Occultist/Psychic Hybrid - Erudite
Hit Dice D6
Wealth 2d6x10 GP
Class Skills – Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable device, Fly, Linguistics, Perception, Profession, Sense motive, Spellcraft, Use magic device, Knowledge all
Skill Ranks 4 + Int Mod
Saves- Will good, ref and fort poor
BAB - Poor
Weapon and Armor – All simple weapons, no armor or shield.
Spell slots - As wizard
Spells known –
Erudites learn 2 spells from the psychic list at level 1 and then 1 spell per level of Erudite of a spell they can cast from the psychic list.
Similar to a Wizard they may learn additional spells from the psychic list through scrolls and spell books if the spell falls under psychic spell list. However, instead of spell inscriptions the Erudite book is filled with mnemonic devices, diagrams, and sensory input to recall the spells increasing DC of other casters to read the spellbook by 10. Each morning the Erudite must have his spellbook while attuning his focus in order to cast Psychic spells from it but otherwise does not prepare spells.
Implement Spells - The Erudite learns 1 implement spell per implement known for each spell level they may cast that is not the highest level they can cast from the Occultist spell list. They must have Psionic focus invested into the implement in order to cast spells from it and include the implement as a focus.
Unique spells - The Erudite spell selection becomes more limited throughout the day. They may only cast a specific amount on unique spells of 1 + half there Erudite level per day. This limit does not apply to spells known as knacks, gained through psionic mind feature, or spells gained outside the Erudite class. Spells that may be undercast only count as one version of the spell. This refreshes whenever they would regain spell slots for the day.
Knacks - An Erudite begins play with book containing all lv0 psychic knacks. He is limited to casting one unique knack per day from the Psychic spell list. In addition he knows one knack, or 0-level psychic spell, for each time he selects an implement schools. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they can be cast any number of times per day. Knacks cast using any other spell slots because of meta magic feats applied to them, for example, consume spell slots as normal. These spells do not count normal unique spells per day.
Spell-casting - The Erudite gains the ability to cast spells in a similar fashion based on their intelligence score using their limited number of spell slots which they gain as wizard. The spell slots are shared among their implement spells and psychic spells and they gain extra spell slots based on their intelligence score. In order to cast a spell the spell caster must have an implement corresponding the the spells school of magic even their psychic spells. They may spend one Psionic focus from their Psionic focus pool in order to cast a spell without the corresponding implement if it is from the Psychic spells known. Erudite cannot exceed unique spell per day limits but may continue casting spells that they previous cast in the day so long as they have spell slots remaining.
Psionic Implements - The Erudite gains implements at a slightly elevated rate then the Occultist but does not gain as much power from them. They have total amount of implements equal to number on the table. They gain the resonance powers based on the implement chosen. However, they do not gain the base power from the implement but may purchase them as Psionic focus power.
The Erudite must have 1 point or more remaining in his implement pool to cast spells from that implement. The Erudite must have 1 point or more remaining in his Psionic focus pool in order to cast his physic spells.
Implements don’t need to be magic items, and non-magical implements don’t take up a magic item slot even if they’re worn. Implements that are not magic items are often of some historical value or of personal significance to the Erudite, such as the finger bone of a saint, the broken scepter of a long-dead king, the skull of a mentor’s familiar, or the glass eye of an uncanny ancestor.
[Originally on a table, gain 2 implements lv1, and one additional at lv2, 4,6,10,12,14,18 for total 9.]
Psionic Focus power – At 1st level, an Erudite learns the base focus power from both of his two implement schools (see Implements below) and select one more focus power from the list of those available to him through those schools. Erudite may chose from Erudite focus power list or Occultist focus power list.
The Erudite beginning at lv2 gain additional Psionic focus powers at every even level and one additional at lv11. The Erudite can use focus powers only by using focus they invested into corresponding implement.
Unless otherwise noted, the DC for any saving throw against a focus power equals 10 + 1/2 the occultist’s level + the occultist’s Intelligence modifier. The occultist can’t select a focus power more than once. Some focus powers require him to reach a specific occultist level before he can choose them.
Psionic Focus Pool – An Erudite gains a pool of points they can invest into his chosen implements for the day or as Psionic focus, allowing him to utilize a variety of abilities depending on the implements and the amount of focus invested in them.
An Erudite has a number of points of Psionic focus equal to his Erudite level + his Intelligence modifier; these points refresh each day. He can divide this Psionic focus between his implements or Psychic focus pool in any way he desires. If an implement is lost or destroyed, the focus invested in it is lost as well, though the Erudite still refreshes those points of focus normally.
Once Psionic focus is invested inside an implement, the implement gains the resonant power of its implement school, and the Erudite can expend the focus stored in the implement to activate the associated focus powers he knows. If a resonant power grants a bonus that varies based on the amount of focus invested in the implement, the bonus is determined when the focus is invested, and is not reduced or altered by expanding the focus invested in the item. Once all of the Psionic focus in an implement has been expended, it loses its resonant power until Psionic focus is once again invested in the implement. The implements only give resonant power to the Erudite and only when carried by the Erudite.
The Erudite refreshes his mental focus once each day whenever they would gain access to their spells. After refreshing their focus, the Erudite must spend 1 hour preparing his implements and investing them with this power. Focus that is not used before the next time the Erudite refreshes his focus is lost.
Psionic Skill Mastery - The Erudite at lv1 is able to attempt all occult skills unlocks even those they are not trained in and gain the trained bonus just for that use. At lv5 they may use all occult skills 1 extra time during its normal recharge rate. At lv10 they may spend their Psionic focus and 1 point from Psionic focus pool once per day to use occult skill as a full round action.
Psychic Focus - The Erudite may make concentration check DC 10 + class level to become psychically focused as full round action. The Erudite may spend 10 minute to gain focus without concentration check so long as they would normally be able to take 20. When focused the Erudite eyes become glossed over with a swirling occult power while it sheds no light but its clear indicator of magic. While focused the Erudite gains 1/2 half their total invested focus in their Psionic Focus pool on knowledge skills and occult skill unlocks up to half their Erudite level.
Erudite my spend this focus in order reroll a failed concentration check with + 2 bonus as free action. The Erudite must have one point or more remaining in Psionic focus pool to gain Psychic focus. The Erudite may only be focused once at a time.
Psionic Mind lv3 - Choose a disciple, you gain access to that discipline spells and they do not count against unique spells per day. You can only cast these spells if you have Psychic Focus. At lv5 the Erdute gain the disciplines attribute ability modifier as a bonus to their total unique spells per day. At lv12 the Erudite gains addition focus to their pool they may invest with based on the stat for the discipline selected.
Mental Flexibility Lv14 - Whenever they prepare their implements for the day they may change one of their implements or single focus powers to that they are able to take at the level they got it at the cost of losing half their focus for the day. This changes their spells known based on the implement chosen. If they change implement that part of a panoply they lose access to entire panoply until they relearn the implement.
Lv20 Cap stone Collector of the strange or Implement Mastery - As Occultist cap stone.