by half. (A kingdom may willingly fail this Loyalty check if desired).

New Event: Surveyor
A wandering surveyor offers to improve your maps of your kingdom. Make a Stability check; on a success, the surveyor reveals a hidden site on any claimed hex or hex the PC's have explored, or if they've found all sites on their explored hexes, the surveyor fully explores a new hex adjacent to the kingdom's borders, the PCs getting the exploration XP as normal. On a failed check, the surveyor is chased off by bad conditions or monsters, and tales of his expedition increase Unrest by 2.

New Event: Population Boom
News of one of your cities' greatness has inspired a new wave of immigrants to become vassals. Although they don't bring much in the way of wealth, they do help the local markets and workforce. Choose an empty city block in one of your City Districts; that block becomes a free House on your next Improvement Phase (this does count towards your global limit of Houses built in one Kingdom Turn). If you have no empty blocks in your prepared City Districts, this event is wasted.

New Event: Varisian Caravan
A wandering Varisian caravan visits one of your cities, along with a few suspected Sczarni. You gain a +2 bonus on Economy and Loyalty checks but suffer a -4 penalty on all Stability checks until your next Event Phase. In addition, until your next Event Phase, one random City District has 1 additional minor item slot and 1 medium item slot; these generate magic items on your next Upkeep...

I love them. Specifically the Surveyor and the Varisian Caravan (wich I've already used to harrow my players, to warn them and give them bonuses).

Now the question is... What percent should we assign them? And what events should "give" them the points?
I mean: I target for a 3% of possibility of each event occurrence for each event. So I would reduce events with more possibilities to appear. So, using your interesting table I sould suggest:

1-5 = Monster Attack(continuous)
6-8 = Plague(continuous)
9-11 = Assassination Attempt
12-20 = Bandit Activity(continuous)
21-24 = Disaster
25-27 = Smuggler Activity

28-35 = Sensational Crime
36-40 = Feud
41-50 = Public Scandal
51-53 = Food Shortage
54-57 = Food Surplus
58-60 = Surveyor
61-62 = Good Weather
63-65 = Population Boom
66-69 = Natural Blessing
70-72 = Varisian Caravan

73-77 = Outstanding Success
78-82 = Economic Boon(exploding 6's)
83-85 = Political Calm
86-92 = New Vassals(exploding 6's)
93-100 = Visiting Celebrity(exploding 6's)

What do you think?

Dreyvan wrote:

My players use the spy ministry as an agency of 'internal security'.

The Spy Master is actually Mikmek, a little kobold rescued in the mite's lair. I played him as an ironic and astute leader. He's in fact the cohort of Laurea, one of the players, a female elven explorer, who is the Royal Assasin. He has been with the party since they rescued him (and secretly loves Laurea O_o').
The Sootscale kobolds have developed a lot since the incorporation of his clan into the kingdom... and now, their ears work for the kings.
... However, The Queen (a fey-touched druid) doesn't trust the kobolds completely, and so she has a contingent of followers "watching the watchers": a dozen of awekened mice (smaller and with better hearing abilities than the kobolds).
As you see, my players are very paranoic, more involved in preventing the enemy within than spying in foreign courts...

Oh man! Your game seems something I'd LOVE to play!

Great roleplaying situations and great use of NPC makes the players feel like they are REALLY inside a vibrating full lived world.

I wish you enjoy the game!

We've used the kobolds as a great oportunity of Roleplaying.
I'm fully agree with Herbo. The Soothscales are trying to survive and takes all the oportunities they can afford.

The chief uses the PC as a tool to regain the power he cannot take by himself (he's also affraid of Taruk).
So, my party found first the kobolds in the radish patch. The kobolds were intoxicated by the moonradish and felt strong enough to attack them. Instead of beating them to dead, my PC party saved the life of two of them (that I turned to be Mikmek and Napkip) and send them to their chief as envoys announcing the comming of the PCs.
Later, they agreed with chief Soothscale to finish the "blue menace" of the mites and "signed paper" with the kobolds. The agreement (negotiated through several uses of Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate and Sense Motives from the two parties) was:
1-the kobolds will get their own "kingdom" free of "big people" where they rule as they wish. As the game has evolved, the kobolds has looted several innocent people that has crossed their land.
2- The kobold "kingdom" were their lair and surroundings (in game therms, the hex where is located the lair). The chief Soothscale has tried opportunistically to take more land from the neighbouring hexes, wich has obligated the PCs to intervene again.
3- The kobolds has "free passage" to the radish hex to gather the plants they are fond of.
4- They will mine the silver of their mine and trade some silver for other stuff to the PC. In game therms, the party can use the hex "mine bonus" if they can build a road to the lair.
5- The kobbolds agree not to attack "big people" outside their kingdom and the big people cannot attack kobolds unpunished in the PC kingdom. Of course, there is allways debate of what "big people" means... Do the term includes childs? Or halflings, gnomes and the like?

The kobolds are always fitting the words of the agreement, but trying to bend the spirit of the agreement in his benefit. They are trying to puss the boundaries of the agreement further in their benefit, creating very interesting role-playing situations.

Also, I played Mikmek and Napkip very nice and lovely (like helpful tiny pets that want to be heroes) and they are the lieutenants of Chief Soothscale, so my party seems them like an annoyance of little kids that must be edducated.

We're finishing Rivers Run Red and they are forging a great alliance based in understanding and commercial relationship enough strong to allow my players the use of a Huge Army of Kobolds when the War of the River Kings erupts.

Wonderfull work. Well explained and detailled.
Thanks a lot.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Its finally complete. I'm not 100% happy with the formatting but the encounter conversion should be sound. Sorry for the wait.

Link- Link

Feedback and thanks is, as always, appreciated. And obviously the conversion is ridiculously spoiler heavy, so do not read if your a player (ESPECIALLY IF YOUR ONE OF Y PLAYERS!).

Warforged my friend, were you planning on converting Chapter 3 still?

HUGE work!!


Thank you very much indeed!

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

It takes my life to an easier level.

Now, I'm trying to implement an excel based weather calendar...


Wonderful. I love them.
But.. (There is always a "but") Are you planing to release the whole adventure path? I wouldn't like to use them in the first two books and later, change the pictured stile to my players...
I'll bouy them all. I can swear it.